The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 359: Episode [359]: Hot condition-Van Persie!

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The football flew out quickly, and Cyclonus approached the goal of Leeds United.

"Van Percy!" Mark Lawrence burst into a drink.

Yes, it's Van Persie again. Van Persie kicked the football fiercely, and the football hurried to the goal of Leeds United-the upper right corner!

The ball was very dangerous, and all Leeds fans were nervous at the scene.

The Arsenal fans jumped up and raised their hands to cheer at any time.

"Go **** it, **** Leeds United, **** lunatic Loya!" Van Persie stared at the flying football tightly, having raised his hands, and was about to cheer.

This ball will definitely go!


A crunch came, and the scene was silent.

At this point, the arm of Death also directly blocked the football that was flying towards it, and the football flew out of the bottom line.

"Pretty! Audrich! Audrich rushed to football, my God, this is definitely not a save from the earth. This save comes from an alien. No one can break through his goal, our great England goal! Eddie Gray shook his head with excitement.

The fans of the Leeds United team were also very excited and applauded: "Audric, we love you! You are the best, we love you!"


Thunderous applause sounded in the Crown Stadium!

Zhong Zheng immediately bounced from the ground, and swiped fiercely into the sky, shouting loudly: "Yeah!"

The Leeds United players immediately came over and celebrated with the bell card.

Van Persie was stunned when he saw it. He never thought that the ball would be caught, which was really too fake. This goal is a must, why was it caught?

Van Persie can't believe it!

The Arsenal players also felt incredible, they could not help but look at the clock.

On the sidelines Arsene Wenger immediately jumped and shook her head slightly. What a great opportunity. They saw that it was going to be two to zero. It's a pity that it's really a pity.

Zhong Cheng stood on the sidelines slowly applauding, without much expression.

Corner kick, Arsenal team corner.

Corner kick by Cesc Fabregas kicked the football out. Nicolas Bentner and Kompany jumped high, but both of them jumped. The football quickly flew to the middle of the penalty area, and the people in the middle also missed. The football came directly to the back spot.

Van Persie swings his arms and swings his legs, bows and arrows, and kicks the ball sideways and volleys.

With a quick slap, Van Persie drew the football solidly. Van Persie was ecstatic. This was absolutely true. The part of the ball was very accurate. He felt that the ball would definitely go.

Van Persie's eyes were staring closely at the football like a shell.

"Van Persie, Van Persie volleys!" Mark Lawrence growled immediately.

In front of the goal, Zhong Zheng saw the football flying out, his pupils shrank, and his heart shook: "This ball is dangerous!"

At the foot of Zhong Zheng, he immediately moved one step to the right, then his whole body fluttered out sideways, extended his hands, and growled in his heart, "Think about me, there is no way!"

With a snap, Zhong Zheng's hands flew to the football, and the football flew out of the bottom line again.

Van Persie was stunned, his knees softened, and he rolled over directly into the restricted area, staring at the Zhong Zheng with an unbelievable face, this time he really kneeled for Zhong Zheng.

"Impossible! Impossible! How can this ball be caught? This is absolutely false!" Van Persie's face was incredible!

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable save! Today Aldridge is simply the **** sent by God. No one can break the goal he handles. This is simply too sharp. I think there must be countless words in the hearts of Arsenal people now. Swearing, hahaha! "Eddie Gray was very excited, roaring frantically, not forgetting to scoff at the Arsenal.

Yes, at this time, Arsenal fans have countless sentences in their minds that MMP wants to spit out. Today, this **** bell card is too awesome, this is not a peony. Even no, not even peony is so powerful.

Today, I'm afraid this card is to run out of his amazing save this year!

Van Persie was stagnant and his confidence was hit hard. In Van Persie's view, this kind of shot is the perfect shot, with perfect strength, perfect angle, and perfect ball speed. None of these goals can be scored. What else can be scored?

Van Persie was really hit!

The fans of the Leeds United team screamed in excitement, and Zhong Zheng was invincible!

"Although the rescue of Zhong Zheng was perfect, it was incredible. But we have to say that today, Van Persie's condition is very hot. He is very excited. Seeing that, more than 20 minutes have passed. Now, we only have Van Persie in our eyes! "Qi Yuqing said.

Mark Lawrence and Eddie Gray were both stunned, then nodded.

"This is not to say that other players have not performed well. To be honest, Cristiano Ronaldo, Marco Royce and Van Nistelrooy of Leeds United have also performed very well, especially Kristia. Nuo Ronaldo. However, our current memory and sight are on Van Persie. Van Persie is too excited today. If he is not under control, Van Persie will score a goal sooner or later! "Qi Yuqing said with some concern.

"Yes, Van Persie is so excited today!" Eddie Gray said weakly.

