The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 788: I am the mine owner

Early the next morning, ten suns rose from the horizon at the same time. Heyun Mountain, which had been quiet overnight, also ushered in the first rays of sunshine in the morning. Xia Ping An stood on the top of Heyun Mountain, bathed in the morning sun. , watching the entire Heyun Mountain wake up inch by inch under the sunlight, the whole person has a smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes are bright, and he is full of energy.

Although there is only Xia Ping'an in Heyun Mountain, it is never possible for a summoner to be lonely.

Wang Zhaojun, Xia Laifu, and Heilong were standing beside Xia Ping'an. The lucky boy was riding on Heilong's body, and Heilong was wagging his tail, looking quite excited.

This picture is also interesting.

"From today onwards, I am the mine owner of Heyun Mountain..." Xia Ping'an said, waving his hands, a portal surging with mist appeared under the valley under his feet, and then, neatly arranged The miners and peasants walked out of Xia Ping'an's door of summoning with a neat pace, one by one, like a military parade.

There are 100 people in each square, 99 of them are farmers and miners, and one is a craftsman in the secret mandala. The craftsmen in the secret mandala have skills and are not unfamiliar with mining. The artisans follow The farmers enter the mine together, and they can become mining workers by simply teaching them the mining skills and the use of tools.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Ping'an greeted seven farmers in the square formation, standing neatly on the flat ground in the valley below, but he was quite imposing. All the farmers in the square formation looked up at Xia Pingan , puffed out his chest, quite proud.

Looking at the 700 characters he summoned, Xia Pingan once again experienced the joy of being a summoner. The joy of creation is hard to describe, but it is very refreshing. There is a kind of satisfaction that God can create everything by himself.

It's been a long time since I seriously looked at the characters I summoned. At this moment, Xia Ping'an realized that the farmers he summoned at this time were all strong, with thick chests, big waists, and thighs as thick as tree stumps. They just stood up. It gives a naive feeling.

With a thought, Xia Ping'an wanted to see the current character attributes of these farmers, and the character attributes suddenly appeared in front of Xia Ping'an.

Summoner: Farmer

Mana cost: 3

Life: 88

Wisdom: 69

Force: 12

Ability: 1. Farming, 2. Silkworm raising, 3. Tea picking... 9. Wu Qin Xi...

Plane arrival time: 90 days.

To be honest, Xia Ping'an hadn't paid attention to the attributes of these ordinary characters in his secret mandala for a long time. Now that he looked at it, he really gave him a lot of surprises.

It is also a summoning farmer. The attributes of the farmer summoned by the Nine Suns and the farmer he summoned when he just became a summoner are very different. .

"Why should you be surprised, Lord, Wuqinxi is easy to learn, and there are sculptures of Wuqinxi in Lingxiao City. When these farmers go to the temple to worship, they will naturally learn it. Besides these farmers, there are many soldiers in the military camp in Lingxiao City. I also learned the Five Animals Show, and some smart ones have even learned the method of breathing out the six breaths..."

"What have you learned?" Xia Ping'an asked Wang Zhaojun curiously.

"The methods of Wu Qin Xi and Liu Qi breathing are naturally simple. I learned it at a glance. It's just that the "Cultivation of Truth" is very mysterious, and I can only touch a little bit of the door. The assassin learns it very quickly..." Wang Zhaojun pouted Said coquettishly.

"The comprehension map is infinitely mysterious. It's not easy if you can touch a little door!"

These exclusive characters who can only be summoned have no attributes to view. Otherwise, Xia Ping'an really wanted to see what Wang Zhaojun learned. Now Wang Zhaojun is standing next to him. It is the temperament that is becoming more and more agile, just like a real person.

"By the way, the Lord has become the mine owner of this mine today. If you want to have a little ceremony, you should call the musicians to be strong!" Wang Zhaojun suggested.

"Haha, forget it, it's just the few of us, just think about it..."

After Xia Ping'an finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment, because he realized that he had subconsciously regarded Wang Zhaojun as a living person. Wang Zhaojun looked at Xia Ping'an, covered his mouth and smiled, his eyes sparkling, Xia Ping'an touched his face, He smiled awkwardly and waved his hands. The seven phalanxes summoned from below filed into the mine and officially went to mine. In the valley below, it became lively from the deserted place.

"By the way, Tongtong told me last night, didn't the lord already discover that there are thieves stealing the divine crystal mine here, why didn't the lord catch those thieves?" Wang Zhaojun asked suddenly.

The Tongtong in Wang Zhaojun's mouth is the child of blessings. Xia Ping'an didn't know how these summoned characters communicated with each other in the secret mandala. Anyway, after the child of blessings was summoned, apart from being naughty and capable, he didn't really tell him. After all, he and Fushen Douji don't seem to need language to communicate.

Xia Ping'an smiled and said with confidence, "It will take a long time to come to Japan, don't worry, the thief who stole the mine yesterday didn't know that I had become the mine owner of this Heyun Mountain Divine Crystal Mine. It's really not worth it to fight to the death, so I just destroy his summons, let those thieves know that the mine here has an owner, and they have scruples, they will definitely go to find out who the new mine owner is, and wait a while. Today, everyone knows the news that I have become a mine owner, and they feel guilty when they see me, they dare not go too far, and they are afraid of becoming the target of the Heavenly Dao Guards, so if I go to clean them up, it will be easier!"

"Your Majesty is far-sighted and admires Zhaojun!" Wang Zhaojun Yingying bowed to Xia Ping'an.

"Hey, I have to study this life-saving means now. If there is no accident, naturally I have to be careful!"

"I think the lord is going to live here for a long time. There is a lot of spiritual energy near the training tower on the top of the mountain. It's just that the land there is deserted and it's a waste. Last time I collected a lot of tea trees in the forbidden The seeds of the fruit, I will open a tea orchard on the top of the mountain, how about the Lord?"

"Oh, just drive if you want!" Xia Ping'an said, and while waving his hands, he summoned five sturdy farmers for Wang Zhaojun to call to open up the wasteland. He himself, Shi Shiran, returned to the training tower to prepare closed.

There are Xia Laifu and Fushen boy in Heyun Mountain, and the mountain protection formation is fine. Nothing will happen in a short time, so he doesn't need to worry about it. As long as Jing receives his secret mandala, he will go to the Xuefeng base once a month to hand in minerals to receive the boundary beads.

Thinking about it this way, Xia Ping'an also found that this Heyun Mountain is really a treasure place suitable for him to practice retreat. He has a bounded bead collar every month, and he can also rely on the big tree of Xuefeng Base.


Last night, Xia Ping'an also went to the spiritual world corresponding to the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm. He found that the spiritual world corresponding to the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm was a boundless desert with not a single hair, nor a single nightmare in sight. , so he gave up his plan to explore the spiritual world here.

Thinking about it, the Heavenly Dao Mystery Realm are all powerful summoners from the Nine Suns Realm, and they are all strong-willed. Even if there are nightmare insects, those nightmare insects have no ability to make a Nine Suns realm summoner have nightmares, so the spirits here are In Xia Ping'an's view, there is no need to explore the world for the time being.


In the secret room, Xia Ping'an took out the rare metals he bought yesterday and began to make armor for himself.

He was going to get himself a set of armor at the level of a holy weapon, and then upgrade the sword whip from a Horcrux to a holy weapon.

Anyway, now he has a lot of time...Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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