The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2725: Letter of Louis XIV

For the Nanhua Navy, reaching Europe is the real testing ground for the navy!

Previously in Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, the Nanhua Navy took advantage of the right time, place, and harmony, and the European whites were completely defeated, and had to give up Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean.

When the main force of the Nanhua Navy entered the Mediterranean, after three Mediterranean sea battles, the Nanhua Navy withstood a severe test, and sometimes it was even in danger of being defeated.

But compared with the naval battles in the Atlantic Ocean, the battlefield of the Mediterranean sea battle is really "gentle"!

After occupying the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, the South China Navy has an overwhelming advantage over the European white skins in terms of fleet size, sailor training and morale, and armament advantages.

It's a pity that naval battles are not just talking on paper. It's not that everyone can win by pulling out their strength, but it depends on the wind to eat. Fighting on the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean has more say!

After two months of refurbishment, the French fleet regained its vitality and all the bad parts were repaired. The overjoyed Louis XIV ordered the French fleet to attack again. This time he wanted the fleet to go directly to England and teach those who The pagans of the East and the Protestants who turned away from God.

"Kill England, bombard their cities, sink their fleets, and send them all to hell!" In the Palace of Versailles, Louis XIV said viciously.

The king's thoughts are unpredictable. In his opinion, the loss of three battleships is nothing, and it is not hesitating to lose a few more battleships to achieve the result of sinking the heathen fleet. The reason why he failed to achieve greater results is that That's because the French naval officers and soldiers are afraid of war!

His mentality is actually very bad. Before the war, he thought that we could fight, but after the war, he thought that if we worked harder, we would win.

In addition, the piracy of the Nanhua Navy greatly angered him. As the most powerful navy in the world, the Nanhua Navy has never acted so openly. They are pirates in their bones, except for sending battleships. In addition, they also blocked the sea area, robbed French merchant ships, and sent marines (licensed pirates?) to land to plunder the French population, sold God's men as slaves, and the women took back their homes. They robbed supplies everywhere, which is disgusting !

In order to emphasize his will, Louis XIV ignored the strength of the pagan fleet. Before preparing for a new battle, the proud Sun King issued a card to his admiral, "It is necessary to destroy the pagan fleet at sea." Cultist Fleet".

"My lord, I will definitely carry out your orders to the letter and send all the enemies to hell!" Admiral Jean d'Estret said slavishly, he did not dare to raise any objections, holding The handbook of the Sun King, he always kept this handbook in his pocket before sailing.

"This time you use the 'Emperor Sun' as your flagship, and in my name, destroy them all!" Louis XIV approved the use of the first-class battleship "Emperor Sun", which is the backbone of the French fleet and has 28 ships. 36-pounders, 30 18-pounders, 28 12-pounders and 20 6-pounders, and 4 4-pounders, a total of 110 guns, cannot be used without the king's consent.

Admiral Jean d'Estret returned to Brest, summoned all senior officers to his new flagship "Emperor Sun" for a military council, and asked them "whether to attack the British coast with the enemy fleet. Regarding the issue of "active attack", almost everyone believes that they should not take the initiative to attack the British coast, but should stay on the French coastline. In case of failure in the battle, they can hide in the cover of the French coastal artillery to repel the enemy fleet. In the worst case, they can also run aground on their own coast, and everyone can escape.

Needless to say, Lieutenant General Abraham Duquesne, these professional naval officers, even the most optimistic commander of the guard, Earl Ernie, believed that we should rely on the French coastline to fight.

At this time, Admiral Jean de Estre took out Louis XIV's letter from his pocket and showed them to them, asking them to obey his order and march to the British coast, and take the initiative to attack the South China Fleet!

Seeing that the admiral had the king's letter, none of the French generals dared to question the order to attack the South China Fleet.

So Admiral Jean d'Estret arranged the forward, center and rear guards, and planned to use eight first-class battleships and a total of eighty battleships to further increase the number of French fleets. fleet!

"Under the leadership of His Majesty the King, and with the protection of God, we shall prevail!" Admiral Jean d'Estere shouted.

"We will win!" All the officers shouted unanimously, but their spirits were slightly lacking.

After the senior officers took their leave and left, leaving only the three squadron commanders, Lieutenant General Abraham Duquesne said angrily: "My lord, if we attack Britain according to the king's will, we will encounter a powerful enemy attack! "

The generals knew very well that the strength of the Nanhua Fleet was more than last time. If the French increased their troops, the Chinese would also increase their troops. When the French entered the British waters and lost their geographical advantage, they might face great difficulties.

"I know!" Admiral Jean d'Estret said in a deep voice, "But if I don't agree to fight, I will be dismissed!"

He was so frank that Lieutenant General Abraham Duquena had nothing to say.

"There are all kinds of people around the king. They think that the Chinese are nothing more than that, and the French navy is very powerful. With the blessing of God, the French fleet will be invincible!" Jean d'Estere Navy A sarcastic smile appeared on the general's face and said: "They convinced the king that with faith, you will be invincible, and defeating heretics is easy!"

He and Lieutenant General Abraham Duquesne looked at each other, and really couldn't refute such words!

Religion has a great effect on the country and the army, but it also brings many problems. You cannot object to such words, otherwise it is blasphemy!

If the previous generals were blindly optimistic, after fighting a big war, they have a deep understanding of the strength of the they are cautious about launching a big war.

On the contrary, the confidence of the king and nobles in the Palace of Versailles rose suddenly. The admiral said it was the meaning of the nobles, but it was actually the attitude of the king, who dared to disobey the king's will.

Not only that, but also take the initiative to attack. If you are afraid of war, the king's eyes and ears in the fleet will report to the king, and everyone can't eat it!

In this way, the French fleet added the "Royal Sun" and the "Crown Prince" to dispatch together, and the fleet sailed to the British coast on a large scale!

The first-class battleship 'Emperor Soleil', the leader of the French navy, with its resplendent and magnificent hull, seemed to be carrying a halo, which greatly encouraged the morale of the French and greatly enhanced their confidence in winning.

When the South China Fleet stationed in the UK knew that the French were moving north along the British coast and striking targets along the British coast, they were all surprised: "The French, who have taken the lead, are so aggressive this time?"

The Frenchman is more than a breed, he is so courageous. When the Nanhua Fleet and the French Fleet went to war, the French Fleet dared to fight for the upper hand!


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