The guy Van Persie did mean something crazy today, all eyes on the scene focused on him. It is also because of his outstanding performance that he brought out the miraculous performance of the bell card. Van Persie is the best player so far today.

Corner, Arsenal.

Fabregas this time directly led the football to Van Persie. He seemed to know that Van Persie's condition was very good, so he sent the football directly.

Van Persie jumped up with the tall David Luis around him, but the fiery Van Persie was really powerful, and he directly hit the football on top of David Luis.

Van Persie came with a headed goal, and the football quickly shot towards the goal post.

The fans of the Arsenal team jumped up at the scene and growled wildly: "I don't believe, the ball has improved?"

Van Persie's eyes were staring closely at the flying football, without even noticing his feet.

Van Persie growled in his heart: "Go in!"

"Don't think about it!" Zhong Zheng growled, and the whole body flung out sideways, and the single palm was directly on the football, and the football immediately flew out of the bottom line.

Van Persie's heart was bitter: "Come to you!"

At this point, Van Persie completely understood Zhou Yu's feelings, and could not help but sigh: "Because of the West, how can you give a certificate?"

"Ah!" Suddenly a terrible scream sounded in Van Persie's ears, and at the same time Van Persie trembled at his feet, his body instantly lost balance, and he fell heavily on the turf.

Van Persie felt that he was stepping on something. Fortunately, he responded quickly and made appropriate protective actions, otherwise he would definitely kick his feet. However, the fall was painful, but he couldn't focus on himself, but on that terrible scream.

Obviously, the scream did not come from oneself, who is it?

Obviously, it can only be one person, that is, the person being stepped on by himself. So who has been guessed by himself? Obviously there is only David Louis who has just taken off with him!

Van Persie turned his head immediately, and sure enough, he saw David Louis lying on the turf in pain, holding his right leg, and a few teardrops were hanging from the corners of a big boned man. It wasn't David Louis crying, it was a real physical reaction.

Just look at it and know how much it hurts!

Van Persie's heart is full of guilt, after all, he came to play football, not to kick people.

Although, Van Persie really wanted to score in front of Zhong Cheng, he wanted to prove himself in front of Zhong Cheng, score more goals and beat Zhong Cheng and Leeds United. But he doesn't hope that in this way, he wants to beat Zhong Cheng and Leeds United upright!

He didn't mean it, it was an accident!

At this time, the commentators were supposed to exclaim Zhongzheng's magical rescue, but when they saw the situation of David Louis, they were all screaming: "Ah! David Louis is out of condition, he was Stepped on it and fell to the ground in pain, with a painful expression! "

At this time, Leeds United's players rushed over, all rushing at Van Persie, and even cursing Van Persie.

Van Persie got up and signaled immediately, not intentionally!

At this time, the Arsenal players immediately rushed over. They were afraid that Van Persie would lose. The players on both sides immediately confronted each other.

Fortunately, the referee Howard Webb of this game came in time to separate the players on both sides to handle this matter.

Leeds United's team doctor Mark Pias has immediately rushed in to check on David Lewis' condition.

At this time, Zhong Cheng immediately turned around and looked at the bench.

Zhong Cheng hesitated for a moment, then said, "Leonardo, hurry up and get ready!"

Both Humels and Bonucci on the bench were stunned, both were stunned. Never thought that Zhong Cheng would say such a thing. But for a while, Bonucci was so happy that he got up and took off his coat. To be honest, he really didn't expect that it would be himself who came off the bench.

After all, Hummels came to Leeds United before him, and Zhong Cheng also attached great importance to Hummels. It stands to reason that Zhong Cheng should have been sent to Hummels, but he did not expect that it would be himself who came off the bench.

Yes, Leonardo Bonucci didn't even think he would come off the bench, which is really a pleasant surprise.

Leonardo Bonucci was immediately and seriously prepared to play.

Hummels on the bench was blinded, a little disappointed. He thought that such an opportunity belonged to him, but when he thought that Zhong Cheng attached great importance to himself, he felt better.

Zhong Cheng also hesitated between the two just now. In the end, he chose Leonardo Bonucci, because Leonardo Bonucci's substitute performance in the last game was not amazing, but he still The rules are good, which shows that he is in good condition, so Zhong Cheng chose Leonardo Bonucci.

After all, the position of the central defender is different from other positions. What is more important is not surprises, but stability in rules and regulations, and Bonucci is just right.

Sure enough, Mark Pias gave the news, David Louis could not continue to insist, and Leeds United was about to prepare for substitution.

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, but fortunately he was well prepared. Although Bonucci is not necessarily warming up, it is better to warm up for a while than not to warm up.

Zhong Cheng ordered Leonardo Bonucci, and then patted Bonucci on the back, motioning for Bonucci to play. In the twenty-seventh minute of the first half, Leeds United were forced to substitute, and Leonardo Bonucci replaced the injured David Louis.

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