The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 308: Episode [308]: Hiding somewhere, waiting for the rabbit

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Unfamiliar and familiar buildings, decent camouflage clothes, watches at a glance ...


Zhong Cheng came to this **** place again—nameless desert island!

Oh no, it shouldn't be called an unnamed desert island. The top of the watch's information page says something like this-LianYu · Survival!


Is it [Purgatory]?

Purgatory Island?

Where is this island? Zhong Cheng never seemed to have heard of such an island name. The name Purgatory Island is very unique, and even sounds very fierce. Zhong Cheng will remember such island names as long as they have heard of them.

Zhong Cheng's previous life and his current experience have never heard the name of the island in reality. Perhaps Zhong Cheng is too ignorant!

But Zhong Cheng is not unheard of [LianYu] the island name!

In the past life, Zhong Cheng would watch some so-called American dramas when he was free. The island name appeared in a very famous American drama-LianYu!

The name of this American drama is called "Forgive Arrow"!

The protagonist Oliver Queen, not even Queen, is a bohemian rich second generation of the Queen's family, the richest family in Star City. It was difficult for her girlfriend's sister to go to sea to spend a good night together, and finally settled on the deserted island LianYu, where she practiced an extraordinary archery and fighting art.

Later, he used the pirate ship to dock to kill the group of pirates and drove their ship back to the United States.

After returning, he moved to the path of his idol Batman for various reasons, became a superhero to forgive arrows, fight criminals, and became a justice judge in the night!

Of course, what Zhong Cheng cares about now is not to forgive Brother Arrow, but about this LianYu!

Zhong Cheng was thinking, is there any connection between LianYu shown on this watch and LianYu in Forgive Arrows, will this be the same place?

After all, forgive "Arrow", LianYu was also very confused, even after several changes.

Of course, Zhong Cheng still thinks this should be a coincidence!

After all, LianYu seems to have been fabricated, but when thinking of the existence of the system, Zhong Cheng feels that there is no incredible LianYu in this world!

Perhaps it is not necessarily that the opponent in this survival challenge has forgive arrows!

Don't doubt this **** piracy [Super Football Training System], after the previous things, Zhong Cheng feels that this guy can do anything.

Zhong Cheng felt that this is not the time to consider this issue. What he has to decide now is whether he should go to the police branch.

Now Zhong Cheng must make a decision immediately, because time does not wait for others!

For a while, here is just about to start bombing, and at the same time poison gas is about to start to release.

Zhong Cheng must make a decision as soon as possible!

Otherwise it will be very, very dangerous!

"Ma De! Seeking wealth and danger, starving to death, timid, and daring! To do it!" Zhong Cheng clenched his teeth and patted his chest, then moved quickly and rushed out of the safe area!

Zhong Cheng knows that there are certainly not many people with detailed maps like him now!

There are not many people who landed in this area. At this time, no one should be as crazy as him, and he will rush out of the safety zone, because this is just looking for death!

This is the risk of being bombed and poisoned to develop!

To be honest, the average person will think that Zhong Cheng has a problem in his mind. So risking to rush over, even if you find a spear or something, is it useful?

When you find the spear, your girl will not be killed or blocked.

However, Zhong Cheng chose this path.

Because Zhong Cheng believes that the police branch must have a car, and there is a river not far from the back of the police branch, and maybe there are boats inside. Yes, there should be at least the same boat and car, Zhong Cheng guessed.

Of course, even if there is no boat or car, no one will be killed.

Because Zhong Cheng saw something like a bomb shelter on the hillside near the river on the back of the police branch on the map, it was possible to escape the bombing.

Of course, it would be very dangerous if poison gas rushed into the bomb shelter!

However, Zhong Cheng firmly believed that the police branch had a gas mask, and Zhong Cheng had also picked up a little medicine before, and this medicine contained detoxification medicine.

Therefore, considering these, Zhong Cheng boldly made the decision to rush to the police branch.

If you don't go to the police branch, Zhong Cheng doesn't have very good weapons, even doing Voldemort is very dangerous. Therefore, a decent weapon is the safest guarantee in your hands.

Zhong Cheng could not give his life to these so-called luck, he wanted to control his own destiny.

So Zhong Chengyi rushed to the police station without looking back.

Although Zhong Cheng believes that there are no people around here, the people who can come to this island should be a group of lunatics. That cannot be considered with common sense. Therefore, Zhong Cheng also rushed to the police branch with the fastest speed on the premise of ensuring caution.

Zhong Cheng whispered in his heart: "I hope the police branch will not let me down!"

While advancing, Zhong Cheng looked at the wrist watch and watched the countdown to the bombing above. He had to rush to the police branch before the bombing began. Otherwise, he would be blown up halfway.

Time is passing, Zhong Cheng is running!

