The Giant Creator

Vol 2 Chapter 415: Episode [415]: Extremely brave, extremely stupid

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Eddinson Cavani slammed the right leg and hit the football fiercely. The football made a loud roar, a huge deformation occurred, and then hurried out to rush to the AC Milan goal.

The fans of the AC Milan team immediately burst into panic screams, and their hearts were beating.

In front of the goal, Karachi flung out for the first time!

Karachi is very confident in the technology in front of him, and he is taller than two meters. Just cross his body directly in front of the goal, he can cover more than half of the goal.

So, watching Edinson Cavani kick and shoot, Karachi was not in a hurry and was not panicked at all. He only spotted the football and flung it out, but his response was not slow and very fast.

The Leeds fans at the scene raised their fists high and were ready to celebrate the goal.

But just before football was about to fly into the goal, Karachi's hands hit the football. In addition, Karachi did not play football because the defensive players were not in place. If the racket is out, chances are that Edinson Cavani will make up shots.

Therefore, Karachi immediately pressed the football down with both hands quickly!

Karachi's body fell fiercely into the goal line, and his hands suppressed the football in front of the goal line.

The fans of the AC Milan team at the scene were very excited and excited, one by one jumping wildly, shouting the name of Karachi loudly, and screaming wildly.

AC Milan fans are cheering for Karachi, claiming he is a super goalkeeper.

The AC Milan players on the sidelines are also very excited and extremely excited. The ball is perfect. Karachi's ball is really perfect. Who dares to say that Karachi is old?

The fans of Leeds United kept shaking their heads. The ball was really speechless. It was a little bit worse. Eddinson Cavani's luck was really bad. This should be a goal. .

Edinson Cavani also shook his head constantly and stared at Karachi in front of the goal quietly. He really looked down on this one!

On the sidelines, Zhong Cheng raised his eyebrow slightly. This ball is very regrettable. Leeds United should score and lead. Unfortunately, the ball was caught.

This ball Karachi can control the football, which shows the power of Karachi.

However, the football held by Karachi didn't stand still, but rather some bouncing. Fortunately, Karachi's second reaction was fast enough, and he directly reached out and fished the football into his arms.

At this moment, Eddinson Cavani was suddenly excited and very excited. He raised his right hand sharply and pointed his left hand straight at the AC Milan goal. He shouted loudly: "诶 诶 诶... ahhhhh ... "

The fans in the stands were aggressive. What happened to Eddinson Cavani? Why did he have such a big response?

Eddinson Cavani's eyes were staring closely at the referee. The referee apparently understood the intention of Cavani Eddingson, and his eyes immediately looked at the goal of AC Milan.

The referee's eyes widened, as if he saw something amazing.

Then, the referee immediately put the whistle in his mouth and blew suddenly, then his right hand was pointing at the position of the middle circle.

Everyone at the scene was fooled by the whistle of the referee. What is happening? What does it mean?

Only, Edinson Cavani ran frantically, rushing to the sidelines with excitement, waving his fist frantically, yelling constantly.

All the fans at the scene stared at Edinson Cavani with the same idiot eyes, is this guy crazy? It's an idiot.

On the sidelines, Zhong Cheng was a little stunned, he understood!

Zhong Cheng's eyes widened, his face was incredible, wouldn't he? Is this really happening?

"What's happening on the court? What does the referee's whistle and gesture mean? This seems to be an effective gesture for goals. Then think of Cavani's reaction, this should be an effective gesture for goals. But we just It's clear that Karachi has steadily captured the football. How could this goal be a goal? "Mark Lawrence was also very puzzled.

The fans at the scene were all aggressive, what is the situation?

However, the players in the stadium reacted, and the fans of Leeds United team were amazed and rushed to Eddinson Cavani crazyly. They were celebrating wildly together to celebrate this lucky goal.

The AC Milan players are a bit aggressive, they cannot accept this.

The AC Milan players immediately surrounded the referee and asked to speak!

Gattuso with a beard and a fierce face suddenly rushed over, shaking his face and roaring at the referee: "Will your tama be judged? How can you score a goal? You give it to Lao Tzu say clearly!"

Pirlo also growled: "Mr. Referee, this is not a goal, this is by no means a goal!"

Nesta also frantically questioned: "Mr. Referee, what do you want to do? Why did this goal come?"

The referee looked at the AC Milan players in cold eyes, and said blankly: "This ball has passed the goal line as a whole, this is a goal. If you don't see clearly, after the game, Go back and watch the playback yourself. Hurry up now and get me back to prepare for the game. This is definitely a goal, no doubt! "

The referee threw a sound and shocked the AC Milan players. This guy was so righteous. Did the goal really score?

