The Giant Creator

Vol 2 Chapter 386: Episode [386]: Arsenal's frontline brother

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Before the game, the Arsenal team was interviewed by media reporters, all to compliment Leeds United.

Seeing these news reports, Zhong Cheng smiled slightly!

Arsene Wenger's purpose is obvious, as long as it can be seen by individuals. But Zhong Cheng was very worried!

Yes, Arsene Wenger's method is not very high, but it is used just right!

Arsene Wenger saw at a glance what the problem was with the current Leeds United team and the French took advantage of it. This trick looks very simple and simple, but the effect cannot be underestimated.

Because the players of Leeds United are really a little bit floating now, the whole Arsenal team is still so popular with them, they are not impossible without floating.

Albertini was very worried when she saw these frowns.

Albertini has been a player, and he can understand the lethality of this simple and simple action of Arsene Wenger. When the players reach a certain stage of winning streak, the pride and complacency cannot restrain themselves. These soft knives are very easy to achieve unpredictable results.

This is why some people say that prosperity is bound to decline.

Albertini stared at Zhong Cheng with anxiety and asked, "Boss, what are we going to do now? The team's condition is not so good!"

Zhong Cheng smiled slightly and waved his hand and said, "Don't worry too much, believe our lads. Their adjustment ability is still very good, and their control ability is also good. Otherwise, our Leeds United team won't get 16 consecutive victories, so Believe them, they are more powerful than we think! "

Albertini froze slightly, he didn't expect Zhong Cheng to respond like this.

Isn't Zhong Cheng worried at all?

Zhong Cheng continued: "Again, I have already reminded me of the reminder, and no matter how much I say now, they may not be able to listen to it. Therefore, they must rely on themselves at this time."

Albertini froze again, Zhong Cheng even said such a thing, which was beyond his expectation.

Zhong Cheng also said: "Moreover, sometimes losing a game or two is not necessarily a good thing! You see, when our four-game losing streak at the beginning of the league, how powerful the players exploded? Now giving them a great shot Is n’t it bad, so that they can better understand themselves, is n’t it good? ”

Albertini was slightly contemplative, thinking, thinking that Zhong Cheng was right.

Zhong Cheng also said: "And there is still a long time before the end of the Premier League. At this time, it is always better to lose at the end of the season. Because at this time, we still have time to chase. If we suppress the season If we lose at the end, we may lose again and again at that time, and we will crash! "

Albertini suddenly stunned that Zhong Cheng had already considered such a far place!

Albertini thinks that Zhong Cheng is right. If you want to lose, it is obviously better to lose now than to end the season!

After hearing Zhong Cheng's words, Albertini was not so worried.

At this point, Albertini was very relaxed. What kind of worries can they accept if this game is played?

Of course, this does not mean that Zhong Cheng has given up this game.

It is of course the best to win this game. After losing this game, Leeds United will lose the top position in the league and even risk going to the fourth position in the league. How could Zhong Cheng give up this game so easily?

Zhong Cheng didn't give up. His attitude now is mainly because Zhong Cheng should have done everything. Next, his players' reaction and performance will be required. Zhong Zhongcheng has already prepared for the worst, but the goal of Leeds United is still to impact the victory and the 17th consecutive winning streak of the Premier League!

━━━Split line ━━━

Zhong Cheng and Leeds United no one came forward to respond, which was beyond the expectations of Arsene Wenger. Zhong Cheng and Leeds did not speak before the game, which is really abnormal.

what is happening?

Yes, Arsene Wenger was suspicious at this point.

This guy, Zhong Cheng, didn't even say a word, so he didn't have any opinions on their pre-game remarks? Did not express their views? What exactly does Zhong Cheng mean? What conspiracy is this guy planning?

Therefore, sometimes it may not be bad not to speak!

Some suspicious people, your occasional abnormal behavior will cause them to attach great importance, and then crazy research and speculation, and even buckle one detail by one detail, and torture yourself into a lunatic.

This is the case for people who are seriously suspicious. They often lose not to their opponents, but to themselves!

Although Arsene Wenger is usually not a very suspicious person.

However, in the face of Zhong Cheng, his suspicion grew strong. Because this guy Zhong Cheng ’s behavior is really overtaking today. In addition to his previous understanding of Zhong Cheng, this guy is a very cunning, versatile man with a lot of intrigue. Arsene Wenger would have to wonder what Zhong Cheng was planning!

So, at this time, Arsene Wenger was guessing, wondering what Zhong Cheng really wanted to do?

However, Zhong Cheng didn't stand up to speak now, he has nothing to analyze, so now Arsene Wenger is a little clueless.

