The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 940: vision

The world of the bead...


Tang Dynasty, Qintianjian Star Observatory...


The sky is full of stars and the river is splendid, but on the star-gazing platform, there are two tall and straight figures standing under the starlight, with their heads raised to the sky, elegant and unrestrained, like immortals.


Beside the two of them, there is a table case, on which is placed pen, ink and paper. Among those papers, there are already fifty-nine sheets full of text and pictures. The paper on the table is only left. The last one.


"Brother Li, Your Majesty asked you and me to calculate the future fate of the Tang Dynasty and Shenzhou. This book is full of the last elephant. How many people in the future can understand the book you and I wrote?" With three long flowing beards and slender eyes, Yuan Tiangang turned his head and looked at Xia Ping'an.


"I think it doesn't matter how many people in later generations can understand this book. Those who understand will understand!" Xia Ping'an smiled slightly, his identity at the moment is Li Chunfeng, "Leaving this book for later generations is to let the future generations of Huaxia. Descendants know that my Chinese civilization is splendid, like this galaxy, there are many talented people, and they know the ancients and the present.


"Yeah, in the long river of time, the most fearful thing is forgetting!" Yuan Tiangang sighed, "My Chinese descendants, the original source of this is the galaxy that fills the sky, and the pursuit of the freedom of heaven is freedom, so I named it Han, Han is the Milky Way, and the Han nationality is the race that came from the Milky Way. One day in the future, they will definitely return to the galaxy that fills the sky. That is the world of Chinese descendants. It's a sight to behold..."


"Yes, after a thousand years, the Chinese saints will come out, the world will be the same, the divisions and integrations, the divisions and divisions, after great chaos there will be great governance, after great governance there will be great chaos, yin and yang will reciprocate, and there will also be signs of beasts, nobles and inferiors. , where is the end?" Xia Ping'an sighed, "It's just the prosperous scene of the Tang Dynasty in front of you, in the long river of history, it's just a moment..."


"That's also true, this secret cannot be leaked, but there are some things that I can't explain too clearly to Your Majesty. For this last image, please trouble Brother Li to write!" Yuan Tiangang also nodded and said.


Xia Ping'an nodded, came to the edge of the desk, and began to dip in ink and write on the paper.


The 60th Elephant Guihai




One yin, one yang, no end and no beginning


The end of the day and the beginning of the beginning




The vast number of days are here to ask


The rise and fall of the world is not free


Thousands and thousands of words


It's better to push your back and go home.


After writing these words, Xia Ping'an drew another portrait on the paper. In the portrait, there were two men standing together, and the man in the back pushed on the back of the man in front with both hands.


After finishing the painting, put the pen down, dry the ink marks, and then arrange the sixty sheets of paper filled with words and pictures in the number of chia, Xia Ping'an smiled slightly and looked at Yuan Tiangang, "Brother Yuan, this book is going to be dedicated to you. To His Majesty, what name does Brother Yuan want to name?"


"It's better to take the word "Tuibei", the last image of Guihai, and call this book "Tuibei Tu!"


"It's exactly what I want!"


Xia Pingan laughed.


The world of Jiezhu was shattered...




When the Boundary Bead was smashed, Brandi had just entered the night, the sky was densely covered with lead clouds, and the goose feather-like snow was falling from the sky. The snow was almost a foot thick, and the whole city was completely covered with snow and ice. Even on the street, there were not a few carriages to be seen. The heavy snow made the street lights on the street blurred. .


In the tea room of Helena's villa on Odin Street, the orange fire in the fireplace made the whole room warm like spring. Helena and Mrs. Catelyn were wearing long dresses and bare feet, stepping on the thick layer. On the bearskin rug, holding a glass of red wine, standing in front of the double-glazed window, looking at the pond frozen by the snow in the villa garden and the lights in the city outside, drinking wine silently, thinking about his thoughts.


The wine bottle is already empty, this is the second bottle, the cheeks of the two women have turned red, and the aroma of wine is brought up in their breath, and they are already a little drunk.




"Kelly, I thought, why don't the three of us leave Brandy together, and we'll find a place where no one knows us, a place where it never snows and where we can see the coastline and the white spray every day. Dao, live a happy life together, you say, will he agree?" Helena was already a little drunk, her eyes were hazy, and her words became bold, like a joke.


"Don't you feel it, he doesn't belong to you, he doesn't belong to me, and he doesn't even belong to this world. We are just passing passengers in his life. Maybe soon, he will leave Keland and never appear again. In front of us..." I don't know if it was because of alcohol or something else, when she said this, there was already a mist in Mrs. Catelyn's eyes.


