The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 777: eye of the gods

Above the head, after dawn, ten suns of different sizes rose from the east like a string of beads, hanging in the sky, emitting scorching heat, and above that sky, there were several planets of different colors. Hanging in the sky, it seems not too far from the ground, this heavenly secret realm gives people a strange feeling, everything is incredible.

The Blood Front Base is not so much a base as it is a continent floating in the sky. Yes, it is a continent. Xia Ping'an's feeling when he saw the Blood Front Base was the same as when he saw it was swallowed by space in the God Killing Insect Tribulation. Like the Pantheon, from a distance, you can see that it is a huge land shape floating in the sky, surrounded by white clouds, bathing in the sunshine of ten suns, and with the constant jumping of the flying boat Moving forward, after a few moments, the continent appeared in front of the field of vision of the flying boat's control room.

The blood front base covers an area of ​​more than two million square kilometers. In the center of the base, there is a tower building with a height of tens of thousands of meters that can be seen from a distance. The entire blood front base is surrounded by a huge, flashing A layer of blue light shielded the formation energy. In the sky of the base, just between the clouds and mist, in the blue sky, there was the light and shadow of a pair of huge ethereal and mysterious eyes. The eyes were slightly opened and closed. With an indifferent and majestic look, he looked down at the entire base.

Coming to the outer layer of the Blood Front base, the flying boat has slowed down all of a sudden, like a ship in port, slowly approaching the energy cover of the base.

Below those eyes is the tallest building on this base.

Xia Ping'an was stunned when he saw the pair of incomparably huge eyes above the Xuefeng base. The base was covered and protected by a powerful array. Xia Ping'an was not surprised. Such a formation is not difficult, and the eyes in the sky of the base give Xia Ping'an the feeling that it is neither a secret method of summoning nor a puppet formation. Those eyes are indescribable, like a powerful existence. It's like looking down at this world from another world.

Facing such a pair of eyes, all the creatures in this world seem to have become insignificant.

Well, those eyes are a bit like devil eyes, but they are not, and the breath is different.

"The human bases in the secret realm of Heaven are like this. Those eyes are the eyes of the gods that protect the base. As long as there are eyes of the gods, once aliens sneak into the base, they can be discovered immediately. The eyes of the gods can still be found. Keep all bases in contact and quickly pass on information..." Shi Buyu seemed to see the slightest surprise in Xia Ping'an's heart, and explained beside him.

"The eye of the gods?" Xia Ping'an asked in surprise, "Could it be this eye..."

"Yes, the eyes of the gods are of course related to the gods. I heard that the gods on duty who stand on the side of the human beings in the gods are looking at all the bases in the secret realm of heaven..." Balong said next to him, hehe smiled. Laughing, "If you stay at a base for a longer time, you will find that the eyes of the gods on the sky will change. In about three or five years, the eyes of the gods will become the eyes of another pair of gods. That's different. The eyes of the gods, I have seen several different pairs..."

"The existence of that pair of eyes is actually inspiring all those who enter the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao to keep moving forward, so that we can see our own insignificance and the goal on the road of cultivation, and I heard that the eyes of the gods can also be guarded with the Heavenly Dao. The high-level military officials directly contacted and gave orders that the people in the tower are the ones closest to the gods, and they are also the ones most likely to be conferred gods in the future..." Shi Buyu pointed to the tower in the middle of the base for Xia Ping'an. He explained, there was already unconcealed envy in his tone.

"Has the gods been involved in the war in the secret realm of heaven?"

"It's not about being involved, but all the disputes and contradictions in the universe and the world, which are the continuation and manifestation of higher disputes and contradictions..." Shi Buyu said this like a philosopher, his eyes were wise and ethereal, "Between the gods and spirits, The wars and contradictions of the universe dominate and determine all the wars and contradictions in the universe, and the secret realm of heaven, which is closer to the higher battlefield, is naturally affected more!"

"Brother Mei, you are a strong man of the Holy Dao, and you are already qualified to report to that tower. In the secret realm of the Dao of Heaven, the strong man of the Holy Dao has the greatest possibility of obtaining the Nine Heavens Divine Spring..." Ba Long also looked at Xia with envy. Peace of mind.

Before Xia Ping'an didn't understand what a strong man of the holy way was, but after spending a night in the flying boat, after communicating with Shi Buyu, Xia Ping'an already understood that in the secret realm of heaven, the so-called strong man of the holy way, In fact, it is the powerhouse above Jiuyang Realm who has mastered the way of combining law and martial arts.

The tower that is close to the Eye of the Gods is the headquarters of the Heavenly Dao Guard Army at the Blood Front Base and the center of the Blood Front Base. .

At the moment when the flying boat passed through the large barrier of the base, Xia Ping'an didn't know if it was his own illusion. He felt that the eyes of the gods in the sky seemed to be looking seriously in the direction of the flying boat.

