The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 291: Episode [291]: The Superstar Supermarket Is Really Opening

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At this time, the official website of the Leeds United Club was quickly updated with a message.

Leeds United brought in a 17-year-old Colombian youngster James Rodriguez from the Banfield Club in Argentina for £ 4 million!

However, Zhong Cheng called him Hames Rodriguez!

This is not the point. The point is that Madman Loya has begun to dig young players all over the world. Is this young Hames Rodriguez a super talented player?

At this time, many clubs are sending staff to investigate and see what exactly this Hames Rodriguez can attract Zhong Cheng?

However, everyone did not dig up the answer to this question, but they did dig out another thing that shocked them, that is, Leeds United and Hames Rodriguez signed a 6-year contract with a penalty of up to 80 million pounds.

Everyone was stunned, Zhong Zhong was so optimistic about Hames Rodriguez?

Everyone was shocked!

But what they didn't expect was that soon, Zhong Cheng rented Hames Rodriguez to his father's club Leiden East. It is said that the lease contract was also signed for three years.

Hammers Rodriguez will be playing in Leiden East for three years!

This is shocking to many people. Hames Rodry has a high starting point for his death. He will be leveling directly in the Premier League. After three years of training, will the Leeds United club take Luka Modric's class?

Soon, there was news from the FA side that Hames Rodriguez's special genius regulations were applied for approval. In the new season, Hammers Rodriguez will be able to play in the Premier League on behalf of Leiden Oriental Club.

Many people are confused by this series of things.

At this time, the Manchester City Club issued a big move. They broke the price of 91 million pounds to the AC Milan club, hoping to introduce Kaka in their club, and they were willing to offer for Kaka. £ 500,000 per week.

When this incident was reported, everyone thought that the Manchester City Club was crazy, it was totally chaotic, and did n’t understand the market rules at all. This is simply a tumor of European football, and they should be shot out.

The Manchester City Club is the one who has made all clubs high enough.

Of course, when AC Milan Club saw this offer, they were very enthusiastic. Sending a Kaka can even get more than 100 million euros in cash, which is really a bargain. They are happy to facilitate the deal.

However, Kaka decided against Manchester City.

Kaka only said one sentence: "Money is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I want to play in the Champions League. Obviously, the Manchester City club is too small. I still want to stay in AC Milan!"

After this incident came out, the fans of the Red and Black Army held Kaka higher, clapping their hands in madness, saying that Kaka is Milan's most loyal child, and they will always support Kaka!

Unfortunately, just a month later, everything turned into a bubble. Kaka also fell from the altar to the earth, and was ridiculed and insulted by countless Milan fans!

Of course, this is something!

At this time, fans and media reporters in Milan both gave thumbs up to Kaka. Men with such money in their waists are really handsome, and there are too few in reality. Kaka really deserves everyone's admiration, this is a perfect prince.

However, some people dug it out later. The Manchester City team actually gave AC Milan the quotation. The transfer fee did not reach 91 million pounds. Their offer was around 70 million pounds. The remaining 21 million pounds were additional terms. And the weekly salary they give Kaka is not 500,000 pounds, but about 250,000 to 300,000 pounds. The rest are also additional conditions. If Kaka meets all the conditions, their Zhuoxin will At £ 500,000, it is clear that this is difficult.

However, at that time, Manchester City and AC Milan also went straight to make this gimmick, and there was such a strange contract.

But even at the lowest price, the contract was very, very amazing.

Manchester City Club is really a Nima upstart.

Moreover, Kaka has just come to an end, and the Manchester City Club has begun to attack John Terry of Chelsea again. They are asking John Terry for 45 million pounds and paying a weekly salary of 200,000 pounds. However, Chelsea coach Ancelotti said: "Manchester City is too young to belong to John at all."

In the end, John Terry and Chelsea Club renewed their contract. John Terry's new weekly salary at Chelsea Club will reach 160,000 pounds. This is the maximum salary in Chelsea Club, and it is also considered in the Premier League. It's a top salary.

Yes, the transfer market this summer is crazy, and even the salaries of players have risen sharply. This is simply to make football enter the era of super gold.

At this time, there was new news in the Manchester United club. They introduced Colombian winger Antonio Valencia from Wigan Athletic for 18 million pounds.

Manchester United are also very recruiting this season, especially wingers. Soon after they introduced Antonio Valencia, they introduced France C Roobertin from France.

Now the Premier League has entered a crazy signing.

At this time, the Leeds United club also updated the new transfer news, they introduced Brazilian forward Diego Costa from Atletico Madrid for 200 pounds!

This is also a surprise for everyone. This is another very young striker. Diego Costa is only 19 years old and there are only a few months before he turns 20.

