The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 975: ancient god

In the temple of the secret mandala, only a flash of light and shadow, Xia Ping'an's figure appeared in the temple.

At this moment, just over an hour has passed since Xia Ping'an killed the three opponents. Xia Ping'an had already left the battlefield, and used the earth escape technique to find a place to stay in the underground of the mountains of the Forbidden Shrine. After arranging the array plate, I first returned to the secret mandala.

Xia Ping'an was very curious about the changes of the giant tower in Mandala City. Xia Ping'an vaguely felt that the changes in the giant tower this time were very unusual, so he came back to see it first.

"My lord..." Cui Hao, who was in the temple, immediately bowed and saluted Xia Ping'an.

Xia Pingan glanced at Cui Hao, "What about Han Xin and the others?"

"Han Xin and Xue Rengui have set off again with the Templar and Fei Scorpio!" Cui Hao said.

"Again?" Xia Ping'an immediately heard the key word implied in Cui Hao's words, "What did Han Xin and the others do during this time?"

Cui Hao glanced at Xia Ping'an and coughed lightly, "A few days ago, after the Lord left Lingxiao City, Han Xin led the elites in the city to sneak into the territory of the Gru Kingdom, ambushed the troops and businesses of the Gru Kingdom, and also Troops disguised as the Gru Kingdom attacked a fortress in the Kingdom of Flying Scythe. The results were quite fruitful. Now the relationship between the Kingdom of Gru and the Kingdom of Flying Scythe is tense. After several small-scale armed conflicts, it is very likely that there will be a big battle! The general said that this is a good time to weaken the opponent and strengthen my High Heaven City."

Hearing Cui Hao's words, Xia Ping'an laughed. As expected of a soldier, Han Xin did this, and the kingdoms in the northeast of Lingxiao City were completely messed up. Where would Gru Kingdom still have the heart and energy to come to Lingxiao City? Trouble, even if the Gru Kingdom sends troops, the scale will not be too large, and Lingxiao City can just take advantage of the fisherman.

With Han Xin here, the defense of Lingxiao City really doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

After saying goodbye to Cui Hao, Xia Ping'an left the Mandala Temple, and soon came to the foot of the giant pagoda. He looked up at the three divine power nebulae hovering on the giant pagoda.

Because the huge divine power gathered at the top of the tower, the upper part of the entire giant tower was reflected in a rare golden color.

For the three groups of divine power nebulae, each group of divine power nebula contains more than 1.4 million divine power points. The divine power nebula hovering on the giant tower can now provide nearly 5.3 million divine power points. In terms of divine power value, This is a huge number that Xia Ping'an can't imagine, which makes him a little suffocated.

Xia Ping'an never imagined that this giant tower could actually transform the powerful enemy of the demigod level that he killed into divine power.

"Doesn't this mean that as long as I can keep killing the powerhouses that dominate the Demon God's army, this giant tower can provide me with an endless stream of divine power, and this steady stream of divine power allows me to keep fighting. !" Xia Ping'an said to himself, looking at the divine power nebula.

The change of the giant tower should be more than that. After all, the one who was killed by him was a powerhouse of the same level as him, not the ordinary summoners before.

Later, Xia Ping'an entered the inside of the giant tower.

Under the giant tower, there is another layer of prison. This new prison is an abyss. In the abyss, there are sharp swords growing everywhere. The sharp swords are burning with raging blood-red flames. The souls of the three alien powerhouses that were killed were suppressed and sealed under the abyss, turning into black iron-like sculptures, their bodies were locked by thick iron chains, and countless burning swords and flames held their bodies against their bodies.

Sure enough, this was the same as what Xia Ping'an had guessed. The spirit of his enemy was suppressed by the giant tower again, but the abyss under the giant tower, in Xia Ping'an's eyes, became more and more like the legendary hell. This is no longer a simple imprisonment and suppression, but more like being sealed by a giant tower.

On the heads of the three black iron sculptures, each had a ball of golden brilliance the size of an egg, beating like a flame, and Xia Ping'an didn't know what those things were.

With the arrival of Xia Ping'an, in the abyss full of flames and swords, a holy white brilliance descended, the flames in the abyss of **** went out, and those swords also turned into colorful flowers, and the three sculptures showed The painful expression on his face turned into the ease of the rest of his life in an instant.

This let Xia Ping'an know that the three sculptures sealed here are the souls of the three alien powerhouses, but they were suppressed and completely immobile.

"What is this little golden flame?" Xia Ping'an stood in front of a sculpture, frowning slightly at the golden light on the sculpture's head. He didn't know what it was, after thinking about it. , he stretched out his hand and lightly touched the golden flame on top of the statue in front of him with his fingers.

Just when Xia Ping'an's finger touched the golden flame, the golden flame seemed to be activated, and all of a sudden it penetrated Xia Ping'an's finger like flowing water absorbed by a sponge. In the body, stay in the dantian position of Xia Ping'an.

