The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 244: Episode [244]: The football hooligan appears again in England

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Two to one, Leeds United finalized Liverpool!

Liverpool defeated Leeds!

After the game, many overly excited Liverpool fans resented them, not only denounced the fans of Leeds United, but also hit big shots and even burned a bar!

At that time, fortunately, there were policemen and traffic policemen patrolling nearby. After learning of the accident, they rushed over for the first time, controlled the troubled Liverpool fans, and called for ambulances and fire engines, which did not cause too serious consequences.

But this bar was burnt clean, with five seriously injured and eight slightly injured, and no one lost his life.

And this serious injury is not particularly serious, but this is indeed a disaster!

After learning about this, the fans of Leeds United were very angry and angry, besieging the Liverpool team who had not left, and denounced the rogue behavior of Liverpool football.

Fans of the two teams even confronted Liverpool, and almost hit the ball.

Fortunately, the on-site security precautions were very good at that time. There were so many security personnel and police on the spot that nothing happened.

That night, the Liverpool people also felt that they could not stay. The Liverpool team left Leeds overnight.

Yes, the Liverpool people were prepared to return to Liverpool the next day. But what happened to the Liverpool people?

After this happened, the fans of Leeds United were very angry and immediately rushed to the official website of the Liverpool club to slam the Liverpool man more madly and also exposed the dirty football hooliganism of Liverpool people on the online social forum.

Fans of Leeds United have claimed that they and Liverpool vow not to be mutually exclusive!

The Liverpool fans are also not easy to provoke. The fans of both sides are frantically scolding and touching on the Internet. The scene was once difficult to control.

The grudge between the two teams is getting deeper and deeper, and there seems to be a trend towards life and death enemies.

Moreover, at this time, whether in Liverpool or Leeds, the police station received a report of a fight. After the police dispatched, it was discovered that these fights were all Liverpool and Leeds fans ...

After the Leeds United Club learned of this, Zhong Cheng made Julia Oliveira strongly condemn the crazy and irrational behavior of the Liverpool people in the name of the Leeds United Club, and said that the Liverpool Club would give the Leeds United fans statement.

After all, there are still more than a dozen fans lying in the hospital in Leeds United.

Not long after the announcement, Zhong Cheng led Julia Oliveira and others to the hospital directly to visit the injured Leeds fans.

To be honest, Zhong Cheng felt very painful when this happened. Why does football cause such bad things to happen? Why are these lovely fans hurt like this?

Football hooligan, hateful!

Zhong Cheng came to the hospital and visited these injured fans one by one. Fortunately, fans with minor injuries only had minor injuries such as contusions, which were not serious. People who are seriously injured are almost always burned, but the degree of burns is different.

One of the most severely burned fans was a bearded black man. Half of his beard was burnt away, and there was a little burn on his cheeks. The main thing was his entire right arm, which was very badly burned.

When clock Cheng saw this, the corners of his mouth and eyes twitched, which was very scary.

Seeing this, Zhong Cheng felt very distressed!

At the same time, Zhong Cheng also felt extremely hated for the Liverpool fans who caused the trouble.

Fortunately, this time it happened at the bar, and this is a regular bar. Children under 16 are not allowed to enter. If it is somewhere else, or some informal bars, there may be children who will suffer.

This is a lucky luck!

Seeing the tragedies of these fans, Zhong Cheng was naturally very distressed, but these things had already happened and Zhong Cheng was unable to save. The only thing Zhong Cheng can do is to claim that all the medical expenses will be borne by him this time, and also hope that similar things will not happen in the future.

Zhong Cheng hates football hooligans!

Fans of Leeds United learned of this, they are more supportive of Zhong Cheng, claiming that Zhong Cheng is the best coach in the club's history, they always support Zhong Cheng.

And the fans of Leeds United also knew the situation of the injured Leeds United fans. After seeing the photos, the fans of Leeds United were very angry. They immediately united, cursing the **** Liverpool maniacally and cursing the Liverpool men completely.

The fans of both sides are a big battle on the Internet, pushing the two teams to the extreme of the enemy.

Since then, a new hatred between Leeds United and Liverpool has unfolded!

At this time, the Liverpool club also issued a statement for the first time, claiming that they apologized for this kind of thing, and they did not expect such a thing to happen. They expressed a strong apology for this and claimed that they did not want this to happen. They prayed for the fans of Leeds United, but also expressed their strong condemnation of the football hooligans dressed as Liverpool fans.

They claimed that they were a severe blow to the attitude of football hooligans.

The Liverpool Club stated that it was not their intention to happen such a thing, but they would not sit idly by when this happened. For injured fans of Leeds United, their Liverpool club will be responsible for everyone's medical expenses, and will make compensation as appropriate!