However, we clearly saw that the football was outside the goal line. Why did this goal come?

The BBC commentators Mark Lawrence and Eddie Gray are also a bit aggressive. What is the situation, why did Leeds United score a goal?

On the sidelines, AC Milan's head coach Ancelotti was also very dissatisfied, jumping wildly and questioning the referee's penalty in this game. This is a black whistle, a super black whistle.

The fans of the AC Milan team were the most dissatisfied. They roared frantically, their voices were extremely loud, and their hearts were full of anger. What the **** was the referee doing? Shake their AC Milan team?

AC Milan fans are cursing the referee crazyly, claiming that the referee is a bad black whistle, this guy must be collecting Leeds money, otherwise how can he be so blind?

This ball was clearly saved by Karachi. How can this ball be a goal?

The referee is very determined, thinking that this ball is a goal, 100%!

The scene and the square outside the stadium are very chaotic. The security personnel at the scene are like enemies. Is this going to cause trouble? They are stepping up precautions to avoid any accidents.

AC Milan people are very upset. Someone has hacked them in this game. They don't agree!

"What the **** is going on with this ball, why was Edison Cavani so excited at the time? What happened at that time?" Eddie Gray couldn't figure it out.

In fact, even the Leeds fans who are celebrating now don't know what happened? But they only know one thing, that is their Leeds United goal, they just want to cheer wildly.就 And at this moment, the big screen playback on site gave the result!

Everyone on the scene focused on the big screen at the scene, which was just playing back the slow-motion playback just now. Eddinson Cavani's shot was indeed captured by Karachi and pressed under him. In order to see if the ball crossed the goal line, a super slow motion playback was also performed on the scene, and special effects were also performed, showing that the ball was pressed by the goal line by Karachi, and the goal did not score.

The fans of the AC Milan team fry at the scene. This Nima black whistle, the ball obviously did not score, the **** garbage referee actually hacked their AC Milan team, unfair, the black whistle, this is a fake ball ...

On the sidelines, Ancelotti was also very upset, very angry, and slammed the referee wildly!

BBC commentator Mark Lawrence was also a little embarrassed to see here: "His, we see from this, this is really not a goal. The referee's penalty is very, very big, how can this ..."

Mark Laurenson's words and words were interrupted by Eddie Gray, who suddenly stood up and roared loudly, just listening to Eddie Gray growling frantically: "Oh! I scored, this goal scored This is a goal. The referee has no problems. This is a goal ... "

Mark Lawrence was aggressive! He was really stunned by Eddie Gray's deer for horse skills. Oh my gosh, I know you are a loyal to Leeds, but you can't turn the black and white, nonsense in the eyes!

However, at this time Eddie Gray was very excited and excited, and his expression was even more terrible. As if he saw something incredible, Mark Lawrence was shocked and immediately turned his head to look at the big screen.

Mark Lawrence just happened to see a big screen replay!

It turned out that Karachi, who held the football down, found that the football was bouncing and not completely controlled. In order to be safe, he immediately reached out and took the football to his gorgeousness!

It was this fishing problem!

Because Karachi's body was all in the goal money, he reached out and fished the football into the goal. It was so dead that the football just crossed the goal line as a whole!

Karachi had no such string in his mind at the time, so he never realized it. Perhaps it was also a lingering fear. After holding the football in his arms, he didn't get up for the first time, and just lay there with a big breath, as if sighing that he had the rest of his life.

It was at this time that Edinson Cavani discovered everything, raised his right hand in excitement, and shouted wildly. This attracted the referee's attention and saw this somewhat funny and ridiculous goal. The referee immediately blew an effective whistle for the goal. This was the goal of AC Milan goalkeeper Karachi, who scored the football into his own goal.

Seeing here, Mark Lawrence is startled!

After doing a long time of professional football commentary, he really saw this kind of goal for the first time and he was shocked.

No wonder Eddie Gray will have such a big reaction, no wonder he will be so excited.

It ’s been a long time since I saw Tama!

Mark Lawrence felt that his three views had been refreshed and shook his head. Then he immediately said: "Wow! This is really a bit of a goal that makes people cry and laugh. Karachi's work in front is very, very perfect, but at the last moment, he found an extremely stupid mistake, self-destructing the future, There was no problem with this goal, Leeds United led AC Milan 1-0 at home! "

At the scene, the fans of the Leeds United team all laughed, and some even burst into tears. They really haven't seen such a silly person, and they even scooped the football into the goal, which is really funny.

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