The Great Conqueror

Chapter 100: Distinct rewards and penalties

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"Dear Her Majesty, The hymns are very important, and we really need to be careful, but I believe in the power of the war songs. The situation of the people of Jerusalem is an undisputed fact. The times are advancing, but the people ’s Belief is decreasing. I may offend many people when I say this, but I have to say that it takes courage to reform. I personally think that we should promote the hymn. "

Said Subaru.

"Hehe, courage, some people have been too comfortable these years, I'm afraid it's long gone, don't be afraid to offend people, we are believers in the beast god!"

His Majesty, Lord Subaru said yes, but the content of the battle song of faith is not clear enough. If it is to be a hymn, it is best to make a detailed change. "

"Yes, Your Majesty, there is no mention of His Majesty's glory, which is wrong."

Subaru is also stupefied. Will these **** die if they don't choose something?

"Subaru, what do you think?" The pope asked, his expression did not change much, but Subaru was not sure whether the pope's heart would care.

"Your Majesty, the battle song is fixed. If you change it, it will disrupt the order of the uprisings. I have a compromise."

"Oh, tell me?"

"I think this war song can be positioned as the second hymn. Now the regional cities are trying it out and see the effect. Your Majesty will personally name and characterize this war song!"

What kind of Subaru is, it was also practiced. A single shot of the carbine returned immediately. The second hymn was released in the regional city. It was issued directly by the pope. When the main priests in each city received it, it was naturally a pope's order. It is not a direct beast **** order, so the battle song has something to do with the Pope. In the future history, it is also how the Pope boldly innovates.

"That's a good idea, just do it!" Benedict XV, Long Yan Dayue, did not give other people a chance to object.

If the hymn is positioned directly, it has nothing to do with his pope, but the second-level temple prays for the song of war and takes the pope's credit into account. There is an additional process. When the future becomes a hymn, the pope himself Take a credit.

Others have decided that the pope ’s intentions have been resolved, and they can only start to make flattery. Here are all the old field sticks.

"This Arthur is really a personal talent. He has been doing such a great thing continuously for less than six months as a priest, with clear rewards and penalties. Everyone talks about how I want to reward him."

His Majesty the Pope was satisfied and began to discuss rewards.

"His Majesty, Arthur is still a trainee priest. Although he has not been a trainee priest for a short time, but through the two major events of soul carving and faith war songs, it is enough to prove his loyalty and dedication to the beast god. How does he become an official priest? "

Subaru spoke.

Suddenly the other shaman's face changed suddenly. The apprentice priest who was less than half a year was immediately promoted to the priest.

Benedict XV also laughed, "The Beer people are loyal by nature, and this Arthur is particularly prominent. His selfless contribution to the engraving method shows that rich and rich cannot be prostitution, excellent quality, and face the pressure of professional guilds. Defending the dignity of the temple demonstrates courage. This time, he has created such an excellent war song, which proves his piety. Such a young man is a pillar. "

The Pope ordered three things, especially the second one. In fact, I told everyone here that Lao Tzu was very satisfied with the handling of the matter, and it was cool. Lao Tzu praised everyone who could win.

No matter how much you say, it is qualitative.

But the other shamans and the priests present were extremely ugly, but even if the pope was upset, some things had to be said.

"Your Majesty, absolutely, even if it is the credit of Heaven, the earliest in history must be one year. In the past fifty years, no less than five years. Of course, Arthur's credit is great, but because he People break the rules, it's hard to convince. "

"Yes, Your Majesty, the system is important. I think Arthur would be guilty of breaking the rules for Arthur alone."

Someone took the lead and immediately persuaded a group of old priests.

Subaru is dying, this shameless group is purely jealous, guilty, guilty of a ghost.

The sentiment was extremely intense, and Benedict XV was not very easy to handle. He was also excited just now, but he was upset when faced by such people in front of him.

"This wo n’t work, that wo n’t work, what do you say, do n’t tell me just leave it alone, who will trust the Holy See in the future!”

His Majesty, "My Majesty, I think it would be nice to reward Arthur the Trainee Priest with some gold coins."

Said the shaman of the sacred light province.

Everyone knew that it was going to be bad just after they said it. This old guy is so confused, where is the pot not to mention the pot, so much credit, the reward is less shameful, the reward is much, Lord Pope likes gold coins the most. Well.

"Play the piano, do you want to insult the purity of the hymn with money!"

His Majesty is right. For a young man, money is his thing. What he needs is recognition, the correctness of his behavior, and glory is his greatest affirmation. "

Said Subaru hastily.

Everyone cried that they would suffer ~ ~ Sure enough, Benedict XV smiled, "You still understand Subaru's reason, this child has received the Medal of Honor of the Beast God. The rewards and punishments are clear, and the hearts of the priests must not be chilled. I think it is the Medal of the Golden Thorns. "

He originally didn't plan to bring it out, but this group of old guys always wanted to sing against the show, when he was a display.

"His Majesty!"

Subaru quickly settled the matter, and the others looked at each other. At this time, they were opposed, that is, they could not live with the pope.

哈 "Haha, I want to tell all the people that as long as they work for the Holy See and for the beast god, they will receive the due rewards, and Subaru will get things done."

"I follow His Teachings."

"I follow His Teachings."

Suddenly all the priests saluted together.

"Subaru, you don't have a great red priest in your province."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Hurry up the selection process, and remember, to become the great priest in red, not only must you have enough prestige, but also the sincerity to the beast **** is important, understand?"

Benedict XV said lightly.

"Your Majesty is relieved."

Subaru bowed his head respectfully, and of course he understood that the pope told him that money was the most important thing, and that money was useless.

This is really cunning, all good things are taken up by oneself.

The guild dispute incident and the hymn incident came to an end.

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