The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 440: It's your honor to meet me

The players looked at their new coach with unhappy, embarrassed, or cold eyes.

It's this one again, degrading and stepping down everyone, so as to set off his greatness.

Some players have flat mouths, huh~

Fang Jue ignored it completely.

Just when the players thought that this guy would continue to taunt and sarcasm them, and continue to venomously, Fang Jue turned his backlash.

"I'm really puzzled." Fang Jue shook his head and said, "I have carefully studied the video of the game. I have studied your outstanding performance or bad game. The conclusion is,'These guys are not as expected. Bad.'"

As soon as Fang Jue stretched out his hand, assistant coach Ceballos handed him a stack of newspapers.

Looking at the colors, many of them are old newspapers.

"Look at what it says."

"Aston Villa kicked a ball of shit."

"Ah, Vera lost again."

"This bunch of **** is the worst I've ever seen." Fang Jue said casually.

"This is scolding you."

Then he threw the newspaper directly on the ground, and then reached out his hand again, and assistant Steve Werner handed over another stack of newspapers.

"God, Vera played really well!"

"I love this Vera."

"God, Husky scored! What is impossible."

Among the players, the **** man grinned, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

"This is to praise you." Fang Jue put away the stack of newspapers, cherished and handed them out, and Steve Warner also carefully put them away.

"An interesting phenomenon, this group of people who praised you is the same group of people who later scolded you." Fang Jue said with a chuckle.

"Look, flowers applause." He raised his left hand and held it, then raised his right hand and held it, "criticize and criticize."

The two hands were raised, which made him look like a gesture of surrender, which was a bit funny, but no one could laugh and stared at the man.

"Why is it like this?" Fang Jue asked.

Yeah, why is it like this?

This huge question mark appeared on everyone's forehead, and they couldn't figure it out.

"Speaking truthfully, I was angry at first. I was thinking, what kind of crooked melons, twelve consecutive defeats." Fang Jue said, "I doubt my luck, I accept Yiwei Ibiza also lost more than ten times in a row when he was in Sacramento, and was the last one. How come to Birmingham, it is still like this."

No one is talking, all are listening.

"However, after I calmed down, I got my energy again." Fang Jue spread his hand.

"Those who like to play games raise their hands."

Milner raised his hand subconsciously.

"Very well, Milner, from your point of view, the Ibiza I accepted at the time was considered **** mode."

"Right." Milner said. Fang Jue's story is now widely spread in football, so Milner naturally knows it.

"With the deputy squad leader in the half, all the way to counterattack and upgrade, and then with the promotion of the West Second League to win the championship and upgrade, to win the cup championship."

"Then the newly promoted La Liga won the La Liga championship and won the European championship." Fang Jue got more and more energetic.

Among the players, Dessler and others have excited expressions. They are the participants. They have the deepest natural feelings and admire them more. Aston Villa’s old players have a weird look. This **** came to show off in front of them. Is it?

"So, I don't understand what are you worried about?" Fang Jue said with a solemn face, "After two and a half years of coaching, I have five champions on hand (La Liga, Copa del Rey, Spanish Super Cup, La Liga) League champions, UEFA Cup champions)."

"I have won more trophies than you have ever seen. The team I lead is invincible!"

"I say now that our goal for next season is the Premier League runner-up." Fang Jue suddenly raised his voice, "Sadior, believe it or not?"

Mane was full of enthusiasm by these remarks, was suddenly named, and subconsciously stepped forward and shouted, "Believe!"

"Why did Sadio believe in me?" Fang Jue raised his voice, "because he believed I could do it, because I didn't let him and his former teammates down! Once! Not at all!"

The atmosphere of the scene is undergoing subtle changes, and the eyes of some players who previously thought Fang Jue was bragging, belittling them, and raising themselves also changed.

"Sadio, let him fart?" Fang Jue said to Mane suddenly.

"Coach, why didn't you win the championship?" Mane said.

Fang Jue laughed loudly and pointed at Mane, "Hunboy, when did you feel so choked?"

"What a nice boy, after following me, my heart came up and I got up proudly."

Mane hey silly.

"But, I like it!" Fang Jue pointed to Mane, "Don't worry, Sadio, I will take you to the Premier League sooner or later!"