Zhong Cheng is now racing against time, they must rush into the police branch before the bombing. Even search the police branch as soon as possible, find the car or rush into the bomb shelter!

Time is running out, and Zhong Cheng is still some distance away from the police branch.

Zhong Cheng's forehead oozes cold sweat!

At this time, Zhong Cheng noticed the number of survivors displayed on the watch, and now there are only 82 left. After so many hangs, Zhong Cheng was even more nervous.

Sure enough, this is a purgatory!

Either survive hard or go to hell!

Zhong Cheng's heart was tight, he must find a practical weapon as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be far away from death.

Zhong Cheng gritted his teeth, rushed forward frantically, and rushed to the police branch!

Huh huh!

The violent wind just scraped in Zhong Cheng's ears, and his face was a little painful. Fast, Zhong Cheng's speed was really too fast, as if he was racing.

Zhong Cheng did not take the time to pay attention to these at this time, because he wanted to race against time.

Zhong Cheng didn't know how long he ran. He made a small hillside. A small rural road appeared below the hillside. The police branch was opposite the small road.

This police station looks really small, except that two small two-story buildings are surrounded by a small yard with a police car and a police motorcycle.

Seeing this, Zhong Cheng was very pleased!

However, Zhong Cheng did not rush down.

Because the country road under the hillside is very empty, without any bunkers, once rushing down, and if there are people ambushing around, he will definitely die.

But Zhong Cheng would waste a lot of time if he wanted to go around.

Now bombing and poison gas will not give Zhong Cheng time.

Without much consideration, Zhong Cheng quickly moved across the hillside and came to a relatively distant place to bury a simple fixed-time bomb.

This is a simple time bomb made with the grenade he found in the previous room.

When Zhong Cheng returned to the position directly opposite the police branch, there was an explosion and a loud noise suddenly far away!

It was set by Zhong Cheng. The bombs exploded!

Zhong Cheng's scheduled bombing was a temptation to see if there were any people around.

Zhong Cheng observed for a while, there were no abnormalities around him, he couldn't wait any longer, he had to rush down. Because time is running out, there is really not much.

At this time, Zhong Cheng had to venture down.

Otherwise, he will be killed or poisoned.

Under the temptation, no one should be around. Yes, Zhong Cheng can only believe that no one is around!

Zhong Cheng tightened his bulletproof vest tightly, and then rushed down as soon as he gritted his teeth. He rushed frantically towards the country road under the hillside and towards the police branch opposite!

To be honest, this distance is really not far away. But for now Zhong Cheng is really far away, he seems to feel that he is still far away from the opposite side!

Zhong Cheng's heart is a bit tormented!

When Zhong Cheng ran forward quickly, it was a snakeskin position. The small S-shaped position that came was fast and messy. The speed was very fast, that is, to prevent someone from shooting a black gun beside him!

The sweat on Zhong Cheng's forehead came out, which was really too thrilling.

Of course, Zhong Cheng doesn't know if there are any people around him, he just made the worst plan, which means that if there is no one, he is scaring himself.

But there is no way, in order to survive, he must do so.

Seeing that he was about to rush into the courtyard of the police branch immediately, Zhong Cheng not only did not relax, but became more cautious.

The safer the place, the more dangerous it is!

Many people will relax their vigilance in the safest position, thereby paralyzing the carelessness and giving the opponent a chance to make a fatal blow.

And Zhong Cheng is not clear whether there is anyone in the police branch, he must be cautious!

Zhong Cheng flashed cautiously into the police branch yard, immediately bowed against the wall of the fence and lurked towards the corner of the second-floor building on the left, because he did not know what was happening in the police branch.

At this time, Zhong Cheng relaxed a little bit. Because he really found out that there was no one around the police station, because when he just ran out, nobody shot at all.

The security risks surrounding the police branch have been eliminated, and now it is inside the police branch.

Although, there is not much time left for Zhong Cheng, but still be careful. Because Zhong Cheng has determined that someone has been here, because the doors of the two small two-story buildings of the police branch are open. More importantly, police cars and motorcycles parked in small yards were burned.

Although the fire has been extinguished, it can be seen that both vehicles were destroyed soon!

Zhong Cheng felt lost and angry all at once, and someone even took the lead. It seems that there should be nothing good in this police branch, but Zhong Cheng still has to go in and check, in case there is any fish that missed the net!

However, this clock is still very careful.

Everything here seems to be telling Zhong Cheng that the person who came first in him has left. But Zhong Cheng didn't believe that, if these were all pitted by the **** guy, would he hide somewhere and wait for the rabbit?

Zhong Cheng did not dare to take risks and walked in with such a big swing. Zhong Cheng stepped on the cat softly, walked around the back of the house against the wall, opened the window behind carefully, and jumped in from the window.

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