The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 850: Fang. Good at digging corners. Feeling

Fang Jue looked at the white boy a little familiar, remembering the video he just watched, and suddenly realized:

"Ah, David Belmandy, it's you."

"Yes, yes, right! Mr. Fang Jue, it's me! So you remember me!" David Belmandy almost jumped up happily, and the whole person quickly went from a state of panic and nervousness into a **** one. State, said excitedly.

"I heard that you entered the youth echelon of Ibiza, and you performed well." Fang Jue said with a smile.

Just now a few people talked about little Belmandy, this little guy has the nickname "Little Farreco" in the Ibiza youth academy.

Ibiza has now stabilized in the middle of La Liga, luckily able to reach the top six in the league.

Farreco is now the deputy of Ibiza and the most popular leader of the team. The young Belmandy can have such a nickname, and the evaluation is not low.

Traore looked at Little Bellmandy with envy. It turned out that what this guy said was true. He really knew Coach Fang Jue. It seemed that the relationship was really good.

Traore hurriedly sorted his clothes and looked at Fang Jue with hopeful eyes, hoping that he could make a good impression on Fang Jue.

"This is your friend?" Fang Jue asked with a smile.

"Yes, my good friend Adama Traore." David Bermandy introduced, "Traore is a Barcelona u16 player."

"Mr. Fang Jue, I am Adama Traore. I admire you very much. In my opinion, you are the best coach." Traore said excitedly.

"Are you still good at Guardiola?" Fang Jue asked with a smile.


Fang Jue laughed.

"Let's go, talk while walking."


Back to the hotel where the team stayed.

From the mouth of young Belmandy, Fang Jue has a clearer understanding of the current situation of Ibiza, especially the situation of Ibiza's youth training.

Fatty Li is really good at it.

He attaches great importance to the club’s youth training, and Ibiza’s youth echelon's performance in the Spanish youth league is quite good.

David Belmandy is the leader of the u15 youth echelon.

In addition, there is also news that surprised Fang Jue. Zhong Dahua’s son Zhong Xiaoming is also in the youth echelon of Ibiza, and Zhong Xiaoming and Little Bell Mandy are roommates and good partners.

In addition, Adama Traore, Little Bellmandy's little friend, also attracted Fang Jue's (system) attention (remind).

This is a little African-American guy with very good physical fitness.

"Phil, you arrange someone to pay attention to Adama Traore of the Barcelona u16 youth team." Fang Jue directly called the team's youth training director Phil Shakespeare.

"Okay, boss." Shakespeare said, "do you mean long-term attention or..."

"Sign him!" Fang Jue directly issued the order. The system's rating of Traore was pale gold (lower limit), and the upper limit was unknown.

For a sixteen-year-old young man, this shows that he is a player who has been fully recognized by the system.

"Understood, boss!"


Tomorrow is the first leg of the Champions League quarter-final match between Barcelona and Aston Villa.

The Catalan media has reached a peak in a storm of public opinion hyping "revenge".

No Barcelona fan will forget that in last year's Champions League final, at the New Wembley Stadium, Barcelona lost three to five to Aston Villa, passing by the top of Europe.

You know, before the final, Barcelona up and down were very confident of the team's victory, and they did not take the Champions League dark horse Aston Villa in their eyes.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

After losing the final, the entire Catalonia can be said to be full of grief.

The psychological trauma caused by that defeat to Barcelona fans has not healed until now.

How can it be cured?

Only revenge succeeds!

At the press conference before the match with Barcelona, ​​Fang Jue did not evade the topic of ‘revenge’ by Barcelona.

"I am more willing to understand'revenge' as a desire for victory. This is a good phenomenon." Fang Jue said with a smile.

"This means the game will be very exciting."

"Of course, I am very confident in myself and the team."

"Worry? No, no, no, it is Guardiola who should be worried. Facing him, my record table makes me confident."

Fang Jue's face was full of smiles and his self-confidence was overflowing. After being widely spread by the media, it attracted dissatisfaction and discussion from the Catalan media and fans.

Faced with these discussions and criticisms, Fang Jue ignored them at all.

His words are indeed a bit arrogant, he did it on purpose.

He expresses his trust in his players in this way. Fang Jue is the captain of Aston Villa. His words and deeds, his confidence or panic directly affect the players.

Aston Villa's current lineup is uneven and is not favored by the media. In this case, Fang Jue must tell his disciples in words and deeds:

Don't pay attention to outside voices, I am very, very confident in everyone!


Subsequently, the pre-match press conference in Barcelona.

Guardiola's mood is still quite good.

After repeated verifications by Barcelona's ‘intelligence team’, it has been confirmed that Senderos is indeed suffering from a complicated injury and that this game is definitely not going to be played.

At this time, a reporter from England raised his hand and asked: "Mr. Guardiola, Mr. Fang Jue said that you have never beaten him, which makes him very confident in this game. What do you think of this?"

What do you think? I want to kill someone!

Guardiola's face also became a little ugly.

"I never care about that kind of boring record. The game is played. It is not determined by looking at the past records." Guardiola said, "I am very confident about tomorrow's game."

After a pause, Guardiola emphasized it again, "I am very, very confident."

Fang Jue's irony: If you really have confidence, that's it in your heart. There is no need to say it. All you say are not confident, and you embolden yourself.

Guardiola: Wait, see tomorrow's game I will cry you.

Fang Jue: Come, come, don't cry, don't give money!


On the evening of March 28, Barcelona, ​​the Camp Nou stadium was brightly lit and full of voices.

/ The focus of the Champions League quarter-finals of the season, the defending champion Aston Villa away against the defending runner-up Barcelona is about to start here.

Aston Villa fans who came from Birmingham entered the stadium under the **** (supervised) of local Barcelona security emotional Barcelona fans shouted slogans, acted and provoked at them. .

Aston Villa fans are naturally unwilling to show their weakness. Aston Villa fans have played a 5 to 3 banner, which almost caused a large-scale conflict between the two sides.

The Barcelona security personnel responsible for the security of this game are facing the enemy.

The reputation of England fans is not good.

Aston Villa and Barcelona, ​​the two teams had a grievance for the Champions League final last season, and the head coach Fang Jue and Guardiola's war of words before the match, it can be said that the atmosphere is already very tense. Just a few sparks, you can ignite this fire demon barrel (not a typo).


David Belmandy was ‘forced’ to wear a Barcelona jersey and followed Adama Traore to the stands where the tickets for the various echelons of La Masia were located.

This position can only be said to be relatively general, after all, free tickets can not have a good position.

"Hello, I'm Andre Onana, Adama's good buddy." Cameroon goalkeeper Onana took the initiative to greet young Belmandi.

"Andre, isn't your ticket sold to us?" Traore asked in surprise.

"Yes." Onana said, "then I spent one-third of the money and bought one from Jr. Fati."

Ansuman Fati is a ten-year-old child who just joined La Masia. The child was lucky enough to be allocated a ticket and sold it to Onana.

Little Belmandy and Traore looked at each other: Lost! I didn't expect this guy to be better than them in business.

At this moment, huge cheers rang out from the stands. This is when players from both sides entered the field.

Ps: Second, thank you very much for your reward. Urgently ask, thanks!

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