The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 292: enemy

Inside the carriage, Mrs. Xuan was dazzlingly beautiful. In a black dress, she was holding an orange tabby cat. The jewelry on her body was all valuable and her temperament was like a wealthy lady. She smiled and used a different kind of Looking at Xia Pingan who got into the car calmly, "I haven't seen him for many days. Young Master Xia is like a fish in the upper capital, like a dragon and a cloud. It's really a bright future. There is only one side of fate that day. I thought Xia must not remember. I am!"

"Madam joked. I was just mixing a bowl of rice in the capital city. I live a precarious day every day. The road full of thorns is real!" Xia Ping'an sat beside Madam Xuan in a relaxed posture, seeming to treat Madam Xuan as her. Like a good friend for many years.

"That day, Young Master Xia said, if I have a problem in the capital, and see each other day by day, if you can help me, you must pay me back. I don’t know if your words count?" As Mrs. Xuan spoke, her words were as sharp as a knife, and she was straight to the point.

"What's the embarrassment for Madam?"

"There is one thing, it just so happens that Young Master Xia can help."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"The son detained a freighter at the dock, Fulong?"

"Not bad!" Xia Ping'an moved his eyes and said directly.

"Actually, the Fulong has something to do with me. I don’t know if the son can look at me and remove the Fulong’s seizure procedures. Then a ship can’t move if it’s detained, and the owner has to pay for it every day. For the expenses on the wharf, you also have to bear the responsibility for breach of the cargo transportation agreement signed with other business associations later, which may cause ups and downs, and rumors are everywhere, and some are overwhelming..."

Xia Pingan's eyes flashed, and he asked directly, "Madam, do you know what the Fulong ship is involved?"

Mrs. Xuan sighed slightly, "The son knows that there are many nobles in the capital, and the nobles are expensive, and naturally they will be short of money. They actually regret that they were embarrassed with the son in the first place. The friendship between those nobles is an incalculable account. Human beings and sophistication cannot be explained clearly in a single sentence. Some things are entrusted by others, so they can’t be dealt with. They can only come forward. The original intention was not to make trouble with the son. This time, the Fulong company does not want to make it bigger. So The right to deal with was handed over to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Those nobles also knew what the son meant, and I also came to mediate for those nobles and the son. This is the end of the matter. This time, the past has passed, and everyone will not be blamed. , They should not get acquainted with the son, make friends, and never embarrass the son in the future!"

As soon as Xia Ping heard Madam Xuan's words, she knew that the Garrison had already compromised. This time, Madam Xuan had come to find herself on behalf of the Garrison.

This is the rule of the capital city. You don't show your strength and ability. No one will treat you as a green onion. As long as you have the ability, you can press his head down, regardless of the garrison.

"Madam has hands and eyes open to the sky, this business has been done with the Garrison, and it is disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Madam Xuan turned her eyes and smiled slightly, "I am a weak woman. I go to the capital here. How can I survive without looking for a backer or making friends? In fact, the business behind the Fulong is not like the son thought. The expenses of the Legion are too large, and the above funds alone are far from enough. The pensions of the fallen soldiers of the Garrison have always been several times larger than those issued by the court. Where does the money come from? It is not earned.

Most of the money earned from the business is spent on the Legion. The Legion itself has a small vault. If this is not the case, His Royal Highness will not hold back even after receiving such a big case. In a few days, Lei Heyang Will resign from the post of deputy commander of the Garrison Corps and go home for the elderly. It is an explanation to the son and the crown prince. The son's anger should also disappear. From now on, the nobles in the capital will know that the son is not to be offended... "

Hearing what this woman said, Xia Ping'an was indeed relieved, and he didn't want to make the contradiction with the Garrison completely irreconcilable.

There are too many enemies in the upper capital, which is not good for him. This time, he had a trick with the garrison. The garrison shot him first, and he retaliated, and it was almost done.

Xia Pingan pondered for a moment, and said directly, "Since the wife has come forward, the Fulong matter is over. The wife can tell the owner of the Fulong that the inspection department will lift the detention of the Fulong tomorrow!"

A smile of relief appeared on Madam Xuan's face, "Thank you, son!"

"It's just that I have a little question about one more thing, and I want to get an answer from the Garrison!"

"Master, may I ask?"

"Did the garrison commander find someone to do the things at the Tianyuanqiao night market last night?" Xia Ping'an also asked directly.

"For this, I can assure the son that what happened at Tianyuan Bridge last night has absolutely nothing to do with the Garrison!" Mrs. Xuan said with a serious face, "The Garrison is stared at by the Crown Prince at this moment, trembling, how dare you do such a thing? Things, if they want to take action against the son, they won't find me anymore. The contradiction between them and the son, how it came about, and how to resolve it, will never be out of line and do such a breach of the rules!"

"How can Madam guarantee it?"

