The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 131: Episode: There is a black hand behind it

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Sure enough, Cristiano Ronaldo!

Countless people at the scene exclaimed that both Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi had gone crazy. In this November, the two were on fire and the results they delivered were really amazing. Ordinary.

Many people refer to this play as crazy November!

However, in this month, neither team seems to have encountered any teams that are not too strong, and they are so unconvinced, especially Cristiano Ronaldo, who did not encounter any strong after coming to Leeds United. What about the team.

Therefore, many people are now talking about this matter.

Of course, many people now know that although Cristiano Ronaldo has practiced for two months, the glory of his club's national team is real, which cannot be erased by anyone, and this is also the difference between Leo Messi The best known place.

Therefore, these doubts that Cristiano Ronaldo has not played against any strong team must be a group of ulterior motives, and even many people suspect that this is the sailor requested by Rio Messi. Even if it wasn't Leo Messi, it was made by people around Leo Messi.

For example, Leo Messi's father agent and so on!

They all want to see Leo Messi have a chance to win a prize, naturally they must help. Originally, if Cristiano Ronaldo was not injured, Leo Messi had no chance at all, and they would not have done these small moves.

Because there was no trace of it, and it was also disgusting, discrediting Leo Messi.

However, things are different now, they have a chance, and they think the opportunity is quite big.

Therefore, they think that as long as they work hard to help Leo Messi, Leo Messi really has the possibility to directly get this year's World Footballer and European Footballer, so they started to work.

At present, many media are questioning Cristiano Ronaldo, and many people even claim that those who have been injured for more than two months should not be eligible for the selection, so that it is fair to everyone and fair to the injured. .

After all, a person's performance in a year is ten months or less than your performance, which is not appropriate.

Well, at this time, the wind of the media seemed to be flocking to Cristiano Ronaldo, and began to think that Cristiano Ronaldo was not eligible to participate in the selection.

At this time, the fans of Leeds United were very angry.

These **** Russian media simply don't have a bit of force. These dregs only know how to get money to work, and they don't have any professional ethics and ethics.

Of course, Cristiano Ronaldo was also very angry at this time!

Because it is very close to the European Footballer's Awards Ceremony, which is December 7. Now it's November 28th, and soon, it's more than a week.

Therefore, at this time, the external media will be so hot, because some have jumped off the wall.


With a loud noise, Cristiano Ronaldo slaps on the table in front of him, and the table almost falls apart!

"Fack! These **** junk reporters don't have any professional ethics, **** it!" Cristiano Ronaldo was very angry and pale.

This morning, she saw such newspapers flying all over the country, almost all of them are in England, and the same is true of other national teams, with reports similar to this.

The report wrote as if Cristiano Ronaldo's participation in the selection was shady, thinking that Cristiano Ronaldo was simply not eligible to participate in the selection.

Cristiano Ronaldo is really too angry. These guys are so outrageous that it is simply not human.

Cristiano Ronaldo flushed his entire face.

Albertini was also very angry. He immediately said: "I didn't expect it. Some guys use such dirty methods, this is a shame for the players!"

Zhong Cheng is also very angry, and his face is ugly. However, he still thought that Albertini's words were inappropriate, and he immediately said, "Well! Don't talk nonsense, this may not mean others!"

Albertini continued without saying, "Is this unknown? Who will benefit from this incident? Obviously Messi!"

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "Yeah, as long as not a fool can see it, it is Messi that profited from it. If it was Messi, would he be so stupid? Exposing himself so easily, seems to be anxious The world knows that these bad things were done by my Leo Messi. Is he so stupid? Does he want to render himself with such strong dirty water? "

Albertini froze for a moment, as if he was!

No one would do this, just sell yourself?

Cristiano Ronaldo suddenly said: "The boss is right, although I don't dislike Messi, but I firmly believe he won't do it!"

Albertini nodded slightly: "Yeah, why do you think such a proud man can use such a mean way! It seems that someone is playing on the topic, and in Lionel Messi and you, this is to kill two birds with one stone. ! "

Zhong Cheng thinks the same way, there must be someone who wants to do things behind the scenes.

Not only do you want to kill Cristiano Ronaldo, but you also want to mess with Leo Messi, this is really a killer!