Xia Ping'an and their flying boats slowly passed through the energy shield of the large formation of the base, and finally flew into the base.

At this moment, the pair of majestic and indifferent eyes of the gods above the base suddenly disappeared, and several people on the flying boat discovered it at once.

"Ah, it wouldn't be so coincidental, I just said that the eye of the gods will have different gods on duty. If you stay here for a few years, you may be able to see the gods change shifts. It is also a wonder. It's changed..." Balong muttered, and then glanced at Xia Ping'an, "Brother Mei, you are lucky, many people who have come to the Secret Realm of Heaven for many years may not be able to see the handover of the eyes of the gods with their own eyes..."

Just as Balong was talking, the disappeared eyes of the gods appeared again. The newly-appeared eyes of the gods were still majestic and indifferent, with a powerful aura that looked down on everything, but if you looked closely, the newly-appeared pair of gods appeared. The eyes of the gods are still somewhat different from the pair of gods’ eyes just now. The corners of the newly appeared god’s eyes are slightly upturned, and they are a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, with a hint of beauty in the eyes. A faint, cryptic rune in the shape of a spiral...

"Ah, look at the eyes of the gods, this is a female god..." Hua Xiaotao suddenly exclaimed, her face full of excitement.

"From the eyes, it seems that it is indeed, it seems that there have been female gods before..."

Then, just when everyone was surprised, Xia Ping'an felt that the pair of beautiful eyes of the gods that had just appeared that day, seemed to look in the direction of Feizhou again, and stayed on himself for a while, with some special meaning .

Uh, is this an illusion... Or everyone who enters the Blood Front base will be watched by the eyes of the gods...

"Well, did you feel that the eye of the **** just glanced at us?" Xia Pingan touched his nose and asked the three people beside him.

"Is there?" Ba Long rubbed his head with a blank expression on his face.

"This...everyone who enters the base will be watched by the eyes of the gods. Otherwise, how can the eyes of the gods protect the base and distinguish someone sneaking in..." Shi Buyu said cautiously.

And Hua Xiaotao looked at herself with strange eyes.

Looking at the appearance of the three, Xia Ping'an knew that his feelings were completely different from the three, and he didn't say anything else.

Could it be that his soul power is too strong, so he has a special feeling? Xia Pingan thought to himself.

In the blink of an eye, the flying boat had passed through the formation barrier and entered the sky above the Blood Front Base. There were many flying boats in the Blood Front Base, all of which were flying unhurriedly.

"Brother Mei, where are you going, we'll take you there?" Shi Buyu asked.

"No, I'm going to wander around the Blood Front base first, and then I'm going to find a place to settle down first!"

"Okay, we are also going to go back to our respective places to repair for a while, and then we will meet again in another day. If Brother Mei wants to come to us, you can go to Qingyun Restaurant in Qingyun Valley. The three of us will meet at the restaurant regularly!"

"Okay, there will be an appointment later!"

"There will be a period later!"

In the blink of an eye, the four people got off the flying boat, Shibuyu retracted the boat, and the four said goodbye in the air. Xia Ping'an looked at the three of them, flew away in three directions, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. trace.

There were people coming and going in the sky in the Blood Front Base, and flying boats flew by from time to time. Xia Ping'an seemed to be inconspicuous in such a place.

The entire Xuefeng base is like a prosperous small country. From the sky, there are cultivation towers everywhere on the ground. Those cultivation towers are all seven-story tower-shaped buildings, with white and pale yellow. There are several colors of blue, and black. The shape and style of the towers have not changed much. There are only four or five types in total. In some places, the training towers are crowded together, and you can see thousands of them in one place. Tens of thousands of cultivation towers gather, and some cultivation towers stand alone in two or three places such as mountains or lakes with beautiful scenery.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Those training towers are the places where Summoners stay and practice in the Blood Front Base. They are equivalent to Summoner's villas, which are "shared buildings" to some extent.

According to what the three of Balong said, most of those lonely training towers are inhabited, there are very few vacancies, and the "rent" is expensive. , there are more empty towers, and the "rent" is relatively cheap.

Xia Ping'an's purpose of coming here is very clear. He is going to drop his feet first, fuse the two world beads he got first, eat the meat in his stomach first, and then go for a walk in the base to learn about the specifics here. Depending on the situation, let's see where to get new Jiezhu and Jiutian God, which can make him quickly advance to the demigod.

Standing in the sky, Xia Ping'an always felt that the eyes of the gods in the sky seemed to be watching him silently. He raised his head to look at the eyes of the gods in the sky, smiled bitterly, and secretly muttered to himself, was he too sensitive? , and then he flew towards the hillside where a dense practice tower is located more than a hundred miles away.


Chapter 777 The Eye of God

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