The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 298: Episode [298]: The Legendary Shooter of Leeds United

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So far, Zhong Cheng has introduced a total of three players, spending a total of less than 15 million euros.

In other words, Zhong Cheng now makes a net profit of 180 million euros.

Of course, there are tax deductions or something!

But these ordinary fans and the media are not paying attention, they are paying attention to this scary figure of 180 million euros. If you add Leeds United ’s UEFA Champions League bonus last season, as well as the Premier League ’s bonus and TV share, etc., then Leeds United can be said to be the most profitable club of the year.

Leeds United is simply too rich!

But even such a wealthy club, it is so stingy!

Everyone originally thought that Leeds United was going to die with Real Madrid, get Kaka, plus Ibrahimovic's team, to build a super luxurious Leeds United to create the strongest white army in history.

I do n’t know, Zhong Cheng did n’t quote Ibrahimovic, and he did n’t have the heart to compete with Real Madrid for Kaka!

Everyone imagined, where did Zhong Cheng get the money?

Of course, these are the things that journalists and fans see. And what other clubs see is the youth training of the Leeds United team. The youth training of the Leeds United team is too powerful, no wonder people make money.

After selling these cultivated stars, they still have a lot of reserve power on top!

Now that Luka Modric and Yaya Toure have left, don't they still have Tony Clos and Mesut Ozil, a loaner who has been recruited from Leiden Orient?

Yes, Zhong Cheng's vision is so scary, he hardly needs to introduce any players, and they will not be bad players.

Of course, everyone is now guessing whether Zhong Cheng will make any big moves this summer?

If Leeds really wants to bring in players, who is next?

Will there be a signing that shocks the world?

Zhong Cheng is not paying attention to this now, because Zhong Cheng is now leading the Leeds United team to South Africa and going to Africa to practice.

There are four games to play in Leeds United Africa. First of all, they will attract their first opponent here, namely Ajax, Cape Town. This is a satellite club of Ajax in Cape Town, South Africa. Jax will invest a certain amount of money for this club, and if there are any outstanding players here, they will all be sent to Ajax.

Or many talented players will face the selection of the Ajax club. Those who pass the selection will go to the Ajax youth training camp and so on.

Anyway, these two clubs have very many aspects of working exchanges.

And Leeds United ’s second opponent here is the Ajax Club from the Netherlands. This is a warm-up event organized by the Ajax Club.

The third opponent is the Brazilian international team from Brazil.

Yes, this is the former owner of Alexander Pato!

This club was also invited by the Ajax Club and the local event organizers in South Africa to come here to play a few warm-up games.

Leeds United's fourth opponent is Stuttgart from the Bundesliga!

This was beyond Zhong Cheng's expectations, because Zhong Cheng had just introduced their backcourt player Hedyla from Stuttgart, and they fought against each other. It really had a fate.

At this time, Zhong Cheng was actually not quite assured, of course, not because of the game. It is because of the problem of the team's renewal that some players' agents are really talking about Lions. They want to increase their salary by 150% -200% every week, and even raise the price by more than 200%.

Now the team is talking to these players' agents!

Of course, Zhong Cheng reminds the players not to be distracted by this matter, or to ignore it. As long as the players play well, they are ready for the new season. Let the team talk to their agent about everything else!

Before setting off, Zhong Cheng went to look at Alexander Pato again.

To be honest, Alexander Pato really has enough to back up, he has just returned from a serious injury. However, after just playing two games for the Brazilian national team, he was directly injured again, and the situation was relatively serious. He could not play for a few months, and he will be able to return from injury as soon as September.

Alexander Pato played a warm-up match for the Brazilian national team. In the first game of the Confederations Cup, he played as a substitute and did not play long before he was injured.

This year Alexander Pato is really too back.

And on September 2 this year, Alexander Pato is about to reach his 20th birthday. I don't know if he can recover from injury before his birthday!

Zhong Cheng came to Alexander Pato's home, and now Alexander Pato is recovering at home. Of course it was his home in Leeds, but he was preparing to fly back to Brazil.

At home now is the caregiver and doctor that Leeds United asked for Alexander Pato. Usually he is staring at Alexander Pato here. This time, Alexander Pato can't have any problems, otherwise he will I really want to be reimbursed.

Zhong Cheng met Alexander Pato. Fortunately, this guy has a good spirit and no depression.

Seeing this, Zhong Cheng is relieved a lot.

Zhong Cheng is now afraid of Alexander Pato's depression, fearing that he will be knocked down by injuries!

However, Alexander Pato's situation is not bad now, Zhong Cheng is relieved.

Zhong Cheng asked: "How do you feel? Can you go down?"

Alexander Pato shook his head slightly and said, "No feeling, I think I have to rest for two or three months. You said, I'm too back, I just got hurt again after my comeback, my god, it doesn't seem to be me this year It's my birthday! "

Looking at Alexander Pato's confused face, Zhong Cheng almost didn't laugh!

