The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 959: Welcome to the Academy of Azkaban!

Grindelwald, an old Jianghu, has a top-notch control over people's hearts. He easily manipulated Voldemort's mentality. It's so cool to use Anton!

Of course, he didn't have nothing to do to tease Lao Fu on purpose.

Is he such a person?

Whether it is Grindelwald, Dumbledore or Voldemort, there are things they want to do, and so does Anton.

It's just that he doesn't like power and doesn't care about interests, so these elders will always think that he doesn't do business every day.

But just like those who feel that what they do is the "greatest interest", Anton also has his own "greatest interest".

The biggest difference between him and these three is that he doesn't like fighting and killing so much, and cares more about magic.

Magic is not a rootless duckweed, it is not the kind of cosmic avenue outside the ethereal, at least that is the magic in Anton's eyes.

It is closer to life.

On an individual level, magic is the power of the mind. On a collective level, magic is the coming together of hearts.

Such magic should better serve humans and even all intelligent beings.

From a certain level, these people like to divide the crowd and divide the territory, and Anton hopes to expand the territory, such as using more powerful magic to develop the moon and even Mars.

How could magic be such an inconvenience!

Whether it's the Floo, the Portkey, or the transforming 'Apparition' of the Knight Bus, aren't these magics better than the Muggle's 'Wormhole Traversing', which is still in the fantasy stage?

Open the door, hey, I'm on Mars.

Take a step back, hey, I'm back on Earth again.

Open the door, Mom, I'm back to see you!

Take a step back, wow, the natural scenery on the top of the Alps is so spectacular! Hey, this rotten iron tower is just like a bird~

How fun!

How exciting!

Anton could think of too many things.

For example, the simplest magical plant, a very common herb, white moss, can repair broken limbs after being applied!

Why can't the wizards find a way to grow it on a large scale?

Then benefit all human beings!

In Anton's previous life, a classmate had a car accident and one leg was amputated. The gloomy eyes of despair for the future life were so fresh in his memory.

The promotion of any herbal medicine can change the fate of countless people!


Anton has a problem—laziness.

The large-scale planting of white moss requires a lot of technology, the participation of a large number of magical botanists, a large number of practitioners, how to promote, how to teach and use, how to formulate accident prevention, how to establish supply channels, and how to benefit Assignment, how to coordinate the relationship, etc. There are too many troublesome facts that can be imagined!

He doesn't have the kind of noble sentiments that he intends to devote his entire life to such things.

So cabin buddies are extremely important.

Give them a hand, take them to enjoy the more beautiful scenery of the wizarding world, walk into higher mountains, and then let them create and change the world.

Look, everything is in the most comfortable state.

After finally teaching these little friends a little bit of foundation, these big bosses are planning to come and rob people?

Oh, are you kidding me?

Old Deng Laoge is no good, if you forcefully **** it, don't blame him for turning his face and denying others.

Now the core members of the hut have all entered their respective fields, and the new partner members also have their own style.

Well, except for that Crabbe, Anton was so disappointed that he didn't make it into the top 100 players, tsk.

Oh, yes, and that Percy.

This excellent cousin who has the template of Voldemort's youth, but unfortunately he doesn't care about magic at all, which can be regarded as a waste of talent.

Some things were brought from the bottom of his heart and could not be changed at all. It was impossible for Anton to expect to completely change Percy's character with just a few words. That would be too magical.

Anton happily watched the performance of the hut partners in the competition field.

Not to mention the private lessons in the past few months, relying on the training of these people who followed him in the nuclear explosion cycle in New York to deal with various black magic creatures and various emergencies on the battlefield, Cosco has long been unknowingly Extraordinary peers.

All the first 'Magic Duel' were won.

Next, enter the link of competition in their respective areas of expertise.

Of course, some opponents who lost the first battle did not believe in evil, such as a student of Durmstrang who fought against Gower.

This classmate was a batsman for the Quidditch team at the Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and had lived in Hogwarts for a while. (424 chapters)

He couldn't believe that he lost to a fool who only knew how to eat and drink? !

The title of loser is simply the greatest humiliation to him!

Then, the loser of the second round can freely choose the battle option, and he almost asked for another 'spell' competition without thinking!

In the "Wizard Tournament News" introduced the field of expertise that can be registered, a series of branches of magic, such as transfiguration, have been reclassified into the broad category of 'spells'.