Seeing Fang Jue pointing at Mane, he was very energetic, no, it should be very arrogant actions and deeds to be exact. No one of Aston Villa players feels disgusted, but there is an impulse, this guy can also point to them to speak like this : I will take you to the championship sooner or later!

"Do you know why I said the goal runner-up?" Fang Jue asked everyone, "That's because I think we can do it!"

"Yes, I think you can!"

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"I'm angry. What I just said is not to belittle you."

"On the contrary, the reason for my anger is that with the strength of the team and your abilities, what is the point?!"

"The reason for the anger is that the newspapers are scolding you, and the fans blame you!"

"What angers me the most is that you yourself are beginning to become decadent and start to lose confidence."

"No one can scold you and call you bad."

"except me!"

"But, in my opinion, you are not bad." Fang Jue looked serious, "At least, there is still salvation."

"There is no problem with your abilities. I can say the same now, and I can say the same when facing reporters, because I really think so!"

"I was angry at first, then calmed down and whistled happily." Fang Jue smiled. "Your strength is far better than the results of the game. You just need an opportunity to follow a great coach to win. victory!"

"From victory to chance!"

"Don't think I'm arrogant!"

"Because I am qualified to say these things!"

"Before I lead you to failure, I am qualified to say that."

"And the reason why I dare to say so is because, in my opinion, you are pretty good."

"Coach, can you tell me why we suddenly became so bad last season?" Ashley Young shouted.

"I don't know." Fang Jue shook his head, "I just said, your abilities are fine."

"Then you think that under normal circumstances last season, our ranking should be..."

"Top four!" Fang Jue didn't hesitate, "You have this ability. Before the 27th round of the league, you still crushed Arsenal."

In fact, this kind of backtracking, if, is meaningless, but Aston Villa players just want to listen, they need this.

"You just said it was runner-up." A player asked immediately.

"I'm talking about me leading you." Fang Jue snorted, "Sadio still thinks I can lead the team to win the championship, I am humble than him."


Desler and Clement laughed loudly, and the others laughed. This time there was no such embarrassment and the atmosphere was much better.

"Well, there are too many words, it depends on action after all." Fang Jue clapped his hands, "In a moment, Coach Ceballos will direct you to train."

"I said so much just to tell you." Fang Jue looked serious, "It is your honor to meet me."

"And, I can coach you, it is also my luck."

"I hope you will tell me one day in the future, coach, we don't regret working with you."

"And I will say to you, thank you."

"Behind us is a row of trophies."

"People around are applauding, cheering, pointing at us and saying, look, that's Fang Jue and his champion players!"

"This is my goal." Fang Jue looked at everyone, "Excuse me with you!"


Fang Jue would not naively think that a call can completely change the dull situation of the It takes a process for players to restore their self-confidence, and the most direct way is to win, one after another. Victory, from victory to victory!

However, he keenly observed that the atmosphere of the team has improved.

This makes him happy.

Fang Jue knows that he is a humble person. It is not his temperament and style to speak so arrogantly and arrogantly today. However, he must do this for the team and in order to stimulate this bunch of bastards.

The troubled times use heavy codes. These guys lost their spirits last season. They need to be stimulated. They need a proud leader to whip them and lead them!

Although Fang Jue is humble, he also has his own pride. With his ability and championship resume, he is qualified to do so.

In the face of this group of players, he has enough pride and confidence.

"Fang, what you said just now." Steve Warner found Fang Jue.

"Is there a problem?"

"Martin will be unhappy if he hears it." Steve Werner carefully tasted it, as if he meant to belittle O'Neill.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't say anything, there is nothing." Fang Jue immediately denied, how could it be possible to defile people out of thin air.

"Then you just said that Martin led the team to get the top four, and you led the team to get the runner-up."

Fang Jue looked at Steve Warner, "Steve, I’m just making an analogy. Did O’Neal lead the team to the top four? No! Did I lead the team to the runner-up? This is just an analogy, I Where did he belittle him?"

Steve Warner was stared at by Fang Jue's righteous eyes, as if he did not, "Sorry, I misunderstood."

Fang Jue nodded in relief, and no longer had the same knowledge as this person.

PS: The first one is here, thank you very much for your reward.

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