The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 306: Episode [306]: Hard to Win in the New Season

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One to one, Leeds United equalized the score.

And Leeds United is the initiative to occupy the field, everyone thinks that Leeds United should get their first victory in South Africa.

To be honest, Leeds United's condition in this game is better than the first three games.

If it weren't for the first mistake of the game, Leeds United would be perfect.

Now Leeds United are still playing against the Brazilian international team, occupying an absolute peak.

The Brazilian international team is still desperately resisting the attack!

However, the Brazilian international team's offense has almost been played alone after the frontcourt, and Leeds United's defense is really great. The players of the Brazilian international team have no way to break the Leeds United defence.

At this point, the players of the Brazilian international team understand that why Leeds United is the Champions League champion, their strength is really strong. Even if some of the main players are sent away, they are still very strong and not as uncomfortable as the outside world says.

At this time, Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bell of Leeds United were in turn impacting the Brazilian international team's goal, frequently threatening the Brazilian international team's goal.

At this time, if it wasn't for the goalkeeper of the Brazilian international team going crazy and blocking it, blocking Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bell and Lewandowski's turns, their Brazilian international team would have It was choked.

At this point, everyone can be seen as the power of Leeds United.

Cristiano Ronaldo's level is really too strong, and now it is perfectly integrated into the Leeds United tactics, bursting into greater energy. If it hadn't been for the recent hard training, Cristiano Ronaldo's hat-trick in this game is a breeze.

The strength of the Brazilian international team is still much worse than those of the Premier League.

Zhong Cheng frowned slightly on the sidelines. This game is very similar to the previous game. The Leeds United team is now in a position to score. It seems that they didn't have any goals in this game.

Cristiano Ronaldo has shown super strength and the threat is very large, but unfortunately, it is a bit behind the goal.

The players of the Brazilian international team have also strengthened some defenses, but they are more thinking about offense. This is just a warm-up match, and the result is not too important. They and the team like Leeds United have very few opportunities to attack, but they must grasp it and sharpen their offense and defense.

The players of the Brazilian international team are so clear-cut that they can let go.

It is precisely because of this that the players of the Brazilian international team have performed better, and the goal of Leeds United has also suffered some shocks.

Don't say that, these Brazilians really have talents that ordinary people don't have.

Zhong Zheng is also busy, and the Brazilian international team is doing well.

The two sides started a life-and-death battle on the court, attacking.

To be honest, the fans at the scene were very happy. The game was really good. The players on both sides were very hard and were attacking. The thrilling scenes on the court are really very, very exciting.

However, at the end of the first half, neither side scored again.

In this way, the two sides tied the score in the first half.

The result is a little dissatisfied with Leeds United. They should have won the opponents in this half game. They performed very well today. Of course, the opponent is also very good, and the strength is still relatively strong.

The draw ended in the first half.

At the beginning of the second half of the game, Zhong Cheng made another substitution, making a large substitution.

The lineup after Leeds United substitutions looks like this:

Goalkeeper: Simon Mignole

Four defenders [from left to right]: Danny Rose, Gary Cahill, Matz Hummels and Kyle Walker

Single back: Sammy Hedila

Three avant-garde [from left to right]: Eden Hazard, Tony Clos and Marco Royce

Double forwards: Diego Costa and Hulk

Yes, the Leeds United team has made extensive substitutions and has changed. Let Sammy Hedila stay on the pitch as a single back, and Diego Costa and Hulk are on the front line.

Obviously, this game is mainly testing Sammy Hedila!

Sammy Hedila's position is very critical, Zhong Cheng is to test him well to see if he can be the main back of Leeds United.

Everyone at the scene saw Zhong Cheng's intentions, and his eyes were all **** on Sami Hedila.

Don't you say that Sammy Hedila's performance is really good. In the single-back position, he still showed super strength, blocking the repeated charge of the Brazilian international team.

Sammy Hedila's performance is to make the Brazilian international players look impressive.