The golden flame contains a trace of powerful soul power. As soon as it enters Xia Ping'an's dantian, that trace of soul power is absorbed by Xia Ping'an, which makes Xia Ping'an's soul power increase suddenly. The rewards for killing a powerful nightmare in the world are the same.

And the group of golden flames that released that trace of soul power remained motionless.

Xia Ping'an was taken aback by this change. He felt that the golden flame seemed harmless to him. Xia Ping'an was relieved. The golden flames, the two golden flames were also naturally absorbed by Xia Ping'an's body and flowed into his dantian, and Xia Ping'an's body once again absorbed two traces of powerful soul power.

At this moment, there were three golden flames in Xia Ping'an's dantian.

What is this golden flame doing?

Xia Ping'an scratched his head. He was also puzzled. He closed his eyes and felt it. The three golden flames that had been pulled away from his soul power were in his dantian, making his dantian warm, but it didn't seem to be able to. For him, it would not bring him any discomfort. The energy of the three golden flames carried a trace of the divine spirit of a demigod powerhouse, but he didn't know what it was, which was strange.

Xia Ping'an pondered for a while, but he really couldn't figure out what the three golden flames were used for, so he would not waste time on this issue. Anyway, Xia Ping'an was only certain about one thing, everything that happened in this giant tower was It is impossible to cause any harm to oneself, this is enough, wait until there is time to study slowly, or when certain conditions are ripe, the effect of these three golden flames will emerge.

Xia Ping'an is most interested in the news about the forbidden shrine and the information that dominates the army of demon gods. This information is the most useful. Xia Ping'an stretched out his hand, placed it on the head of a sculpture, closed his eyes, and thought about it. To peep the experience and consciousness of this sealed soul.

A few seconds later, Xia Ping'an's hand was abruptly retracted, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

The consciousness of this demigod powerhouse's soul is blocked by chaos and darkness. The power of chaos and darkness is tyrannical and terrifying. It is so powerful that it is impossible to peep at it. Deep in the soul of the demigod powerhouse, the dark power of chaos condensed a totem of the devil's eye.

"All the demigods who join the army of the Lord of the Demon God must drink a drop of the blood of the Demon Lord of the Lord of the Demon God. The chaotic dark power coiled in the consciousness of the soul may be the means of the Lord of the Demon God to ensure that he joins his army. The demigod powerhouse cannot betray him, he can only be controlled by him..."

Knowing this, Xia Ping'an did not continue, and the means of dominating the Demon God was truly heart-wrenching.

However, I also gained a lot. Let's not talk about the use of the remaining three golden flames. It's just that the divine power condensed by this giant tower has exceeded Xia Ping'an's imagination. It is very impressive, and it has also improved his own strength.

Xia Ping'an then left the abyss under the giant tower, then walked out of the giant tower and came to the temple of the secret mandala, ready to return to the main body.

When entering the temple, the three golden flames in his dantian suddenly jumped, and then became quiet again. It seemed that the three golden flames and the statue in the temple had some wonderful sensations.

Xia Ping'an was secretly surprised, but because the three golden flames didn't move anymore, he also kept an eye on it, and then returned to his deity.


In the cave deep underground, Xia Ping'an, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

He touched his lower abdomen, the three golden flames were still in his dantian, and there was nothing abnormal. The feeling of this increase in soul power was very good, and Xia Ping'an felt that his consciousness and perception had become a lot more agile. .

"It seems that the role of the giant tower has only really come into play now. The stronger the opponents I encounter, the more obvious the role of the giant tower. Before in Keland, the giant tower was not even a small test. Land, step on the last level of this god, the giant tower will show its original power, if you kill a few more enemies, the divine power condensed by the giant tower will not explode, if it can summon millions of millions The army of the Templars has swept the world of the kingdom of God, can't I become stronger and stronger in the world of the kingdom of God, and completely swept the world of the kingdom of God..."

Xia Ping'an's eyes flashed with divine light, and the prospect he outlined made him take a deep breath, feeling a little throbbing in his heart.

The future can be expected, but now, the things in front of you are more important, and it is most important to do what you can do first.

The next second, Xia Ping'an took out the boundary bead from "The Book of Changes" and played with the boundary bead in his hand. He was hesitating whether to fuse the boundary bead immediately.

This world bead is very tempting, but this taboo shrine is indeed not a good place to fuse the world bead. When you fuse the world bead, you can only rely on the formation to protect yourself. Once you encounter any danger, it is really Hard to say.

Xia Ping'an thought for a while, but still resisted the temptation in front of him, put away the boundary beads of "The Book of Changes", and prepared to leave this forbidden shrine and return to a safe place to re-integrate.

Xia Ping'an had just put away the Jiezhu, and in the next second, he felt the underground. In the far northeast, there were faint fluctuations in the earth escape technique. Some strong people were using the earth escape technique to rush underground, which made Xia Ping'an. His heart froze, he just wanted to fuse the world beads underground, but he didn't expect a strong person to appear within his perception range in the blink of an eye. It seems that it is really not a good idea to fuse the world beads underground.