Zhong Cheng said with a grin: "Do you have a saying about the birth year in Brazil?"

Alexander Pato immediately shook his head and said, "No! We don't have such weird things in Brazil. Hey, but don't say that your eastern mysterious calendar is really accurate!"

Zhong Cheng couldn't help crying and laughing. When did this guy engage in these feudal superstitions?

Zhong Cheng asked: "Since you don't have it in Brazil, who told you this? Don't tell me you did it on the Internet!"

Alexander Pato immediately waved his hand and said, "Don't you know me yet? I usually look at Japanese family action movies on the Internet. How can I worry about studying the ancient and mysterious culture of your east! I feel a headache at first glance! "

Zhong Cheng chuckled and said, "You're honest. What's wrong, you haven't told me who told you about you!"

Alexander Pato said, "Who else can it be? Isn't it the genius shooter king of our club U14?"

Hearing Zhong Cheng here suddenly realized that he smiled and understood.

It's Zhong Yan, this little guy!

Yes, now Zhong Yan is the striker king of Leeds United U14, and the best scorer in the U14 league in the northern region of England. He is a pervert scorer. He scored 51 goals in a season and was counted by numerous scouts. King of Leeds United's next generation forward.

However, Zhong Cheng really didn't know, why did Zhong Yan have such a good relationship with Alexander Pato? Come to Alexander Pato to play?

Zhong Cheng immediately asked: "Why does he come to you often?"

Alexander Pato immediately slipped his lips and said, "Well, where did you come to play with me, it was dedication!"

Zhong Cheng hesitated for a moment, but didn't figure it out. He asked: "Why does this guy want you to be diligent? What has he done to you?"

Alexander Pato immediately shook his head, but instead of speaking, he turned his head and stared at Zhong Cheng, wondering, "Did you not know the boss?"

Zhong Cheng froze for a moment, then said blankly, "I know what I am?"

Alexander Pato said: "Then you just don't care too much about your genius brother!"

One hit!

Zhong Cheng is a little dazed!

Alexander Pato said a lot, Zhong Cheng really did not care much about his younger brother. Because usually there are too many things to be busy. Even if they occasionally spend time with people like Zhong Yan, they are often arguing and dominated by the little witch bell rumor.

Zhong Cheng really didn't find Zhong Yan well to talk about it. Zhong Cheng really didn't understand Zhong Yan.

Although I can usually see some of Zhong Yan's confidence from the Leeds United Club Youth Camp report, these information are all data-based. Zhong Cheng really can't understand Zhong Yan comprehensively. Not sure what Zhong Yan would think now?

Suddenly, Zhong Cheng felt that he should find some time to have a good chat with Zhong Yan.

To be honest, as a player who wants to take the professional path, Zhong Yan is not too young at this age, and he can actually take the road to professional football for two years.

In two or three years, Zhong Yan will be 16 years old. Many young players in the Leeds United club have already entered the first team of the Leeds United team at the age of 16 and played for the first team of the Leeds United team. There are even players who played for the first team of Leeds United before the age of 16.

Therefore, Zhong Yan is too small now.

The past two or three years have been very important for Zhong Yan. As Zhong Yan's elder brother and a professional in the field of football, it is necessary for Zhong Cheng to talk to Zhong Yan well and help him well to give him more Professional advice so that he can have a greater opportunity to engage in professional football.

Zhong Cheng looked up at Alexander Pato with doubts.

Seeing that Zhong Cheng really didn't know anything, Alexander Pato immediately said: "You little brother is a football madman, this guy is about to step on the threshold of the home of all the forward players in our Leeds United team, every day We are embarrassed and embarrassed us, let us give him the secrets of the bottom of each of our boxes, and he will entangle you without teaching him, until you know that you teach him ... "

When I heard this, Zhong Cheng was choked!

Zhong Cheng really didn't expect his younger brother to be such a football madman. It seems that he is full of enthusiasm for football. He likes football from the bottom of his heart and wants to be a very professional player, even a very Great professional player.

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, feeling extremely proud.

Alexander Pato shook his head and sighed: "You really are a family, all so crazy! If you don't succeed, then the world is really unreasonable. I believe Rist will become the legendary striker of Leeds United!"

Alexander Pato wasn't making a fool of Zhong Cheng, but he felt it!

Zhong Cheng said with a slight smile: "This kid is a bit smart, but he really wants to be a professional player. This guy still has a long way to go. What is the future, we really ca n’t say, just It depends on how this little guy can continue to be so enthusiastic! "

Zhong Cheng said that he paused here. He didn't finish a word, and he didn't say it, but just meditated in his heart: "If he continues to be enthusiastic, he will definitely become the legendary shooter of Leeds United!"

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