The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 465: Chaos City

   Half an hour later, Xia Ping, who was dressed again, walked out of the hotel room door.

Before leaving the room, Xia Pingan tidied everything in the room. He stepped on a chair, untied the rope on the beam of the room, threw it in the glove box, and put away the messy wine bottles. , If the hotel owner sees the broken rope hanging on the beam and the scar on his neck, the cheap and grumpy hotel owner doesn’t know what he will do.

   As for his current identity, from the moment he walked out of this room, for the time being, he could only be Luo An, a down-and-out painter staying in Paris.

   At this time, the hunger in the stomach became more urgent. Without food, the time for the body to adapt to the spiritual body will be prolonged, and the recovery will be very slow. This is Xia Ping An's unwillingness to see.

   There is a kettle in the room. In the past half an hour, Xia Pingan only drank a little water.

Even this bit of water was quickly absorbed by Xia Ping’an’s body, which eased the feeling of thirst a little bit, but the feeling of hunger remained the same. Xia Ping’an felt the hunger in her stomach like a fire. The acid was surging up, and it was already unbearable.

   Xia Ping squeezed her pocket, there is no money in her pocket, Luo An's last fortune has been changed by him.

At this time in Paris, bartering or trading of precious metals such as gold and silver is popular. As for the circulating euro, the value has been greatly discounted. In some places, banknotes are not even accepted and only precious metals are recognized, because Europe has become a mess. , I heard that many banks were robbed by gangsters and gangs in the previous chaos, and I heard that some people made a lot of counterfeit banknotes, which are not so useful anymore.

Xia Pingan is wearing the most decent clothes he can find. The shirt inside is the linen shirt that he wore when hanging. The outside of the shirt is a black windbreaker jacket, which is also slightly old. It should be a long time since it has been dry-cleaned. It is on the neck. Last, Xia Pingan found an old blue scarf to cover the scar on her neck.


   The slit staircase made a sour sound when Xia Ping'an passed by. The sound was so harsh, like an alarm, which made Xia Ping'an's cautiousness suddenly useless.

   Sure enough, when Xia Pingan walked downstairs, I saw Garcia, the owner of the hotel, standing at the corner of the stairs in a leisurely manner, holding his arms, watching Luo An aggressively with a pair of greasy eyes.

   "Mr. Painter, are you finally willing to give up..." Garcia stretched out his stout arm and opened his hand in front of Luo An, "Last month's rent, it's time to pay..."

"You can find the security team to take me away and leave me to do hard labor on the farm..." Xia Ping'an calmly looked at Garcia, his eyes were not panicked, but slightly oppressive, "As a result of this, you will lose. One month’s rent, you get an enemy, you won’t get anything else..."

   Garcia looked at Luo An unexpectedly, feeling that this down-and-out painter who was usually cautious and careful in front of him seemed a bit strange today, and he dared to talk to himself like this.

   Just as Garcia raised his eyebrows and was about to get angry, Xia Pingan's voice rang again.

"Paris is not easy to make money at this time. There are not many people living in your small hotel. I know you are also difficult. I think we should establish a trusting relationship and overcome difficulties together. You continue to guard your hotel, and I Go out today to find a way to earn money to pay you rent, what do you think..."

   The innkeeper looked at Luo An with suspicion, and hesitated for a while, "You really want to go out to make money, not to sell your broken oil paintings that no one wants?"

   These days, Luo An has also figured out a way, struggling to survive, and even set up a stall for painting on the street outside, but the day is still getting more embarrassed.

   In the eyes of the innkeeper, the profession of a painter, in such a chaotic situation, is completely useless and stupid.

"Ahem, people have to learn to change. I am now adapting. Since painting can't make money, I will change to a job that I can do, and try to make money for you to repay your rent. As long as I can make money, I can I would like to try..."

   "You don't just want to run away like that, do you?" The innkeeper looked at Xia Ping'an suspiciously.

   "My belongings and those paintings are still in the room, besides where I can go now, it is at least safe and can live in, I won't be so stupid!"

Luo An’s expression was very calm, the hotel owner finally believed his words, the expression on his face was not so serious, "Mr. Luo, I hope you can do what you say, I’m here waiting for you, and seeing you when you come back in the evening. What can you earn?"

"I haven't eaten anything for a day. Before I leave, please bring me a breakfast of enough weight so that I can work hard!" The innkeeper raised his eyebrows again, getting angry, and an **** had already come to his mouth. Bian, but he blinked back, because Xia Pingan had already threw the silver enamel pendant over to him, "It's okay to exchange this thing for a meal!"

   There is also a photo of Olivia in the pendant, but that photo is meaningless to Xia Ping An. Olivia is just a stranger, and has no relationship with him now.

   The innkeeper took the pendant, checked it, measured it with his hand, and blinked, "Silver?"

   "Well, my favorite thing is now for you too!"

   "Okay, this thing can be exchanged for a meal, you sit there and wait, I will get you something to eat!"

   On the first floor of the inn is close to the street, there are a few small tables where people can drink and eat. The bar in the small inn is empty and there is not much alcohol, but there is still something to eat in the shop.

   Xia Ping’an sat and waited for a while, and the innkeeper brought him a breakfast.

   A piece of hard rye almond bread, a glass of milk, and nothing else.

Xia Pingan was not picky, so he ate it. The bread was a bit hard, and there was even a little bran in the bread. As for the milk, although it was hot, Xia Pingan took a sip and knew that a lot of water was mixed in it. And there is no sugar.

   But no matter what, after eating these things, although I have not eaten enough, the hunger in my stomach is not so imminent. Xia Ping'an feels that he has regained a little strength on his body, and his body feels much better.

   Xia Pingan ate the breadcrumbs and the last drop of water-mixed milk in the cup, then stood up, tidyed up his clothes, and walked out of the small hotel.

   Let's talk about the money and food first, as for Xia Ning and the others, wait until they are stabilized before considering.

The street outside the small hotel is a bit chaotic. You can see remnants of building ruins and garbage everywhere. Sewage flows across the small ditches. Xia Ping’an walks cautiously on the road. In the civilian area, there are various small houses. Signboard shops and hotels are lined up on both sides of the street. Everyone is One by one, indifferent and vigilant, a few old and fading prostitutes stand in the street with their thighs exposed early in the morning. By the side, people with guns can be seen everywhere.

After walking hundreds of meters outside, Xia Pingan saw the security team here. More than a dozen young people wearing armbands came from the front with weapons such as rifles and submachine guns, scanning the crowd on the street. Shows their status in this residential area.

   The security team "protects" the safety of residential areas, so people in residential areas and shops in various industries will also regularly "pay taxes" to the security team, which is actually paying protection fees.

   There is a security team in one place. All kinds of gangsters and gangsters don't dare to make trouble at will. The security is relatively safe. On the security team, there are various organizations in Paris. The security team is only responsible for maintaining order at the bottom.

   In Paris at this moment, even in broad daylight, occasionally the echo of gunfire from the city can still be heard, but everyone is already familiar and somewhat numb.

Xia Ping'an had actually thought about how to make money-before Luo An was robbed by a few gangsters twice on a certain street outside this civilian area, and once he broke his glasses, and there was a little chaos in public order. He is going to go fishing, to rob those gangsters, those people should be richer than him.

   While passing through a building ruin, Xia Pingan found a half-meter-long water pipe with an elbow from the ruined building and hid it in his windbreaker. His body has not fully recovered. This thing is useful.


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