The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 295: Agreement

"This is not an ordinary place in the capital. You asked me to listen to you within a year. If you let me kill people and set fires, go to the imperial city, should I go too? You think it's pretty beautiful!" The man looked at Xia Ping'an coldly.

"Haha, of course I will not let you do these things. I am an inspector. How can I know the law and break the law? We can agree. I will never let you do things that violate the law and discipline and bully the weak. You may be sent to death on purpose. You are a strong man in the Seven Suns realm, and I can't force you. However, if I am in danger, some gangsters will take action against me. As my bodyguard, you have to help me block it!" Ping An said in a leisurely manner.

"It's that simple?" The man's eyes moved.

"It's that simple!" Xia Ping'an nodded.

"One year is too long, at most half a year, and I will only be your bodyguard!"

"It's okay for half a year, but if I have been injured by an assassin in the past half year, even if I lose a hair, it is that you deliberately indulged and wanted to borrow a knife to kill people. This account will still be on your head. My previous promises will be voided. Those people I let go today, I can still catch them back again!" The two were just as if they were negotiating, a little bit fighting for their own interests.

"If you provoke a strong person in the Eight Suns Realm and Nine Suns Realm, will you have to let me carry thunder for you?"

"Regardless of the reason, if someone above the Seven Suns Stage takes action against me, you can leave me alone and you can save your life, but if someone below the Seven Suns stage hurts me, that's your responsibility!"

The man pondered for a moment, without seeing any flaws or pitfalls from these conditions of Xia Ping An, his eyes condensed, and he made up his mind, "Just half a year?"

"Just half a year!" Xia Ping'an nodded affirmatively, "Originally, the things you committed will take at least 20 years to go to jail, and the people around you will also be implicated by you. Now you only need to be by my side for half a year, all our grievances Just write off, and you don't have to take too much risk. If you are unwilling to this condition, then I can only doubt whether you want to solve this matter!

"Okay, then half a year, it's a deal!"

"It's settled!" Xia Pingan smiled. He stood up directly, walked to the desk, and pulled the rope bell. Only a few seconds later, Qi Dafeng came to Xia Pingan's office.

Qi Dafeng's eyes didn't dare to glance at him, as if he hadn't seen one more person in Xia Ping'an's office.

"All the people caught today are released, and the people from the car dealership will send them back!" Xia Ping'an directly ordered Qi Dafeng.



A few minutes later, in the pouring rain outside, all those who had just been caught by Xia Ping'an today walked out of the inspection office.

And on the street outside the inspection office, the carriages of the Donggang District car dealer lined up, and the coachmen in ponchos held umbrellas for those people. They picked up the people in the carriages and sent them back one by one according to the standard of picking up VIPs. Home.

Xia Pingan was standing with the man in his office, watching those people leave the inspection office one by one.

The last one to leave was a young woman who was shining like fireworks. Even in the heavy rain, the woman was very graceful in every move. The woman walked out of the inspection office. Before getting into the car, she seemed to feel something and turned her head. Looking at the window of Xia Pingan's office under the rain curtain, his eyes were full of worry.

The man shook his head and waved his hand softly before the woman got into the car.

"Baihuafang's oiran Xue Qingmei is your confidante, really enviable..." Xia Ping'an held a wine glass next to him, and said aloudly.

"How do you know my relationship with these people?" The man turned his head to look at Xia Ping An, and asked coldly.

Compared with Xia Pingan’s strength and the background of the adjudication army, these people in Shangjing City were touched by Xia Pingan. This is the place that made that man most afraid of Xia Pingan. Many of his connected people were touched by Xia Pingan. Even the people of the Huang family don't know.

Xia Ping'an shrugged, "You will be by my side for half a year in the future. You can guess slowly. By the way, what do you want me to call you, Brother Master?"

"Don't mention my name, you will call me Iron Mask from now on!" The man said, with a move of his hand, he took out an iron mask and put it directly on his face, regaining his usual indifference to make outsiders It is difficult to guess his identity.