"Do you think so too?" Helena smiled bitterly and drank the wine in her glass at once, "I thought it was my illusion, every time he looked at me, I always felt like there was a A different kind of soul is looking at me calmly and condescendingly through his eyes, and that gaze can even make me feel a little cramped and overwhelmed!"

"He is a very special God's favor, different from other God favors..."


"Yes, do you still remember the reception that night, I took him to see my father for the first time, brother, you know their identities, I thought that on that occasion, I could see from his eyes To order something else, I didn't expect that, apart from the superficial respect, his eyes were still no different from looking at me. The pride in that man's soul may be difficult for us to touch..."


Speaking of which, Helena snorted, an angry expression on her beautiful face, "No matter how **** and beautiful we dress in front of him, in his eyes, it is still like a delicate stake, his eyes, only in the When he sees the world bead, he will shine like a satyr sees a beautiful woman. If he hadn't been acting normally, I would almost suspect that he was like those rumored perverts who only summoned him. Something has feelings..."


Mrs. Caitlin smiled, an inexplicable brilliance flashed in her eyes, "I have experienced a lot of men, as long as I can watch him from a distance, and be able to help him when he needs it, it is enough, I know he won't belong to me, by the way, I heard that the Consulate General of the Ceylon Empire has agreed to his request and gave him thirty world beads to fight against that Andrea?"


"Yes, the consul general sent Jiezhu yesterday morning, and signed an agreement with him for a death roulette showdown with Andrea. This showdown will be very dangerous for him. I have never Understand why he insists!" Helena frowned.


"Perhaps, it's because of those world beads!" Mrs. Catelyn said lightly, "Helena, do you know many powerful summoners?"




"Then how much will it cost to ask a powerful summoner to kill that Andrea?" The words in Mrs. Caitlin's mouth startled Helena, and she was woken up by the wine.


Helena's expression changed, she drew the curtains with a swipe, turned to look at Mrs. Caitlin, and said in a low voice, "Do you know what you're talking about, are you crazy?"


But Mrs. Caitlin's eyes didn't change at all, "I'm not crazy, I've been thinking about this for a few days, I heard that he and Andrea had a death roulette duel on the day of the New Year's Eve, and now it's the New Year's Day. There is still more than half a month left for the sacrifice. If I want to find someone, I should have enough time. Besides, my money will not be spent in ten lifetimes. I might as well spend a little for him. Since that Andrea is a threat to him, I might as well find him. People killed him, that's what I can do for him."


"You said this, don't tell anyone, Kelly, you don't understand what it means to be a royal summoner of the Ceylon Empire?" Helena warned.


Caitlin smiled indifferently, "I only know that anyone's life in this world has a price, I am not a favored one, so the status of the royal summoner of the Ceylon Empire only means that it may cost me money. Just more money!"


"Not only that, this matter is not as simple as you think..." Helena sighed, and was about to explain something to Caitlin, when suddenly, a strong red light shot in from the gap in the curtain, and The whole house was flushed red, as if it were on fire outside.


Helena was stunned, and quickly opened the curtains and looked outside.


It wasn't a fire outside, but the originally gloomy and dark sky suddenly turned red.


The sky is like a fire. The clouds within ten thousand miles have been washed away by an unspeakable force. In the sky is like a mirage, and countless buildings have appeared. The light and shadow of the palace, those architectural palaces, stretching for thousands of miles, are too grand, revealing a sacred atmosphere. All the architectural palaces are completely constructed of gold, gems and crystals, just like the realm of the gods, luxurious, exquisite and dazzling.


"Then... what is that?" Mrs. Catelyn was also stunned. She had never seen such a scene before.


"Could it be... Could it be..." Helena was also stunned. As soon as a word appeared in her mind, the light and shadow of the mysterious world that appeared in the sky began to extend a step toward the ground. Colorful giant ladder.


That ladder has ninety-nine steps, extending from the sky to the ground, it seems... it seems to extend to the city of Keland, pointing to a certain place in the city...


This is... this is the vision that the favored person is about to embark on the last step of the road to conferring the gods. This is the vision that the top powerhouses have after condensing the ninety-nine divine bone ladders.


In the entire Redron Republic, the last time such a vision appeared was thirty years ago, and the scope of the vision was not so vast. The scope of the vision seemed to have exceeded the entire Brandy...


At this moment, the entire Kelander was stunned. Countless ordinary people, as well as those who were favored by God, came out of the room, stood in the heavy snow, and looked at the direction in which the ladder extended, with shocked eyes and expressions on their faces. Great changes, some people even thought that the gods had descended, and began to kneel in the snow and pray...




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