After a long time, Chloe finally reacted, and then looked at Bucky in front of him with a slightly complicated look in his eyes, “That… Boss, is this all true? ”

With his insight, he really couldn’t imagine such a picture.

“Chloe, you have to know that the first half of the Four Seas and the Great Voyage is called Paradise, and the second half of the Great Voyage is the world of the strong.”

Bucky patted Chloe’s shoulder and said with a serious look.

“I see.”

After exhaling deeply, Chloe nodded, and his heart was also in awe of the strong.

“So, the Don Quixote family… It’s over. ”

A smug smile appeared on Bucky’s face.

He never thought that his luck would be so good?


“Bucky asked for help?”

After watching Miller hang up the phone worm, Mira asked curiously.

“That’s right, an underground intermediary, there are many capable people in the other party’s organization, so Bucky needs our strength.”

Miller explained.

“Hmph, that guy really hasn’t grown at all.”

Hearing Barrett here, he also snorted coldly, with contempt for Bucky in his words.

“Bucky’s talent is not in strength, he is more, or brain.”

Miller was also objective about Barrett’s assessment, giving Bucky a fair assessment, “And, of course, his luck.” ”


Barrett was speechless all of a sudden.

“I’m not interested in dealing with such small characters.”

Immediately, Barrett refused without hesitation.

In the first half, what can be strong? So it’s better to stay here in the second half.

“I’m going to see Wano Country.”

Barrett spoke his mind.

“Wano Country? Is it occupied by that guy Kaido? Do you want to help Mitsuki Ota? ”

Subconsciously, Miller thought of this possibility.

But after thinking about it, he shook his head again, because Mitsuki Ota joined the Roger Pirates after Barrett left, and the two had no intersection at all, right?

“Mitsuki Ota? Who is it? ”

I saw that Barrett was dazed all of a sudden, and he had never heard of this name at all?


Looking at Barrett’s appearance, Miller knew that he really thought too much.

Immediately, he explained to Barrett the identity of Mitsuki Ota.


In the end, Barrett gave such an assessment, and then, alone, piloted his submarine towards the country of Wano.


Looking at Barrett who left, Miller’s heart also had a little more expectation, I don’t know what kind of situation will become with Barrett’s joining?

“Let’s go, Mira, let’s go to the first half.”

Miller took Mira’s small hand and walked together in the direction of the boat.


Mira’s face showed a happy expression.

The light bulb finally left, and the next thing was the two-person world that belonged to her and Miller.

Ten days later, the first half of the Great Voyage, Sicily.

The famous underworld gathering place is also a place where dragons and snakes mix, and the Don Quixote family, in such a place, is also a famous force, even the strongest force on this island.

Don Quixote family gathering place.

“Those people from the Bucky Chamber of Commerce, how have they reacted lately?”

Doflamingo sat down in his seat, and then asked Diamanti next to him.

“It’s weird.”

Diamanti’s brows were also wrinkled.

“What do you mean?”

Doflamingo became curious.

If you talk about fear, it doesn’t exist at all, some are just curiosity.

After all, with their strength, as long as they do not provoke the navy in the first half, there are several specific kingdom forces, and there is basically no possibility of overturning.

And this Bucky Chamber of Commerce has only been rising for a year, how could he care?

It’s just that they want to play with each other, so they didn’t send the family to kill each other and directly kill each other.

“The other side is mobilizing manpower during this time, but… But it does not mean to want to go to war with us, but to stare at us? ”

Diamanti explained.

“Staring at us?”

Doflamingo was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn’t help but laugh, “Boom, it’s really interesting, what is this trying to do?” ”

“Dover, don’t waste time with each other, right? Directly defeat the opponent, and then swallow the opponent. In this way, we have enough strength to enter the second half of the Great Route? ”

Torebol, who looked strange and disgusting on the side, suggested at this moment.

“Well, then don’t waste time.”

Hearing Doflamingo here, he no longer hesitated and was ready to directly annex the other party’s forces.


However, at this moment, the door of the villa was directly smashed open, and then, Bucky, Chloe, plus Miller and Mira, four people walked in through the broken gate together.


Almost at the same time, after seeing Bucky and the others who walked in arrogantly, everyone present couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, and a trace of doubt appeared in their eyes.

What’s the situation? Their Don Quixote family, this is someone knocked on the door?



“It’s really… Can’t help but laugh?! ”

Doflamingo, who reacted, also became angry all of a sudden.

This has been slapped in the face, so, what else is there to say?

“Up, kill these guys!”

The furious Doflamingo ordered directly.


The little brothers in black suits rushed out at once, holding guns in their hands, and prepared to fire at Bucky and the others.

“Hey, hey, hey!”

Miller, Mila and Bucky, for this scene, it doesn’t matter at all, but Chloe is different.

He is just an ordinary person, so he is still quite nervous in the face of so many muzzles.

“I’ll make a move.”

Mira directly stepped forward and took a step, thinking that so many capable people should be able to let her warm up, right?

“Let’s filter the trash fish first.”

Mira muttered, and then…

“Overlord color domineering!”

Domineering swept the audience!

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