The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 21: : Make an electric fan? Confused Li Yuan!

"Crack, click!"

What Li Chengfeng cut was a joy.

But thinking that he would soon have an electric fan to blow, Li Chengfeng felt very happy.

Eunuch Wu just stood by Li Chengfeng's side.

Eunuch Wu asked suspiciously, "Eighth Prince, what are you doing?"

"I'm chipping wood!"

"This? Let the slave cut it for you?"

"No need, you don't know how to chip. If you chip my board, it will be a waste of time and wood!"

"Then, all right! Then, what can I do for you, Eighth Prince?"

"You don't have to do anything, just fan me here!"

"Good Eighth Prince!"

So, Eunuch Wu stood beside Li Chengfeng respectfully, watching Li Chengfeng cut the wood with a knife.

In the eyes of Eunuch Wu, what Li Chengfeng did was purely for children's playfulness.

The eighth prince probably wants to get some wooden knives out to play, right?

However, Eunuch Wu didn't know that Li Chengfeng was actually making the leaves of an electric fan.

"Crack, click..."

Li Chengfeng was peeling, and an old man suddenly walked in at the gate of the Prince Zhen's mansion.

I saw the old man with an unshaven beard, with his hands behind his back, walking towards Li Chengfeng waddlingly.

When Eunuch Wu saw the old man, his expression panicked.

Eunuch Wu immediately stepped out of the hall and went up to meet the old man.

"Your Majesty, you are welcome to come to Zhenwang Mansion as a guest!"

"Hush, Eunuch Wu, don't call me the Supreme Emperor, just call me the old man in front of the Eighth Prince! At least I don't want to expose my identity as Li Yuan in front of my grandson, you know?"

"This, okay, the emperor?"

"Huh? Say it again?" Li Yuan rolled his eyes.

"Alright, alright old sir!" Eunuch Wu immediately changed his words.

Li Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

As an old gentleman, I get along very well with the Eighth Prince, and there is no sense of estrangement.

He didn't want to be like other princes, when he saw him, he would kneel down and call grandpa, making it impossible for Li Yuan to get close to or talk to them.

Because they are all stiff.

Only the eighth prince could speak freely beside him, which made Li Yuan feel very comfortable.

This feeling of no barrier is the real way for grandpa and grandson to get along with each other!

"Crack, click..."

Li Chengfeng continued to cut the wood.

Li Yuan took a look, then asked Eunuch Wu, "Eunuch Wu, what is the Eighth Prince doing?"

"He, he's chipping a board with a knife!"

"Oh? Cutting boards? Is it too boring to be idle?"

So Li Yuan strode into the hall of Prince Zhen's Mansion and walked towards Li Chengfeng.

In fact, Eunuch Wu already knew that the Eighth Prince already knew the identity of this old gentleman, that he was the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan.

However, Li Yuan didn't know it.

She thought that she concealed her identity well, and that she could chat freely with the Eighth Prince.

At this moment, Li Yuan's thoughts are on the second floor, but Li Chengfeng's thoughts are already on the fifth floor.

"Hey, Eighth Prince, it's hot weather, are you cutting wood here? Are you so leisurely?"

Li Yuan looked at Li Chengfeng with a smile.

Li Chengfeng raised his head, grinned, and said, "Grandpa, are you here?"

"Yes, I'm here! It just so happens that the old man is free today, so I came here to learn chess from the Eighth Prince!"

Li Yuan stroked his beard.

Eunuch Wu brought a stool for Li Yuan to sit on.

Li Yuan said: "Come on, eighth prince, you have accepted the old man's 10,000 gold, then you have to travel your promise! Come on, how about we play chess now? It just so happens that the old man wants to learn the move of hindsight today." , you have to teach me! Hahaha..."

Li Yuan laughed out loud.

However, Li Chengfeng frowned and said, "I'm sorry, grandpa, I'm afraid I won't have time to teach you how to play chess these days!"

"Oh? Why? You took ten thousand gold from me, so you can't go back on your word and say no more!"

"No, I'll teach you how to play chess, but I'm not free right now, don't you see, am I busy?"

"Crack, click..."

So, Li Chengfeng continued to cut the boards again, without giving Li Yuan any face.

Li Chengfeng thought to himself, you deliberately pretended that I didn't know you, so since you don't call me grandson, I don't need to give you face!

Li Yuan smiled, but he didn't care!

Li Yuan took a closer look, and there was a thin black line on the small wooden board.

The shape drawn by the black line is like a curved blade.

Li Yuan frowned, and said, "Eighth Prince, are you sharpening your knives? If you want to use big knives, this old man will find some good knives for you. Why bother to make wooden knives yourself?"

"Oh, I'm not sharpening a knife! I'm sharpening the blades of an electric fan?"

"Fan leaves? What's that?"

"This, it's too troublesome to explain to you! Anyway, you don't understand!"

Li Chengfeng shook his head, and turned to focus on peeling the wooden board in his hand.

Li Yuan was immediately interested.

Electric fan leaves? Li Yuan had never heard of this new vocabulary.

So Li Yuan also watched curiously as Li Chengfeng was cutting a board beside him.

Li Yuan continued to ask: "Eighth Prince, what is the use of this so-called electric fan leaf?"

Li Chengfeng explained: "The blades of the electric use electricity to generate the rotating force, thereby driving the blades of the electric fan to rotate! When the blades rotate, they can drive the airflow in the air, thus emitting a steady stream of cool wind! In this way, I don’t have to be afraid of the scorching heat! And as long as the power is on, my electric fan will not stop, so I can spend this hot summer coolly?”

"What? This, electricity, electric fans, and continuous blowing?"

After Li Chengfeng finished speaking, Li Yuan suddenly lost his mind.

Li Yuan understood the meaning of every word Li Chengfeng said.

But why when they formed together, Li Yuan felt that this person was talking from heaven?

Li Yuan couldn't understand a single word, the only thing he understood was that what Li Chengfeng was doing now, he would be able to blow him away continuously in the future!

But these are just two battered willow planks? Can willow boards be blown?

Li Yuan couldn't help but suddenly became curious!

And Li Chengfeng continued: "However, Grandpa, it is still a long time before we can make an electric fan that can blow air! Let alone whether the electric fan can be made, but just where to get the power supply is enough to give me a headache Yes! But I still have a way, hehe!"

Li Chengfeng smiled slyly, while Li Yuan pouted his beard and looked at the wooden board in Li Chengfeng's hand with an unclear face.

He was still thinking, just this thing, can it be blown out?

But it's been a long time since I saw you.

So, one of Li Yuan's two deep eyes stared at the wooden board in Li Chengfeng's hand.

He just watched like this, watching when Li Chengfeng will be able to make that electric fan that can blow air!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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