In other words, he wanted another 'magic duel'.

Then, the child felt completely hopeless.

No matter what kind of magic he casts that is exquisite and powerful enough to make him frightened, there is almost no way to break through the defense of Goyle's 'Bone Shield Curse'.

Oh, he doesn't know the name of this magic.

He could only enviously watch a translucent silver angel nearly 10 feet tall (three meters) spread its huge wings to wrap around the stupid Goyle.

Then no matter what attack he used, all of them were resisted.

But that's not even the worst.

The most disgusting thing is Gore's attack method.

It turned out to be the floating spell that the first-grade children learned in their first spell class!

As Goyle raised his wand stupidly, with almost no sign of casting a spell, he chanted a spell in an inarticulate voice, "Wingadim Leviosa~"

Then he just floated up like this.

It was an extremely terrifying feeling, as if he was weightless, no matter how much he fluttered in mid-air, he couldn't fall down.

Does this thing have a counter-curse?

Anyway, he was so frustrated that he couldn't think of any good way for a while.

He could only watch Gore walk over clumsily with a blushing face, and pull him out of the dueling ring little by little.

Under the gaze of so many eyes, push away little by little!

don't come here~

He roared hysterically, and then felt the flashes of countless cameras snapping wildly at him.

At this moment, he would rather be hit by a killing curse, lying on the ground and become a dead body, than accept all this.



He even saw Principal Grindelwald looking at him in the stands!

That Grindelwald whom he adores so fervently, look at himself!


Papa, Goyle seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and the wand in his hand nodded on him. Suddenly, he fell from the air and sat on the ground with his buttocks, his eyes were dazed.

"Someone can learn your floating spell?" Grindelwald looked at Goyle in amazement. Anton once brought this child with a problem in his head to find him, saying that he had the talent of a prophet and asked him to give advice. , At that time, he was quite disgusted. He didn't expect this person to be able to do this!

"Quack quack..."

Anton looked apprehensive, "Gol has an extremely clean and pure mind, as well as a yearning for freedom and romance. As long as you dig into the depths of his heart, you can find out what the most suitable magic is for him!"

"I told you, his talent may not be as good as Harry's, but in my hands, his future may not lose to Harry's!"

Grindelwald still felt incredible, turned his head to look at Dumbledore, and Dumbledore shook his head at him with a sigh.

To be honest, Lao Deng never imagined that Anton, an unremarkable student like Gore, would value him so much.

Anton didn't pay attention to Gore at this time, but turned his head and continued to talk to the elder Nicolas in a low voice.

"Have you seen Draco Malfoy's performance? Although he seems to be losing this game, he is very talented in alchemy."

Nicole May nodded with a smile, "He's a very good kid."

"Quack quack..."


"Anna Rozier, George Weisley, Fred Weisley, and Draco Malfoy in our cabin are all talented in alchemy!"

Nicolas narrowed his eyes a bit dullly, and nodded again, "The magic mirror has many traces of goblin craftsmanship. Albus said that Anna Rozier was taught by the goblin Pedro. Wes I have seen all the magic props for pranks, these twins are very spiritual."

"They're all good kids."

"Look..." Anton rubbed his little hands and raised his eyebrows at him, "Do they have a chance to listen to your teachings when you are free?"

Nicole May looked at Anton with a half-smile, and said slowly, "Are you inviting me to teach at the Academy of Azkaban?"


! "

Anton was stunned.

It is said that people become mature with age, and Nicole Lemer, who is more than 800 years old, must be the essence of human beings.

What are you going to do?

To be honest, Anton really didn't think about what Nicolas May would think before, oh, just like many people now think that Grindelwald is a retired bad old man.


"Yes!" Anton looked I think this is an honor for the Academy of Azkaban! "

Nicole May smiled meaningfully, and just said, "I'll think about it."


Anton inexplicably felt an extremely interesting vitality in this old man exuding a smell of rotten wood.

Under the vision of the "Lake of the Soul", it is so unique.

You can't judge people by their appearances!

However, regardless of what Nicole May, the elder, thinks, Anton doesn't seem to be losing money.

He doesn't care about too many things, so many people want to come to his side to get something from him, and Anton has always been magnanimous about this.

come on~

Welcome to the Academy of Azkaban!

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