"The strength of the crowd?"

In The Underworld, Chu Hao sat in the Devil King's office, reminiscing about what had just happened.

"Damon's so-called gift is really not bad!"

To be honest, the blow that the devil knights exploded just now really brought him a lot of surprises!

Because he did not expect that Damon actually used the characteristics of himself and the devil to show the specific results of the sea of ​​​​mind anti-ascension experiment in front of own!

A whole thousand legendary knights successfully became a collective in a short period of time after they started to gather the power of the crowd.

Eventually, their strength began to gain enormously.

Its increase was so great that it even reached the peak of the spiritual level at the last moment, infinitely close to the level of the gods.

Although their strength with the gods is still far from the last and most important stage.

But they do get infinitely close to that!

It can be confirmed from the shattered power of the Abyss Witch Angus Gale.

Power comes from the rules, and only gods can break the rules!

This is the most surprising point of Chu Hao.

You must know that this experiment of reverse ascension of the sea of ​​​​mind has completely failed!

Because the aspects involved in this experiment are really beyond the comprehension of ordinary things.

That is the ultimate creation of the sea of ​​mind and the mind and soul, an ultimate experiment that brings together everything in life.

Chu Hao did not expect that the experiment that he originally characterized as difficult would actually allow Dimon to take the lead in coming up with results.

All beginnings are hard.

As long as any experiment has initial results, it will be easier to continue in depth.

Therefore, following the results and steps of Dimon's experiment, Chu Hao can use his own strong knowledge to completely improve the experiment of anti-ascension in the sea of ​​​​mind!

After thinking of this, Chu Hao couldn't help but nodded and said silently in his heart.

"Damon did a good job this time and deserves a reward."

"After the bloody battle is over, I'll ask him what he wants."

However, before Chu Hao could finish speaking, he immediately frowned.

But the frown didn't last long, and Chu Hao showed a wry smile.

He looked at the bloody battlefield, and for a while he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Daimon, Damon, you, the devil king, are really good at deception!"

"I didn't think you've been doing it for a long time, but it's just one"

"Semi-finished product!"


On the bloody battlefield.

Under the watchful eyes of Chu Hao, the attack of the devil clan continues!

After stepping through the gates of The Underworld, crushing all enemies standing in your way.

All the Devils present are very clear.

These terrifying devil knights, with their dark heavy armor and spears in their hands, are still thirsting for blood.

This can be clearly perceived from the illusion of the Devil King that they exude after they are united!

"Turn around" the will of Devil King Damon, passed on to the ears of the thousand legendary knights.

Then, the direction of this terrifying knight order's attack was reversed.

In this process, they are as neat as a person!

And there's more to the devils than that


At the other end of the Devil's cavalry regiment, at the end of Devil's attack direction, the door of The Underworld reopened.

In the scarlet scarlet gate of The Underworld, the devils armed to the teeth walked out of it with neat steps.

Unlike the previous devils who mainly relied on commanding the slave army to fight, this group is the real elite of the devil family.

Pure blood devil army.

These two terrifying legions, one after the other, surrounded the Devils of the entire Bloody Battle Plane.

At the gate of the abyss where Devil descended, the devil cavalry regiment was surrounded by water.

And the gate of The Underworld in the distance is the devil's elite battle group

They will have nowhere to run!

The opposition between madness and order, this time, order temporarily prevailed.

The devils, with their forbearance and sacrifice in the early stage, completely deceived the Devils.


The voice of the Devil King came from the side of the devil heavy cavalry, resounding throughout the bloody battle plane!

In the next instant, the cavalry riding the dragon-blooded beasts immediately launched a charge towards the Devils.

Countless silver-white sharp spearheads, along with the rapidity of the cavalry charge, issued a terrifying cry.

For a time, many little Devils fled one after another, for fear of being affected by their attacks.

These Devil derivatives with inferior bloodlines and despicable characters are the first batch of Devils to lose their courage.

The rest of the native Devils, while slaughtering this group of little Devils, raised their weapons and prepared to resist the attack of these devil cavalry.

The flesh and blood, facing the cavalry, and also the legendary cavalry, this is obviously going to suffer.


Seeing this scene behind the scenes, Prince Devil's eyes immediately turned red.

With a roar, he was about to support the battlefield.

But at this time, the body of the Devil King, Damon, was entangled in him.

Although Dimon's hard power in combat is slightly weaker than Fabu.

But to hold the other party down, he can still do it.

Not to mention the Devil Prince, he could only watch the devil knights below, hard-teaming his own army from the rear.

That was his own private army, his blood and blood!

But at this time, including the Devil Prince Fabu, many Devils with high enough strength discovered the abnormality of those devil knights.

Those demons who behave in the same way and are as terrifying as machines, their movements seem to be deformed?

That's right, it's not just that one devil's movements are deformed, but many devils can no longer maintain their previous state.

A whole thousand legendary devil knights instantly split from an inseparable collective column into four or five smaller teams.

Then, these four or five teams started their own killings before many Devils could react.

After these cunning devils picked their own targets, they passed through the Devil army directly.

And wherever they passed, what was left was Devil's corpse.

Then, this group of exhausted knights quickly fled back to the gate of The Underworld for supplies at a speed that Devil couldn't match.

There were even quite a few dragon blood mounts that collapsed to the ground after the demons dismounted.

They, in the previous blow, had already exerted their energy to the fullest.

They are strong, but only one hit!

The second wave of charges before was just a pretense, to scare these Devils who were shocked by their momentum and let them go into chaos!

Their real goal is to collect tolls when they "flee".

The devil is the creature that is best at deceit in the abyss!

Sometimes they even dare to fool the gods!


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