
On the defeated battlefield, the bodies of Temujin and Ying Zheng fell at the same time.

It was at this moment that the figures of Muhammad and Zoroas also appeared on the battlefield.


Zoroas raised her right hand, and instantly endless meteorites blasted towards Ying Zheng's position.

Temujin still has his breath left, and so must Yingzheng!

"Protect King Qin! Protect King Qin!"

Facing the sky full of meteorites, Wang Jian roared and aroused the spirit of his army!

Qin Zhirui! Great Wei soldier!

Now protecting Yingzheng is Qin Zhirui under Wang Jian's command and the Great Wei soldiers under Li Xin's command!

In the eyes of the Mongolian Qi Xue army, the strength of these two armies has also temporarily increased to the state of the town.

In an instant, two army souls with the strength of the initial stage of the shrine appeared on the battlefield!

The gold-plated blood-colored iron eagle and the soul of Wei Wu blocked all the meteorites in the sky.

Rumble! Rumble!

This is an earth-shattering scene.

In order to resist these meteorites, the soldiers of the two armies were pale and bleeding from the corners of their mouths.

In front of Zoroyas with the strength in the mid-level of the Divine Palace, the army soul with the strength in the initial level of the Divine Palace can only support it!

"King Qin!"

Seeing Yingzheng being attacked, Zhang Han, who was chasing and killing the cowardly Xue Canjun, also rushed back with his army.

"Old Meng! The remaining enemies are handed over to you!"

"I'll go to help King Qin first!"

On the battlefield at this time, there were only about one million Mongolian soldiers left.

Zhang Han gave Meng Ao the results of more than one million battles!

"it is good!"

Meng Ao thanked Zhang Han for his generosity!

"As long as this group of Mongolian cavalry is killed, my martial arts of Qi will become a real middle-level army of killing gods!"

On the battlefield, kill the enemy and upgrade!

His martial art of Qi has no military spirit, so he can only kill more enemies to reflect their value!


Then, when Zhang Han led his army back to Ying Zheng, a huge blood-colored Lishan appeared on the battlefield!

The appearance of Lishan Army Soul finally blocked the meteorites summoned by Zoroas.

"Oh? Struggling before death?"

Seeing that her blow was blocked, Zoroas suddenly became embarrassed.

He is the most powerful main **** of the Persian Empire, but today he failed to kill these ants with one blow?

"Unforgivable crime!"

Let Zoroas lose face, and all the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army will die here today.

"Heavenly fire burns the world!"

This time he took out a red token from his pocket!

It's the torch order!

At the moment when the holy fire order roared out, the raging sky fire began to burn.


In an instant, the three army souls standing above the sky were sizzled by being burned.

The extremely strong power of the military soul is rapidly melting away!

"Block it! Stop it!"

Wang Jian was already bleeding at this time.

He, Li Xin and Zhang Han also took the initiative to rush into the air.

They want to use their own strength to cooperate with the three army souls to resist the raging sky fire!

However, only when they faced the sky fire directly did they feel the heat of the sky fire.

The extremely high temperature melted the battle armor on them before they were completely close.

This is the strongest blow from Zoroas, and it is also Zoroas's strongest killing move to regain her face!

Zizi~zizi! ~

In just a few breaths, Qin Zhirui's blood eagle army soul was completely melted.

The surviving souls of Wei Wu's army and Lishan's army are also crumbling under the power of Tianhuo!

This is the true strength of the gods above the sky.

Just Zoroas, who is in the middle of the palace, can't resist the ordinary soldiers of all countries on the earth and stars.

Soldiers of the Qinzhou Army, who have just entered the Zhen Kingdom, are no match for Zoroas!

At this time, it seems that only the Excalibur Army or the Moshuang Army who have set foot in the middle of the town can resist Zoroas' power, right?

Or maybe, only the strong in the Divine Palace Realm can defeat the strong in the Divine Palace Realm!

"Hahaha, die! Die!"

"What's the use of struggling? It's better to dedicate your life to the deity!"

Zoroas smiled recklessly.

He was originally unwilling to make a move.

But how could he hesitate at the thought of killing Ying Zheng and harvesting a sliver of life energy?

The cultivation of the most powerful can absorb the power of heaven and earth, and gradually increase their own strength.

You can also kill the strongest enemy and absorb the power of the enemy to improve yourself!

The two lead to the same goal by different routes, both to enhance their own strength!

"Huh? An unpalatable thing."

But in a second.

Just when Zoroas believed that she had the chance to win, a huge body appeared on the battlefield.

The black and white hair made the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army who were struggling to support them feel as if they had been pardoned!

"It's the iron-eating beast under His Majesty's command! Your Majesty has come to save us!"

"King Fat Da, bite them to death! Kill them to death!"

"The false gods of the enemy country, die!"

The appearance of Pang Da turned the tide of the battle in an instant.

Panda opened his **** mouth wide, and swallowed Zoroas' sky fire in one gulp!

After swallowing it, it said the word unpalatable with a look of disgust.

"Outrageous! It's impossible to be so outrageous!"

Zoroas was blinded.

He looked at Pang Da in horror, how could he not believe that a panda had eaten his Xeon Strike?


Seeing the chattering Zoroyas, Pang Da patted her with disgust.


Under this claw, even Muhammad flew out.

The two main gods with the strength in the middle of the shrine couldn't stop Pang Da's claws!


Seeing such a scene [La] was also shocked.

He had just arrived with the desert **** kingdom, but he didn't want to see Muhammad and Zoroas being shot flying just after he arrived.

At this time, his eyes met Pang Da's, and the extremely powerful power made him very nervous.

"This is... where does this come from, God?"

[Pull] Sweating profusely, trembling and not daring to move.

He felt the incomparable strength from Pang Da's body. This was the aura he could only feel from the gods above the nine heavens before their desert kingdom came!

"Is there anything delicious there?"

After flying Muhammad and Zoroyas away with one paw, Panda returned to his normal panda size.

It's hungry.

So it was full of hope, hoping that [La] would not let him down.

"Yes! Yes!"

[La] At this time, I can only nod wildly.

"Also invite God to sit in my kingdom of God!"

At this time, he could only follow Pang Da's wishes.

If he disobeyed Pang Da, he couldn't even imagine what the consequences would be.


Pang Da was not polite, and when he heard that there was food, he took the initiative to fly into the desert kingdom with his hala!

For a moment, the entire desert kingdom of God moved.

Countless delicacies started from every corner of Godland, and poured in front of Pang Da in a steady stream.

"Delicious, this is delicious!"

"What is this? It's disgusting, take it away!"

"More! More!"

Under the continuous accumulation of Soon Panda's whole body got into the food.

Not far away, Abinus cautiously asked [La]: "My lord, what should I do?"

Pan Da's appearance disrupted all their plans.

"Go and find Celekite."

At this moment, La had an idea in mind: "Didn't Celek boast that her poison can kill even the Lord God?"

"Let him hide the poison in the food and poison this hateful cat!"

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