Xia Ping'an immediately put away the array, and hid himself underground, concentrating on perceiving the fluctuation of the earth escape technique.

The demigod powerhouse's earth escape technique is already very powerful, and he is almost the strongest among the master earth escape techniques Xia Ping'an has ever seen except himself. The fluctuations are very obscure, and the fluctuations converge into tiny bundles, which are very difficult to perceive. If it wasn't for Xia Ping'an's extraordinary talents, if someone else came here, he would not be able to feel the existence of the demigod powerhouse.

When a strong person who masters the earth escape technique is underground, it is like a nuclear submarine diving into the deep sea. Everyone may not be able to see each other, but the stronger person can perceive the existence of the other party, and at the same time, he can hide himself to make the other party feel not own existence.

The man didn't notice Xia Ping'an at all, nor did he come for Xia Ping'an. He came from the northeast, went straight, and passed Xia Ping'an underground more than 30 kilometers away from where Xia Ping'an was.

When that person left, Xia Ping'an's heart moved, and he followed the person 50 kilometers away, and followed the person all the way down the ground.

At the beginning, Xia Ping'an thought that guy, like himself, was new to the Forbidden Shrine and was groping for the underground environment here. It is not to explore the underground environment here, but to hurry on the road with a clear goal.

The guy walks in a straight line underground, with a very clear direction and firm will. At first glance, he has a goal and is not moved by the external environment at all. Every few hours he will stop for a few minutes to correct his own behavior. direction, and then continue to hurry on the road.

Xia Ping'an followed that guy and ran underground for seven days. During these seven days, at the speed of two people, they traveled millions of kilometers underground.

Seven days later, the guy's destination finally arrived.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xia Ping'an was stunned.

This is the underground of the Forbidden Shrine. There is a huge space underground. In this space, there is an unimaginably huge humanoid body lying flat, like a huge island floating in the void.

How big is this humanoid body? From head to toe, the length is more than a thousand kilometers.

Moreover, this whole body is bronze-colored, and it has been petrified after I don’t know how many years have passed. It looks like it is carved out of metal. It looks extraordinarily simple and even weirder. This huge body is floating in the underground space. With a strong coercion.

"The body of an ancient god, there really is a body of an ancient **** in the Forbidden Shrine, I found it, I found it..."

The guy Xia Ping'an followed for seven days got out of the ground, flew in the air, and shouted happily.

At this time, Xia Ping'an realized that the guy he had not met for seven days was not the one who dominated the devil's side, but a character on his own side, a guy he had seen in the square before, and his impressions. .

It was an old man, wearing a white robe, with white hair and white beard, and his body was slightly fat. At first glance, he felt a little immortal, but if he looked closely, he found that the old man's two eyes were very small, narrowed into a slit, one The tip of his nose was slightly red, and he felt a little rosacea, especially when he was dancing and shouting happily, the immortal temperament of his body disappeared all of a sudden, but it gave people the feeling of being a bit wretched, and he was with someone underground. Like a groundhog digging a sweet potato.

Ancient God?

Xia Ping'an didn't know what an ancient **** was, but looking at the body in front of him, the so-called ancient **** might be an ancient god.

The old man didn't realize that he was followed by Xia Ping'an for seven days. After being happy for a while, he flew directly towards the head of the huge body.

The head of the ancient god's body is really too big, but the nose of the ancient **** looks like the Himalayas floating in the sky. The eyes and mouth of the ancient **** are closed. The nostrils spread out, like two huge dark caves, the old man actually flew directly towards the nostrils of the ancient god, as if he wanted to enter the body of the ancient **** from the nostrils of the ancient god.

Xia Ping'an didn't move, he was going to go in after the old man went in.

After a while, the old man flew to the head of the ancient **** and drilled directly through the nostril on the left of the ancient god.

After two full minutes, Xia Ping'an was about to move when suddenly, he felt something, and his face changed slightly...


The scorching fire spewed out from the left nostril of the ancient It was like a volcanic eruption. The old man who had just drilled into the nostril of the ancient **** was like a cannonball. , the embarrassingly sprayed out from the nostrils.

The old man's clothes were scorched black, and half of his beard was burnt. He started to vomit blood when he was in the air.

Then, Xia Ping'an saw that in the nostrils of the ancient god, after the old man was sprayed out, seven figures flew directly out, chasing the old man and flying out.

The seven figures were wearing black armor, but the armor was not taboo. Xia Ping'an could see at a glance that it was the first-level equipment of the Holy Artifact, and the seven figures were seven strong men, each with a full face Hengrou's body was full of demonic energy, and there was a blood-colored flame pattern between the eyebrows of each one.

The seven people chased the old man out, full of suffocation, and the shot was the ultimate move, and there was no mercy. The surging out, turned into swords, fire nets, volcanoes, fire bells, flame giants, etc. shot towards the old man from all directions, and there was no way for the old man to live...

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