The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 66: Snape's girly heart

Because of his love for learning, Anton was not isolated by his classmates, but became the most popular person.

The reason is...

Length of homework for each class.

The first-year little wizard class was more relaxed than other grades. There was only one big class (two hours) in the morning. Except for the classes of Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, there would be more than ten minutes of relaxation time in the middle of other classes.

But only there.

There are two large classes in the afternoon and one small class (one hour) in the evening.

From Monday to Friday morning, classes are packed every day, and every class has homework.

Anton really couldn't understand how the little lions had time to go out for a night tour in the middle of the night.

Then he finally understood.

Due to a quarrel with Hermione, Ron had to find Anton and take his homework to copy with his friends.

The friends include Harry, Neville, Seamus and others.

And this is the norm in the school. Except for the hardworking children of Ravenclaw, Anton's homework has been spread through Ron and Draco for almost half a year.

It is conceivable how tragic the theoretical knowledge these little wizards possess will be.

However, it didn't have much impact. The senior twins told Anton that in the final exam of the junior grade, they would only be able to cast spells.

Anton likes every course.

Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration is amazing.

Professor Flitwick's Charms class is amazing.

Professor Sprout's herbal medicine is amazing.


Even Anton loved flying lessons.

He usually goes to the library to borrow books he likes, and when Mrs. Hooch has a problem, he can read most of the books with peace of mind.

It has always been so.

Flying lessons are full of questions from the very first lesson.

Mrs. Hooch said a few words. Neville was lifted into the air by the broom and was injured. Mrs. Hooch's solution was to take Neville to heal herself, and let these eager children stay with the broom.

Then Draco and Harry really flew into the sky.

Tsk tsk.

And just like that, until one day.

The head of Slytherin, Professor Snape, called himself into the office.

"Anthony Weasley." Snape drew a long note.

"You can call me Anton, idol." Anton replied with a smile.

Snape twitched the corners of his mouth, "Stop your stupid name and call me Dean Snape."

"Okay." Anton looked at Snape obediently.

Logically speaking, Snape is now full of Harry Potter and is unlikely to pay attention to himself.

At this time, Snape was obviously a little anxious, completely lost his usual composure, and walked around the desk.

Finally, he stopped, turned his head and looked over, the long greasy hair on his head shook.

"Ha~ Rui... BUT! It's obviously illegal to be chosen by McGonagall as the Quidditch Seeker. We would never let a first-year student do such a thing."

Anton nodded, "I've heard that Professor McGonagall brought Harry Potter to Headmaster Dumbledore to obtain a charter, and bought Harry a Nimbus 2000 at his own expense, wow, That performance is really good."

The more Anton spoke, the darker Snape's face became.

"Obviously, Harry Potter has a talent beyond ordinary people..."

Snape growled, "Shut up!"

An Dong looked helplessly at his dean, spread his hands, "..."

The two stared at each other, Snape's expression changed, as if he thought of something very unpleasant, and finally he gritted his teeth and said word by word, "We Slater can't lose Quidditch, this belongs to our academy. Glory!"

Is it really? Idol?

Anton smiled and said nothing.

"I have seen your flying skills." Snape stared at Anton coldly, "You are obviously very gifted when you use your wand to cast spells while riding the broom."

"???" Anton looked blank, yes, at that time he cast the Iron Armor Curse on Lupin and attacked Snape, but it's been almost a year, isn't he so vengeful?

"You go to Quidditch and be a Seeker!" Snape waved his hand and made a decision!

Anton couldn't believe his ears. Looking at Snape was like looking at a strange flower, "Aren't you joking?"

Snape stared at Anton with those iceberg-like eyes, "Do you have an opinion?"

"I reject!"

Anton's answer was very straightforward.

"I hate Quidditch, it's the dumbest game I've ever seen."

Just kidding, he can drive a motorcycle, it doesn't mean he is going to race.

To race on this unprotected, airplane-like stick?

What is this game?

This is life-threatening!

Anton came to study, not to play a game with his life!

Snape's head was simply hilarious.

Anton said he couldn't understand.

Snape was obviously angry, his index finger was stretched straight, he pointed out the door, and roared, "Get out!"

Well, his dean was angry, Anton could only helplessly explain, "Looking at your expression, you feel the same way, don't you?"

"Ha!" Snape let out a strange and inexplicable laugh, pushed the door and walked out.

There is a kind of momentum that you won't go, I'll go.

Oh, the wicked Snape could only lose his temper at best, what else could he do? Deduct his college points? If so, it would be very interesting.

Just then, there was a 'squeak' from the shelf in the corner of Snape's office.

Anton raised his eyebrows and walked over curiously.

A fluffy pink animal with big eyes and a pink beak like a bird.

Looks a bit like a 'Changing Wind Bird' or 'Angry Birds'.

Tsk tsk tsk, Snape's girlish heart?

This fat bird with pink feathers seems to have a stone stuck in its throat, and has been making pitiful crow-like hoarse calls and sneezing from time to time.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a heavy knock on the door, "Professor Snape, are you there?"

Then, a huge figure walked in from the opened door, "I heard that you got a Yalong species, this is so interesting, it can let me see... Hey, where did I seem to have seen you? "

Anton looked at him with a smile, "Hagrid."

"My name is Anthony Weasley, you can call me Anton."

"Weasley?" Hagrid looked strange. Recently, the Weasley twins returned from school, and the Forbidden Forest became a little more lively.

He patted his head violently, "I remember, at the Leaky Cauldron, you sold Professor Snape a strange brain."

Anton nodded, "Long time no see."

Hagrid rubbed his hands excitedly, "I remember you told me at the time that you wanted to write to me and introduce some furry cuties. I never waited for your owl."

"Yeah..." Anton also sighed, "a lot of things happened, and then I lived with Lupin."

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