The Giant Creator

Vol 2 Chapter 383: Episode [383]: The Premier League is going to change

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Over, Leeds United defeated the Red Devils Manchester United 1-0!

Leeds United finally reached the top of the Premier League this season in the twentieth round of the Premier League. This is also the first time that Leeds has reached the top of the Premier League this season.

This time, Leeds United still stepped directly on the top of their rivals Manchester United's body to reach the top of the Premier League, which made Leeds fans extremely excited and excited.

Especially when Manchester United has such a bad response and performance in this game.

Gary Neville's desperate look even excited Leeds United's fans. They just like to see their opponents look ashamed. The Leeds fans are really too excited. They have to step on the Manchester United body Won the Premier League title this season.

The fans of Leeds United are very excited and excited. They are singing and dancing and celebrating wildly.

Manchester United fans are dark and angry. They lost to Leeds United in this way, and they were not convinced. In this game, they did not lose at all. This is what the Leeds have stolen a victory by mean and dirty methods.

Leeds are all garbage, Leeds are stupid!

As Manchester United fans retired, a great resort cursed the Leeds and snarled wildly.

In the stadium, the Manchester United players have no face to stay, the moment the whistle of the game ends directly towards the court, do not want to stay here for a moment.

Alex Ferguson looked silent on the court, how could it be like this?

At this moment, Zhong Cheng came to Alex Ferguson and stretched out his right hand towards Alex Ferguson.

Alex Ferguson said, "Congratulations, little fox, you have won this game!"

Zhong Cheng said with a smile: "Ginger is still old and spicy, but your Manchester United team has caused us a lot of trouble. We are almost going to encounter Waterloo at home!"

Alex Ferguson stared at Zhong Cheng and said, "Are you showing off?"

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "This is nothing to show off. But I have something to ask!"

Alex Ferguson glanced at Zhong Cheng and said, "Ask!"

Zhong Cheng said: "How much is your club's Cristiano Ronaldo? We at Leeds United are very interested in him!"

Alex Ferguson was shocked. The lunatic Loya was really crazy?

Alex Ferguson never thought that Zhong Cheng would say such a thing. Is Zhong Cheng trying to introduce Cristiano Ronaldo?

Yes, Zhong Cheng really has such an idea.

Because Zhong Cheng wants to build Leeds United into a giant, Zhong Cheng now needs to win a Champions League title, and also needs to introduce a superstar to enhance the influence of Leeds United club.

Obviously Cristiano Ronaldo is very suitable.

Alex Ferguson looked cold and said directly: "You don't want to be delusional. Our Cristiano Ronaldo is not for sale. He will not leave Manchester United!"

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "It seems that he doesn't think so. He has a lot of enemies in the Manchester United team now. I think at some point, even if you are Sir Alex Ferguson, you can't help it?"

Alex Ferguson stared at Zhong Cheng tightly, his eyes flying.

Zhong Cheng continued: "So, sooner or later, Cristiano Ronaldo will leave Manchester United. Now that he is destined to leave, it is better to sell us to Leeds United!"

Alex Ferguson stared at Zhong Cheng tightly before he said, "Then you wait for this day to come. If there is such a day, I don't mind selling it to you. But not now, you Just wait and wait ... "

After that, Alex Ferguson nodded slightly to Zhong Cheng, then turned and left.

It seems that Alex Ferguson is very confident in himself. He thought that as long as he was at Manchester United, this day would never come. Let Zhong Cheng wait until the world is in ruins!

Zhong Cheng smiled, and only the voice he could hear said, "This day, it won't be too far!"

━━━Split line ━━━

Inside the Leeds Elan Road stadium, in the press conference hall.

Sitting in the first row, of course, is Kelly Fox, the chief beauty reporter of the Yorkshire Post, the local media of Leeds United. Now this woman is more and more mature, she is a ripe peach. See now Many journalists are eager.

Kelly Fox's eyes were staring closely at the door of the press conference hall, waiting for the arrival of the big men of the two teams of Manchester United and Leeds.

At this time, Alex Ferguson and Zhong Cheng and others came together. This was a surprise to the Russian media reporters at the scene. How did they get together?

The spotlight flashed instantly, and there were countless screams.

Zhong Cheng, Alex Ferguson and others came directly to the stage and were ready in their positions.

