The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 372: Mega Fragment World

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Zhang Yue looked at the full world ring and exclaimed: "These things are really enough for me to use the intermediate true gods."

After leaving the resource world, Zhang Yue dialed Shen Manjin's communication number.

"Brother Zhang, I haven't contacted him for a long time."

Shen Manjin's hearty laughter came from the communicator.

"I just came out, you can help me with something," Zhang Yue said.

"Little Brother Zhang, why are you polite to me? You are also a major shareholder of the Jushi Chamber of Commerce."

"Help me find a world of super large fragments that will be released in the future."

A sentence from Zhang Yue instantly awakened Shen Manjin's spirit. He had heard similar words three times, each of which was a major deed in the development of the Chamber of Commerce.

But then, Shen Manjin recalled, the super-large fragmented world?

"Brother Zhang, are you talking about the super-large fragment world?" Shen Manjin confirmed again.


At this time, Shen Manjin began to worry.

"Brother Zhang, we don't have the kind of instrument that detects the world of super-large fragments in our water blue area."

"This kind of equipment is only available in the capital area, and it seems that there are only two for our entire human race."

"Look, can a large fragmented world work."

After listening to Zhang Yue, he thought of the detection instrument in Chu Feng's hand.

"Oh, I know, even if the world of large fragments, I can't enter."

"You are promoted to a demigod!" Shen Manjin's name changed.

"Boss Shen should call me little brother, it sounds comfortable."

After chatting for a while, Zhang Yue hung up the call.

"It seems that we still have to find Chu Feng."

In the werewolf holy wolf city, Chu Feng, who was bandaging his wound, received Zhang Yue's request for a call.

"Brother Yue, it's been a long time since I saw you. How are you doing? I haven't been promoted to a demigod, and I took my brothers to the King Kong Ape Clan holy city to kill."

Chu Feng's voice was very relaxed. The werewolf tribe's most important force has been strangled by the human tribe, and the rest are the werewolf tribe civilians, and they have all rushed back to their original universe.

The universe server of the werewolf race was dug out by the human race, and now there is only some work in the aftermath, and the battle against the werewolf race is over.

"It's been very good recently. I have been promoted to a demigod. The day before yesterday, I suppressed a family of two true gods." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Haha, I didn't expect Brother Yue to learn to brag." Chu Feng said after drinking a bottle of healing medicine.

"I didn't make a joke to you, I want to ask you, can you come to a compass instrument that explores the fragmented world, can you explore the super large fragmented world?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Yes, some time ago, I also found one near the main city of the werewolf clan, but it is nothing. It is estimated that more than half of the demigods of our human clan will be used to open up wasteland. Maybe a few will fall back."

"Do you have time? Take me there if you have time."

"Brother Yue ordered of course there is time."

"Send me a position and I will find you."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he hung up the call.

Chu Feng looked at the communicator and said doubtfully: "Brother Yue is really promoted to the Demigod. How long will this be, the super-large fragmented world, is Brother Yue going to do it alone?"

The comrade Chu Feng next to him laughed when he heard what Chu Feng said.

"Young Master Feng is talking to the demigod. The super-large broken skin world is a fragmented world that can affect the development of our human race."

"Yes, if our human race hadn't found the awakening fluid in that super-large fragmented world, it is estimated that it would be enough to deal with the werewolf race now, let alone the King Kong ape race." Another comrade in arms said with a smile.

Chu Feng glanced at this group of crude embryos, and didn't care about them.

"From now on, call me Brother Feng, and I will show you the top combat power of our human race."

"Do you know what it is?" Chu Feng said mysteriously. Tell me slightly

"Could it be that mysterious demigod."

At Zhang Yue's request, the killing of 28 demigods from the werewolves and centaur tribes was not announced to the outside world, only that a demigod predecessor of the human tribe made the shot.

Chu Feng nodded proudly, Human Race's first combat power is my elder brother.


Chu Feng instantly became the brightest boy in the barracks, and then Chu Feng's legion received an order from the military headquarters.

Assist the Human Race Councillors to open up the world of super-large fragments.

At the same time, Lu Heng and others who received the news began to feel depressed. Because they are sweeping away in the remaining cities of the werewolf race, it will be impossible for a while.

"It's cheap, this brat."

Outside the Holy Wolf City, a pioneer group of 3,000 people is lined up waiting for the first battle power of the human race.

Everyone is looking forward to it, in the world of heavens, wherever the strong go is the focus.

In the distance, a spacecraft capable of covering the entire Holy Wolf City appeared above everyone not far away.

Zhang Yue's figure appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"Congratulations to the human race's strongest combat power!!"

The neat roars of 3000 people startled Zhang Yue instantly.

"Brother Yue, how about it? It's enough to show up." Chu Feng said with a smile, watching Zhang Yue he began to miss the scene when he was on the battlefield of ten thousand races.

"What do you mean by this formation?"

Zhang Yue looked at Chu Feng and said.

"The battle is over. The brothers of my regiment are stationed here. It's meaningless. Later, I learned that Brother Yue was going to open up a world of super-large fragments, and wanted to follow Brother Yue to have a long experience."

Seeing some fighters whose injuries have not yet recovered, Zhang Yue nodded.

"Want to go with me to open up a large debris world?"


"All right, take me to which super large fragment world."


Zhang Yue directly let everyone board the Yunjian and fly out in the direction Zhang Yue pointed.

A central location out of the primeval forest has now become a small flat square.

Chu Feng took the compass instrument and started to debug the data.

A gate like an ancient city gate appeared in front of everyone, disagreeing with the previous blue fragmented world portal, which was purple.

"This door is very distinctive." Zhang Yue said, looking at the statues on both sides of the portal.

"Generally, there are ancient alien races in this super-large fragment world."

"The chieftain generally has the strength of a true god. This alien race seems to be the ancient dragon and lion clan."

"Double cultivation of law and body is very difficult. In ancient times, it was a strong clan among the first-class races." said the leader next to Chu Feng.

"The dragon and lion clan, I seem to be a little impressed." Zhang Yue looked at and said.

" Yes, where did you see this ancient knowledge?" Chu Feng looked at his head in surprise and said.

"Our human race, as early as six months ago, opened the world of heavens virtual library, I am very interested in the history of alien races, so I will learn more." The head of the group said with a smile.

"Damn, why don't I know." Chu Feng said.

"At that time, you just focused on practicing swords. When did you take care of other things?" The group leader glanced at Chu Feng and said.


This is Zhang Yue looking at everyone and saying, "I'll go in first. After 5 minutes, you are going in."

"If there is a demigod ambush as soon as I enter the field, I am afraid I can't protect you."


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