"Okay, then I will call you Brother Iron Mask from now on. Recently, there were a lot of people in the capital who wanted my head. I was assassinated last night, so I will trouble you Brother Iron Mask!"

"Since I promised you, I will naturally keep the promise!"

"Well, with the words of Brother Iron Mask, I am relieved. I will spend the night at the Inspection Office tonight, and I will trouble the Brother Iron Mask to accompany me here. The Iron Mask in the inspection office is free. Come, let's continue to cook the hot pot..." Xia Ping'an smiled and sat back in his seat, and started eating for himself.

The man with the iron mask looked at Xia Ping'an so free and comfortable. After a cold snort, he left Xia Ping'an's office and went outside the office, found a place to sit down, closed his eyes and calmed down.

Seeing that Brother Tiemian didn’t leave, Xia Ping’an was relieved. After the Meimei’s hot pot, Xia Ping’s waved his hand and put away everything on the table, then hummed a small song and went to the lounge connected to the office to prepare. Fusion of world beads.

He still has two world beads that have not merged, one is "Gan Luo Baixiang" and the other is "Song Fei Emperor Sealed Pig King". If there were no toss about last night, these two world beads Xia Ping An would have merged. , But after that last night, it was delayed.

With the Seven Suns Realm master guarding the law now, Xia Ping'an was finally relieved.

Xia Ping'an first took out the "Gan Luo Baixiang" Realm Bead. After piercing and dripping blood, Xia Ping'an was surrounded by a light cocoon.


Opening his eyes, Xia Pingan squatted on the edge of a pond, looking down at the goldfish in the pond.

The water in the pond is very clear, like a mirror, reflecting the face of Xia Ping'an at this moment.

It was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy with a look of aura and piercing eyes, which made people unforgettable at first sight.

This is Gan Luo, and Xia Ping'an is also a little excited. Looking at the world, he can achieve this kind of achievement at the age of eleven or twelve. Only Gan Luo is the only boy at noon in ancient and modern times.

Gan Luo worshipped the image at the age of twelve, and left a beautiful conversation about the ages, how heroic a Chinese teenager is.

A strong young man is a strong country. The Qin Dynasty came out of a young man like Gan Luo, which is actually a kind of foreboding of the Qin Dynasty's dominance of the world.

Xia Ping'an raised his head and looked around. The carved beams and painted buildings around the pond were a huge mansion.

Thinking of Gan Luo's current identity recorded in the history books, Xia Ping's heart moved. Could this be Lu Buwei's home?

Gan Luo's grandfather was Gan Mao. Gan Mao also served as the left prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, but then Gan Mao escaped from the Qin State and went to the Qi State, and the Gan family would be defeated. Otherwise, Gan Luo would not. At a young age, he became Lu Buwei's doorstep, just to eat a lot of food.

At this moment, the two people in the family walked by the flowery path next to Gan Luo, holding hands and bowing their heads, chatting as they walked.

"That Tang is so courageous, Wen Xinhou asked him to go as an ambassador to the State of Zhao, but he actually dared not to go, angering Wen Xinhou..."

"Shhh, keep it quiet, Wen Xinhou was angry when he came back just now, and he threw something in the study..."

Hearing the conversation between the two subordinates Xia Ping'an moved in her heart, and suddenly stood up from the edge of the pond, walked through the flowers, and stopped the two subordinates.

When the two servants saw Xia Ping'an, they hurriedly saluted, "I have met the young concubine!"

Gan Luo's status in Lu Buwei's mansion was a young concubine, and he was liked by Lu Buwei, but his status was much higher than those of the two subordinates, so the two subordinates in Lu's mansion did not dare to care about Gan Luo.

"Where is the lord now?" Xia Ping'an asked directly.

"My lord is in the east study room now!" One of the two servants pointed in one direction.

"Okay, let's go down!"

The two servants left quickly.

Xia Ping'an thought for a while, a smile appeared on his face, and he walked directly towards the east study room.

Arriving outside the East Study Room, Xia Ping'an asked the waiter who was guarding outside to ask Lu Buwei to see him. After a while, he saw Lu Buwei who was still a little gloomy in the East Study Room...

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