Arsene Wenger racked his brains and couldn't guess Zhong Cheng's thoughts!

To this end, Arsene Wenger is even more convinced that Zhong Cheng is brewing a super move. So before the game, Arsene Wenger always reminded Arsenal players to be careful and beware of the Leeds conspiracy.

At the same time, Arsene Wenger also reminded the Arsenal players to pay attention to defense in the game, always pay attention to defense, do not give Leeds a good chance to fight back.

At this point, Arsene Wenger had no confidence before!

Arsene Wenger was suddenly full of worries about the game, which seemed to be a bit out of his control.

Arsene Wenger closed her eyes and meditated, thinking, "This **** lunatic Loia is really not easy!"

It's not too far from the start of the game, but Arsene Wenger is a little nervous.

At this point, Arsene Wenger hopes to be able to go to the scene earlier, and can observe and observe Zhong Cheng and Leeds United to see what kind of ghosts these guys are doing?

Under these circumstances, Arsene Wenger led his players onto the bus and headed for the Arsenal home stadium.

This season, Arsene Wenger is really out. The Arsenal team had built a new stadium and they would have little money. But the results of the first two seasons were too bad, so they still gritted a lot of money and introduced some talented players.

Among them, the Arsenal team spent 60 to 70 million pounds on Leeds United, introducing Darren Bent, Diaby and others. Obviously, Arsenal's goal this season is very clear, that is to reach at least the top four of the Premier League next year and return to the Champions League.

Now they are ranked second in the Premier League and very close to the top of the Premier League. It seems that the result of the signing is very good. Now they have only one goal, which is the top of the Premier League!

No matter what conspiracy Zhong Zhong has, this game he Arsenal Wenger must win!

━━━Split line ━━━

January 1, 2008, Emirates Stadium, London, England!

The weather in London today is still very good. It is a rare day in the sky, no rain and no fog. The weather is very good, it is a bit windy, and still a bit cold.

But these still can't hide the enthusiasm of the fans. The Arsenal fans came to the Emirates Stadium and filled the stadium. They all held up various banners and congratulated Arsenal for reaching the top of the Premier League.

Obviously, Arsenal fans think that Arsenal will definitely win this game. Arsenal are just going to be the top team in the Premier League.

The fans of Arsenal are full of morale and are waiting for the game to begin.

Of course, there are also many Leeds United fans coming to Tainan today. Because the Emirates Stadium is large and can accommodate 60,000 people, Leeds United have received more tickets than elsewhere. Six or seven thousand people, the battle away has been considered relatively loud.

Obviously, the fans of Leeds United are very valued for this game!

The fans of Leeds United are singing the songs of Leeds United to cheer for Leeds United. They firmly believe that Leeds United will definitely win this game!

At this point, BBC commentator Mark Lawrence said: "A lot of players on both sides have come out of the player channel. Now let's introduce the starting list for both sides today!"

Today, the starting lists for both parties are as follows:

Home team: Arsenal, head coach: Arsene Wenger, formation: 4-4-2

Goalkeeper: Armonia

Four defenders [from left to right]: Clichy, Senderos, Kolo Touré and Eboue

Four midfielders [from left to right]: Hleb, Fabregas, Abu Diaby and Rosicky

Double forwards: Adebayor and Darren Bent

Yes, this is the starting list of the Arsenal team today, there are many changes.

In the goalkeeper's position, Almunia has replaced Lehmann, and Lehmann is said to be retiring soon. Armonia was the main goalkeeper for the Arsenal team, but Arsene Wenger seemed to be a little dissatisfied, so he was ready to introduce the new goalkeeper.

It is said that Arsene Wenger has paid attention to the number one goal of the England national team, and now the main goalkeeper of Leeds United. Obviously, this is very difficult and almost impossible.

At the defender line, French central defender Gallas did not start. Instead of starting him, Senderos, a young central defender, Arsene Wenger is full of expectations for him, thinking that he is the future of Arsenal. Anti-core.

The midfielder Flamini has been beaten into the cold, and it is said that this winter transfer will be sent away by Arsene Wenger, and it seems to be sent directly to the Red and Black Legion.

Van Persie was still sitting on the bench at the forward line. After Darren Bent arrived, it didn't take long to steal Van Persie's main position. Twenty rounds passed, and Darren Bent started the fourteenth. Field, two substitute games, he scored 16 goals, played very well, and became a brother of Arsenal forward.

This is the starting list of today's Arsenal team. It can almost be said that it is the main starter. It can be seen that Arsene Wenger's intention to win this game is very, very obvious!

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