Alex Ferguson said in his own words: "This is a very bad game. I think I should ask the FA. In the future, there will be no need to play in the snow. It will be postponed. We will It was lost, but we did not lose to Leeds United, but to this **** weather! "

Yes, many people at Manchester United think so. They are not losing to Leeds United but to the weather.

Zhong Cheng just slightly pouted and said nothing.

Alex Ferguson continued: "To be honest, our Manchester United players performed very well in this game. We took control of the game, controlled the pace of the game, stormed the goal of Leeds United, many times Threatening the goal of Leeds United, but their luck was good, coupled with the bad weather and venue, we did not score, so we lost this game! "

Alex Ferguson is more than just shirking responsibility, he also said: "Of course, the players of Leeds United have also performed very well in this game. They played well and the tactical arrangement of Madman Loya is very good Appropriately, he is really a very strong head coach. It is really good to lead Leeds United to achieve such a result, a very good guy! "

Alex Ferguson said: "This game I was lunatic Loya, they are very good, but there is still a big gap with our Manchester United team. If the weather and venue are good enough, this game The winner of the game must be our Manchester United team! "

Media reporters at the scene looked at Zhong Cheng one after another, and they wanted to see what Zhong Cheng's reaction was. Unfortunately, they were disappointed. Zhong Cheng didn't respond at all, as if he didn't hear Alex Ferguson's words.

The media reporter immediately asked Alex Ferguson: "Excuse Alex Ferguson, what do you think of Gary Neville's red card?"

Alex Ferguson's face changed, his eyes tightened, and he turned to the reporter who asked the question.

The reporter who asked this question turned out to be a female reporter, and it was Kelly Fox, a local beauty reporter in Leeds. For this woman, Alex Ferguson naturally heard about it. This woman is very powerful, otherwise she would not ask such sharp questions.

Alex Ferguson immediately said: "I don't have much to say about this, then Kazakhstan is indeed a red card. There is nothing wrong with it. There is no dispute. This is indeed a red card, but this is just a red card . Red cards are normal in football matches, and I don't think there is anything worthy of special attention! "

Kelly Fox naturally didn't want to let Alex Ferguson go. It was obvious that he wanted to fool the stubbornness with such an understatement.

However, Alex Ferguson did not give Kelly Fox a chance, he directly got up and left the press conference site, which surprised everyone.

Zhong Cheng also did not expect that Alex Ferguson left the scene so quickly.

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly, knowing that it was time to play, Zhong Cheng said, "We are naturally very satisfied with this game. My players have performed very well and they have shown what I want. Things, we seem to have lost our initiative in this game, but in fact everything is in our hands! "

Media reporters bowed their heads and thought about it, exactly as Zhong Cheng said.

Zhong Cheng continued: "Obviously, Manchester United's strength is indeed very strong. They are indeed the team that once ranked at the top of the Premier League. They are very good. Many of the players in their team are excellent. I I appreciate it very much, especially Cristiano Ronaldo. Maybe he and we in the Leeds pair can invite him to join our team soon! "

The following media reporters took a sip of breath, what does this crazy man Loya mean? Is Leeds United going to introduce Cristiano Ronaldo?

If this is true, then this is super big news!

The media reporters below all looked at each other, all guessing the truth of what Zhong Cheng said.

Zhong Cheng didn't bother. He continued to say: "The weather is really very bad today, and the venue is also very bad. But we and Manchester United played in the same weather and venue, so I think this The factors can be ignored, because everyone is playing in the same environment and the disadvantages are the same. "

Media reporters nodded, Zhong Cheng was right!

Zhong Cheng also said: "I am very satisfied with the result of this game, because we Leeds United have really surpassed Manchester United and reached the top of the Premier League. This is very important for us. Things, our strong Leeds United are back. We will continue to be so strong and win the Premier League title this season! "

After Zhong Cheng's words were finished, the following media reporters became restless and raised their hands to ask questions.

"Excuse me, Mr. Loya, the club you just said is to introduce Cristiano Ronaldo, is this true?" Many reporters have raised such questions.

Zhong Cheng said with a smile: "We are full of interest in Cristiano Ronaldo, and we also hope to introduce him. Of course not now, in the future. Maybe soon after, you can hear us want a Manchester United offer News! "

Media reporters are frightened. Is this true? If this is true, then this will be earthquake-level news!

Is the innocence of the Premier League going to change?

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