Mrs. Xuan smiled slightly, "Pengwang Auction House guarantees that it is still a bit credible in the capital. The sign of Pengwang Auction House has not been reversed for so many years!"

Xia Ping'an looked at Madam Xuan and patted his head. He was also a little surprised, "It turns out that King Peng Auctions belongs to Madam?"

"This makes the son laugh. Pengwang auction houses are available in all countries on all continents. I am just a shopkeeper of Pengwang Auction House in Beijing. I rely on the face of my friends to make small transactions!"

Hearing what this woman said, Xia Ping'an felt that King Peng Auction House seemed unfathomable.

"Hahaha, if Mrs. is doing small business, there is no big business in the capital!" Xia Ping'an laughed, "Well, since Madam said so, then I believe Madam!"

"The prince suspects the Garrison. It is understandable that the prince has made too many enemies here in the capital. I am afraid that the prince has forgotten some enemies. If you are not careful, you may suffer a big loss!" Madam Xuan said with deep meaning.

"What does Madam's remark mean, please speak directly?"

"Master, do you remember that Sun Hao?"

Xia Ping'an frowned, "Of course I remember!"

"I heard that Sun Hao’s father took out a large sum of cash from the Longxing Business Group a few days ago. There were a total of 500,000 gold coins. The purpose is unknown. He didn’t use it for business or property purchase. It counts time, then In just a few days, the son took up the post of Donggang Inspection Office. The scenery is boundless and enviable..."

Smart people talk, and you can get through at one point.

The Sun family is the Sun family, it turned out to be the Sun family!

The little thing that Xia Ping'an had vaguely wanted to grasp before was suddenly pointed out, and Xia Ping'an finally understood what he had been ignoring, and that was the Sun family.

Xia Ping'an thought that the Sun family's affairs had come to an end, but he didn't expect it to be over.

Although Sun Hao did not leave any evidence, but if the Sun family thought it was done by themselves, they would not look at any evidence or evidence.

Perhaps the people of the Sun family didn't think so before, and didn't think they had such an ability, but becoming the inspector of Donggang, but let the people of the Sun family break the defense.

When I killed Sun Hao, it wasn't in the Three-Yang Realm. All of this was a blunder, and finally returned to me.

Madam Xuan looked at Xia Pingan’s slightly changing face, and continued, “Sun Hao is the most favored in the Sun family. Sun Hao is missing. The people of the Sun family have not given up looking for it. Even though Sun Hao’s second uncle has moved from Qingyun District. The position of deputy chief of the police station was removed, but the Sun family’s presence in the capital is considered to be a big family, and there are many connections. If they believe that Sun Hao’s disappearance is related to the son, this matter may not be so. It's easy to settle, half a million gold coins can already allow many strongmen to take risks to do something in the capital!"

This is clear enough, if Xia Pingan is still unclear, then there is a problem with his head.

"Thank you, Madam for telling me!" Xia Ping'an solemnly folded his fists and thanked him.

"You don't need to be polite, son, some of the deeds of the Sun family, to be honest, I can't bear it either!"

"Today I had a good chat with Madam. Madam asked the carriage to stop at the intersection ahead, and I will get off at the intersection ahead!"

"If you have anything to do in the future, you can take this directly to the King Peng auction house to find me!" Madam Xuan took out a small waist badge with a golden King Peng carved on it and handed it to Xia Ping An.

"This is the VIP waistband of King Peng Auction House?"

Mrs. Xuan hid her mouth and smiled, with a variety of styles, "This waistband is a bit more expensive than the VIP's, the son will know about it later!"

Xia Ping'an took the waistband and loaded it directly into the spatial warehouse.

When the carriage arrived at the intersection ahead, Xia Pingan got out of the carriage.

Getting off the car, Xia Pingan called another carriage directly on the side of the road and went directly to the Donggang Inspection Office.

Now that he knew that the Sun family was behind the shots, it would be easier to handle.

Xia Ping'an was still holding a card.

Xia Pingan, who was sitting in the car, narrowed his eyes...


After Mrs. Xuan’s carriage put down Xia, it continued to drive on the road. After an intersection, there was an extra person in Mrs. Xuan’s carriage. No, there was an extra voice.

Madam Xuan made people sit in the carriage, but there was another woman's voice in the carriage. The voice was made by the big tabby cat that Madam Xuan was holding.

The tabby cat spoke.

"Madam, the assassin hired by the Sun family is not easy to deal with. Why didn't Madam stop selling him a favor just now?"

"I want to see if he can get through this level!" Madam Xuan opened his mouth softly.


Madam Xuan lightly touched the big tabby cat, "I want to know why the Blood Demon Cult spends so much effort this time to want to strangle a few ordinary crossovers. The behavior of the Blood Demon Cult is a bit abnormal, and behind the abnormality. , There must be a reason!"


The second chapter is later today!

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