At the same time, the Liverpool Club has repeatedly reminded Liverpool fans to stay sane. The competition of football is limited to the stadium. Outside the stadium, everyone is an ordinary citizen and an ordinary person. Come.

The Liverpool Club also sent a letter to the Leeds United Club on this matter. They said they apologized for this happening, which was not their original intention.

Many media reporters and neutral fans applauded the response from the Liverpool club. The Liverpool club did a great job. Moreover, they also believe that the Liverpool Club is from the heart, not just to do appearance, or to do crisis public relations.

After all, the Liverpool people had the pain of the "Salzburg Massacre" at that time, and they had a deeper understanding of this tragedy than others.

Zhong Cheng was very praised for the Liverpool team's response!

The Liverpool people did not shirk their responsibilities, directly came out to admit their mistakes and expressed compensation, this is still quite a man. After all, these are just the actions of football hooligans, and Liverpool can stand up, which is very good.

However, the fans on both sides were already bitter, and glared at each other with the eyes of the enemy. Fans of both teams roared resolutely: "Leeds, Liverpool, never stand apart! Bloody battle to the end!"

After this incident happened, the FA also immediately responded, sending staff to investigate these matters, and quickly found the perpetrators. Then, the FA made a quick cut-off. The 15 Liverpool fans who participated in this matter were banned from the stadium for life, and several Liverpool fans are still being detained by the police. Accused of intentionally murdering others, if this charge is established, they will be in prison for several years.

Moreover, the FA still made some penalties for Liverpool fans. Penalties for prohibiting Liverpool fans from entering the Anfield Stadium at home and prohibiting Liverpool fans from entering the away court for five games.

This punishment is still quite serious. Liverpool fans are now hating the **** football hooligans. The mistakes made by these **** football hooligans have to be borne by them. These **** **** should be put out of this world!

This matter has caused a lot of sensation in England, and even the whole European world is reporting this matter.

This is an English football smeared!

In the past, English football hooligans have been rampant, but the FA has been fighting football hooligans so long, in fact, it has achieved very significant results. Unexpectedly, such a thing is happening now, and the reputation of the FA Football team has been hit again!

The senior team of the FA is very angry and threatens to crack down on football hooligans. In the future, these football hooligans will be treated with heavy weight and absolutely soft!

This thing is gradually fading away under such a tough attitude, but the hatred between Liverpool and Leeds fans is getting deeper, and it will soon become a world hatred.

The Liverpool fans really hate Leeds United. Originally this season they hoped to win the Premier League title this season. But it was in this game that they lost to Leeds United, leaving Liverpool six points behind Manchester United.

With the last two rounds remaining, Liverpool have little hope of winning the Premier League title.

Broke people's money, such as murdering parents!

Needless to say, the Leeds United destroyed the Liverpool championship plan!

And coupled with the **** incidents of football hooligans and fans, the hatred in the heart is suddenly worsened, and some Liverpool fans ca n’t wait to win over Leeds!

Of course, the fans of Leeds United hated Liverpool more. The **** Liverpool fans messed up on the territory of Leeds United and fought with the fans of Leeds United, causing many Liz United fans to be seriously injured. These **** Liverpool people should be dragged out and shot.

The fans of the two teams are not used to each other, they are cursing each other frantically, and do not want to stop for a moment.

At this time, Liverpool and Leeds will really become enemies of the times!

In the 2008-2009 season, the 36th round of the Premier League was over. The Red Devils Manchester United defeated their rival rival Manchester City 2-0 at home at Old Trafford. They successfully scored a very important three points. They Became the first team in the Premier League this season to reach 80 points, they scored 82 points.

At this time, Liverpool's loss led them to 6 points behind Manchester United, and was even caught up by Chelsea. Chelsea beat Arsenal 3-1 away and scored three points. They and Liverpool now have 76 points, ranking second and third.

At this time, Leeds United relied on this victory, the score was 68 points, and the Arsenal team lost this round with 68 points. Because of the goal difference, Leeds United has overtaken Arsenal and returned to the top four in the league.

At this time, the Arsenal are very painful. They had occupied the top four of the league. They could have qualified for the UEFA Champions League next season. Now they are in danger. Arsenal are very angry.

At the same time, the Arsenal hated the **** Leeds.

If Leeds United won the Champions League, they will qualify for the UEFA Champions League next season, and they will not need the fourth place in the league. In this case, Arsenal, fourth in the league, will be able to advance to the Champions League next season.

But if Leeds United wins the Champions League again, and is the fourth in the Premier League, their fifth Arsenal will have no chance to advance to the Champions League next season. Damn Leeds, this is to kill them as Arsenal!

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