Everyone at the scene was stunned. What is this Leeds United going to do? Leeds United have begun to **** young people crazy, is this guy Zhong Cheng going to build a new generation of Leeds United Youth Guard?

Or, is Zhong Cheng going to sell the current Leeds United players to provide a place for these young people?

So at this time, many clubs want to flock to Leeds United and want to introduce some autumn rain.

Just at this time. Zhong Cheng met Mark Hughes.

Yes, Mark Hughes came directly to Leeds today and talked directly to Zhong Cheng about Yaya Touré's transfer.

It can be seen that Mark Hughes attaches great importance to Yaya Toure!

Zhong Cheng said directly, "Mr. Hughes, I think you have already considered it?"

Mark Hughes nodded slightly. This time he really took away Yaya Toure. He didn't want to have any night dreams. Many teams are now focusing on Leeds United. They are like A group of hungry wolves was about to rush up, tearing Leeds together.

Mark Hughes must tear a piece of fat from the Leeds United club before these hungry wolves pounce on him.

Mark Hughes said: "Mr. Loya is really good, your predictions are correct. But we still have to say that the price of 45 million pounds is too high, do you know how much we pay for Kaka? ? "

Zhong Cheng immediately shook his head and said, "I don't want to know this. I just want to know how much you can spend for Yaya Toure?"

Mark Hughes froze for a moment, don't look at this guy in front of you, it is actually very difficult to deal with. He doesn't follow your routine at all, all initiative is in his hands.

Mark Hughes sighed slightly: "Mr. Loya is really great, so I will not be in the circle anymore, we Manchester City are willing to increase the offer to 35 million pounds, we are very sincere!"

Zhong Cheng heard the price slightly shake his head, which is still a lot worse than his expectations.

Mark Hughes was in a hurry, and he said immediately: "Mr. Loya, we are very sincere. You have to know that last year Robinho was only 32.5 million pounds, and Fernando Torres was only 24 million pounds the previous year. Fuchenko is only £ 30.8 million, and now we are willing to pay Yaya Toure for £ 35 million. "

Zhong Cheng said with a faint smile: "Do you know how much I sold Darren Bent, Huntelaar, Gerard Pique, Frank Ribéry and Joan Gourcuff? Are you looking at clubs that were willing to offer Cristiano Ronaldo for € 100 million in previous years? Have you seen clubs willing to offer Kaka for £ 91 million in previous years? "

Mark Hughes froze directly.

Zhong Cheng glanced at Mark Hughes and said, "Mr. Hughes, the times are different now, and the economic crisis is coming, and the currency depreciation is worthy. You are sure that the current 40 million pounds can be compared with the two or three thousand years ago. Ten thousand pounds? "

Mark Hughes really understood that today, Manchester City raised it up, it is not really necessary to give some blood.

Mark Hughes said, "So Mr. Loya, how much do you want?"

Zhong Cheng glanced at Mark Hughes, and then said, "You are an honest man, and I don't charge you 45 million pounds either. So, for 40 million pounds, you can take Yaya Toure away! "

To be honest, £ 40 million is not a big deal for Manchester City, and Mark Hughes gritted his teeth. However, in the past few years, the Manchester City Club has planned to spend about 300 million pounds. If Yaya Toure is worth 40 million pounds, how can they chase Kaka, Ibrahimovic and Steven Gerrard? How about it?

Therefore, Mark Hughes still bargained with He Zhongcheng.

In the end, Zhong Cheng still sold Yaya Touré, who was no longer in Leeds United, to Manchester City Club. Leeds United received 37.8 million pounds from Manchester City Club, which is a very good price.

After all, Yaya Toure is just one of the main players of Leeds United's rotation, and it is good to get this value.

However, to be honest, the Manchester City Club is not losing.

If Yaya Toure stays with Leeds for another season, Manchester City will not be able to take Yaya Toure with just this little money. After all, Zhong Cheng is ready to give Yaya Toure the main position in the new season. As long as he plays the main force in Leeds for a season, his value must wait at least 4,500 pounds, even 50 million, 60 million .

As soon as this matter was discussed with Leeds United, the Manchester City Club couldn't wait to announce it.

The official website of the Manchester City Club was quickly updated. The Manchester City Club introduced the team's main midfielder Yaya Touré from the new UEFA Champions League Leeds for £ 37.8 million, and from the gunner Assen for £ 18 million. The Na team introduced the main center defender Colo Touré, and the two Touré brothers joined the Manchester City Club at the same time.

As soon as this news came out, European football was shocked.

The news is really too heavy. Is Leeds United really opening their star supermarket? Yaya Toure sold such a good midfielder?

And soon, another shocking news came. Real Madrid Club offered 55 million euros to the Leeds United Club and formally proposed the introduction of Luz Modric, the midfielder of the Leeds United club.

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