The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 547: News is coming

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"Hey, are you listening to me? I said that buddy has money at home, and his family can use the money to pile him up to the five-yuan level. The business I introduced to you is not bad, it's interesting..."

Li Yunzhou, who was driving, muttered again when he saw Xia Ping'an looking out the window without speaking.

The People’s Front already has news about nuclear materials? This efficiency is OK...

Xia Ping'an was surprised, but still took his gaze back from the car window and looked at Li Yunzhou, "I can't help with all the world beads. What kind of magical world beads does your buddy want to integrate?"

"Here, it's this one!" Li Yunzhou threw a photo over.

Xia Ping'an looked at the photo, and the word on the photo was very clear. It was a magical world bead that made a poem in seven steps. This magical world bead happened to be among the 64 world beads that he could empower.

"No problem, you can contact your buddy!" Xia Ping'an said confidently.

"Is it okay? Don't be kidding. If this divine skill world bead fails, it is dead, and the death rate is extremely high. Most people don't dare to merge. If something goes wrong, I will have to be chased and killed in the second half of my life... "

"Don't worry, I said that if there is no problem, there is no problem!"

Li Yunzhou rolled his eyes and smiled, "That's OK, you can get two world beads and 200 million yuan as a reward at that time, you just need to do the work beautifully, and you don't care about the rest, I'll take care of it!"

"The two world beads still have a reward of 200 million? Why so much~" Xia Ping'an felt that this reward was too generous?

"Hehehe, I'm afraid I will have less. My buddy thought I was lying to him. You don't know what those local tyrants think, but I know, his kind of local tyrants, the toilets at home are all custom-made, he He still has a big villa for vacation in Paris. His kind of thinking is that, no matter what you do, the more you spend, the more you feel assured and reliable that you have found the right person. If you don’t charge him four, five or six boundary beads and get another four to five billion as a reward, he will doubt your service quality and ability. Besides, I will also put myself in the guarantee this time. Yes, I can't make a little hard work before and after running..."

"Not too much, is he really your buddy?"

"Joke, joke, anyway, you can eat, drink and have fun together, drink and pick up girls and drag racing together and occasionally do a task together to kill a few big spiders, you can trust, know each other's roots, they are reliable acquaintances!"

"Yes, I will leave the rest to you!"

"Paris is a bit chaotic now. His family won't let him come to Paris, but it should be no problem to come to France. Do you think he can go to Orleans? It's more than 120 kilometers away from Paris..."

"no problem!"

"Then it's settled, I'll contact you at that time!" Li Yunzhou seemed to see countless banknotes and Jiezhu flying towards him, his whole person grinned, and the saliva from his mouth came out. , Revealing a funny character.

"Let’s contact with a special watch. If you have any questions, let’s talk about it in your dreams. Stop in front and I will get off..."

Li Yunzhou stopped the car amidst the harsh tires rubbing against the ground. When Xia Pingan wanted to open the door, he suddenly remembered something. He asked, "By the way, I had a nightmare that day, which made me feel bad. There is a psychological shadow, is it your ghost?"

"Adults, be more responsible for your words, I don't know what nightmares you do!" Xia Ping'an said solemnly.

"Really?" Li Yunzhou touched his face, looking at Xia Ping'an suspiciously.

"It's like I don't know what girl you make..." Xia Ping'an opened the car door and closed it with a touch.

Li Yunzhou murmured a curse in the car, didn't say much, and drove away in the car.

Xia Pingan, who got out of the car, stood on the side of the street, looking at the surrounding direction. There was a street-centered park. There were many people on the surrounding streets. They were looking at Xia Pingan who got off the sports car with curious eyes. At that time, people who can drive such coquettish sports cars in Paris are the same as people who drive bulletproof armored vehicles.


Xia Pingan wants to go to the ChezTerroir restaurant, but it seems to be far from the ChezTerroir restaurant.

Wouldn't it be too scary to use spells to disappear in this broad daylight?

As one of the professional ethics of a summoner, in front of ordinary people, it must be a last resort, otherwise, spells are generally not used.

While Xia Pingan was muttering, the special service watch of the Order Committee in his hand shook slightly. Xia Pingan saw that his watch had received a message from Fang Lingshan. The message was only eight words-your strong Is there any body pill?

Seeing the information, Xia Ping'an was shocked. The three realm beads he had just acquired hadn't been fused yet, so business came back so soon?

Of course Fang Lingshan didn't come to buy the Zhuang Body Pill, but told him that business was coming.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of MLM-style marketing in the summoner!

It's been a long time, Xia Ping An hasn't experienced this kind of happiness that came from the world pearl, and he seemed to be able to feel the Qiyang Realm beckoning him.


"Boy, take off your coat and teach all the valuable things, as well as the watch you are wearing, hurry up..."

There was the roar of motorcycles around him. Just when Xia Pingan was still thinking about how to get to the ChezTerroir restaurant, a motorcycle had been parked in front of Xia Pingan. There were two gangsters on the motorcycle. The gangster sitting behind is a pale guy with a nose ring, pointing at Xia Ping'an and yelling with a revolver in his hand. While talking to Xia Ping'an, he looked nervously left and right.

Faced with this kind of robbery that happened on the road in broad daylight, many people around had seen it, but quickly avoided it.

"Hurry up, I saw you get off the sports car. You must be rich. Give me something, otherwise I would shoot..." the gun-holder urged gun-holder Hands dancing in front of Xia Ping'an.

"Your motorcycle is good, thanks..." Xia Ping'an smiled slightly.

"What did you say?" The two gangsters were taken aback.


More than forty minutes later, when Gabriel, the manager of ChezTerroir restaurant, was standing at the entrance of the restaurant and looking around, Xia Pingan rode the motorcycle to the entrance of the restaurant, skillfully turned off the fire, put down the tripod, and parked the motorcycle.

The black bulletproof Audi that Mr. Curie was riding in had already parked on the open space next to the restaurant.

Seeing Xia Pingan appearing on a motorcycle, Gabriel breathed a long sigh of relief and quickly walked over, "Thank God, you are finally here!"


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