Except for the mistake that just started at the beginning of the game, this guy's performances were very amazing and very powerful. They all knew that this guy was a super-strong guy, and he also admired it.

Of course, the head coach of Brazil International was marveled at Zhong Cheng's eyes.

It seems that none of the young players that Zhong Cheng looks after has failed. The players he valued in the Leeds United team are very, very amazing. It seems that all of them are geniuses.

The head coach of the Brazilian international team is naturally envious. If he has such ability, it will be great!

It is a pity that these things cannot be envied by them.

In the second half of the game, Leeds United's defense was still very strong, and Sammy Hedila was still very valuable in setting up a barrier at the back line and performed very well.

It is difficult for the Brazilian international team to threaten Leeds' goal.

In the second half, Leeds United's offense was relatively fierce. Marco Royce and Eden Hazard were not vegetarian. Now Eden Hazard is growing very fast and growing very fast. He learned a lot from Gareth Bell and Cristiano Ronaldo, and now he can gradually stop it. Already.

In this game, Eden Hazard's performance was very bright, even better than Marco Royce's performance.

However, the strength of the two forwards of Leeds United is a little worse than Lewandowski. Especially Diego Costa, this guy is indeed talented, but it is still a bit young.

Diego Costa also has more fouls on the court.

Because Diego Costa was born in street football and played in low-level leagues all year round, he has many small moves, many fouls are also very hidden and very dangerous, and in this regard, he still can't control this degree. Not very comfortable with regular games.

Therefore, when football comes to him, it stagnates, and he always fouls.

Of course, the few offenses he occasionally showed are still amazing for everyone. Everyone can see the potential of him and the problems of Diego Costa at a glance.

This is a weird genius!

If the training is good, this guy will definitely become a good center, because he has a strong physical fitness, strong impact, and his head and foot strength are excellent. If the training is not good, a genius will sink.

Now it's time to see how Zhong Cheng can train Diego Costa.

Zhong Cheng certainly knows this. He is very fond of Diego Costa. This guy is really very talented. He hopes that Diego Costa will be better than Diego in his previous memory. Costa is even better.

During this time, Leeds United's offensive was really a thunderstorm and a little rain, so it won't score!

However, these young players of Leeds United still perform very well, often very eye-catching performance, attracted the fans at the scene.

Tony Clos and Matz Hummels' performances are very amazing. Countless fans applauded constantly. These two people are the best players in the second half.

At this time, the Brazilian international team suddenly launched and charged aggressively.

The fans of the Brazilian International Team also gave thunderous applause to the Brazilian International Team players, encouraging them to attack crazy, because there is not much time left.

The Brazilian international team is on the rise, but Leeds United's defense is really good.

Sammy Hedila still insisted on his post, making the Brazilian international team very uncomfortable. They still have a lot of chances to attack Leeds United's restricted area, but almost all have to face the defense of Sammy Hedira, their chances are really not much.

However, in the second half they threatened the goal guarded by Simon Mignolet.

Today, Simone Minolé is in a very good state, and the opponent has risked two very wonderful shots, which can even be called a fairy ball. Unfortunately, it was all stopped by Simon Mignolet, did not let the Brazilian international team score goals.

Seeing this, all the fans of the Brazilian international team were discouraged.

It should be very difficult for them to score another goal in this game. The strength of Leeds United is still very strong. Of course, the kind they imagine is still much weaker. It seems that Leeds United have left so many main players still have a great impact on their strength.

The game has gradually come to an end. Both sides have not given up. They both want to win the game and take away the victory. They are trying their best.

At the last moment of the game, the game was still very dangerous. Leeds United striker Diego Costa almost knocked the football into the opponent's goal in the chaos of the penalty area. Fortunately, the Brazilian international team had good luck and the football played directly. A goal line popped from the goal post.

In the end, the two sides were tied one by one, and Leeds United still did not win in South Africa.

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