Cristiano Ronaldo was so angry that he slammed the table directly with a punch and screamed, "Don't let me know who it is? Otherwise, I'll kill him!"

Zhong Cheng came over and patted Cristiano Ronaldo on the shoulder, motioning for Cristiano Ronaldo to calm down.

Zhong Cheng said, "Okay, do n’t worry about these. These do not affect the selection of Mr. European Football and Mr. World Football. These extra moves are useless at all. You still put all your thoughts into the game. Come on, the next game is very important for our Leeds United team, is it more important for you to know? "

Cristiano Ronaldo immediately nodded and said he knew.

Cristiano Ronaldo said immediately again, "You can rest assured that I will not let you down, I will definitely perform well in this game!"

Next, Leeds United is about to usher in the fifteenth round of the Premier League this season. In this game, the opponents of Leeds United are very strong, that is, Liverpool, which now ranks first in the Premier League.

Yes, this is a direct dialogue with the top Liverpool team. This is also a good opportunity for the Leeds United team to shrink and lead the group. Only by defeating them will the Leeds United team have a lot of opportunities to chase the previous Liverpool team and other teams.

This game is very important. If this game is lost, it will be difficult for Leeds United to have the opportunity to chase the team that ranks in the top of the league this season, saying that it may not be early to lose the competition for the championship. possibility.

So, this game is still very important now!

Cristiano Ronaldo attaches great importance to this game.

Didn't the outside world say that he had not fought a tough battle with Cristiano Ronaldo? Didn't he say that Cristiano Ronaldo has never played against a strong team?

Now is the time for Leeds to play against Liverpool!

The Liverpool team is the strong driving force in England. It has been qualified for the European Union all year round and even won the Champions League in the previous two years. This season is the top of the Premier League, very strong.

And there is another candidate for the European Footballer of the Liverpool team, and that is Fernando Torres.

In this way, Fernando Torres' leading Liverpool team is really a strong team!

This is the chance for Cristiano Ronaldo to prove himself. Occasionally, Cristiano Ronaldo doesn't need to prove to anyone at all, this is his best chance to block the mouth of those with ulterior motives.

So, Cristiano Ronaldo is now holding out a lot of energy, ready to kill the Liverpool team to stop the garbage mouth.

Now Cristiano Ronaldo can't wait to wait until the arrival of this game, his Cristiano Ronaldo's sword is already hungry.

Of course, at this time, Liverpool people must be uncomfortable.

The Liverpool team is completely a pond fish caught by the city gate fire. The Leeds United team was very difficult to deal with. Now these **** brow reporters are still stabbing, provoke the anger of Cristiano Ronaldo, isn't this pushing Liverpool into the fire pit?

Yes, everyone in Liverpool knows that this game is very difficult to play. Especially Cristiano Ronaldo is already out of anger, this guy is almost going crazy.

Therefore, at this time the Liverpool people are still a little worried about this game!

However, this game is the home of the Liverpool, playing at Anfield, the Liverpool still have some confidence.

In their home court, they are naturally confident!

However, the Liverpool fans are also a bit worried. The team of Leeds United is really not good at playing. This team is very strong, and especially when it comes to playing against the strong teams, it seems that they are all covered. After the energy, Liverpool had suffered a lot in Leeds United before.

So, Leeds United are about to play, and Liverpool fans are still a little worried.

Now there is another Cristiano Ronaldo who is competing for the European Footballer and the World Footballer. This game is even more difficult to play.

Now that Cristiano Ronaldo is in a state of madness, this crazy November, Cristiano Ronaldo's performance is frightening. Now that it's November's tail, Cristiano Ronaldo will surely come up with a position that will serve him well, relying wildly on their Liverpool team.

It's even harder to kick!

This will be a century-old war, Mars hits the earth!

Now countless media reporters have flocked to Liverpool, they want to go to watch this game live, they are guessing, in this game, Cristiano Ronaldo can come up What kind of performance?

These media reporters are full of expectations for this game, endless expectations.

This game will definitely not disappoint them. Cristiano Ronaldo will definitely surprise the whole world. Now everyone is waiting and waiting quietly.

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