The Game Warrior

Chapter 299: Qimen Dunjia cheater

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou 299th chapter Qimen Dunjia cheater. Do n’t say that I was nonsense in the last chapter. It ’s definitely not. I just want to express some ideas about the setting of the maze. I have n’t checked the information before. Is it in another book? Or there are similar settings in the game and I do n’t know?

———————————————— It ’s a choice. In fact ... that ’s not a problem. The teams that entered Lin almost chose the former almost regardless of the rank of their team. How much did Fazou know about the ruins of these six villages ... they are here to fight for the championship and have nothing if they don't get the championship.

Because the form of this year is different from the previous years, the finals of the previous year were monopolized by the old organization. Ten teams were combined vertically and horizontally. Even if a team won the championship, at least four or five teams would share the same.

And this year there are two more high-level masters who squabble the absolute strength in front of them, and they can only rely on strength.

Teams with enough Qimen Dunjia ranks will definitely choose the former. They have to rely on the former as long as they are patient enough to act.

Teams with insufficient ranks will certainly choose the former because otherwise they will completely lose the qualification for the championship and it is better to simply put the bet on their luck.

So without hesitation, Du Guhong led a team of people away from the direction on the map.

In such an environment, there is no point in blaming Hou. With the experience of Du Guhong, the size of the dots in this maze is about 4 feet × 4 feet square. Such a maze is called a four-element array and so on. The three-person hexagonal honeycomb-like name is ... long and wide and four feet long, which means that even if they are sent to scold them, they can't even detect the small pieces of their own at all. How can they find traps to detect the enemy?

Therefore, Du Guhong simply gathered everyone around him, and he was in the first two shields. Then the road was like a broken bamboo ... Qimen Dunjia 19th level means that Du Guhong can represent himself from a current position with a bright spot in a chessboard-like virtual space. Walk 19 squares in a row.

The board space will not tell you which grid has traps, which has ambushes, which is fixed, which is overlapping, and which is a reflection, but you can get this information by operating on the bright spots.

In fact, there are only two kinds of highlights-one is called virtual walking, which is from one grid to another; the other is called virtual marking, which is to leave a certain mark on a certain board of the chessboard as if it is mine sweeping. The difference is this mark Can be drawn indefinitely with the number.

Don't underestimate these two operations because the pixels are generated by projection. All the pixels will change after that. That means that when you see the numbered grid in the future, you can be sure that it is the pixel. No danger.

As for virtual walking, it is the only way to judge the overlap.

Because the overlap point is equivalent to the teleport point.When the virtual walk is stepped in and touches the teleport board, a new area will be automatically generated at the edge of the interface where you can walk your remaining steps but you cannot know where you were teleported unless unless Near that there is a unique real point comparison with a definite number or when you passed by yourself.

The meaning of virtual walking is not to let you present the rules of teleportation, although that is also a use. Its biggest meaning is just to judge the existence of the teleport.

It can be imagined that there are four ways of walking in a four-point array, and there are also four random combinations of two pairs. There are as many as sixteen types, which means that each of the sixteen types of moves can correspond. A delivery route.

But in fact, there are very few positions that can be transmitted by the overlapping point. The remaining eight types are generally cancelled or the transmission end point of the eight types is in situ.

And this is the place where the overlap point is the most powerful, because even if there is a virtual walk, if you are careless, you will have a half chance to walk through the overlap point without knowing that maybe you will be caught by this carelessness at some point in the future. Passed away without knowing it.

Therefore, to determine whether a point is not a point of overlap, except for the mapping of the virtual mark immediately in the vicinity, there are only sixteen possible possibilities.

So even if Qimen Dunjia learns to master a big formation from scratch, it is a huge project.

The simple method is to only follow the path of virtual walking regardless of whether it will meet the intersection point unless the straight forward way will be transmitted and then stopped to change the direction to continue walking.

At first glance, this method seems to be very simple and effective. In fact, it forgets that the overlap is not opening and closing. You may not be able to come back after you walk through. It is very likely that you will go straight down the road and walk straight into the stack. By that time, the dead end surrounded by you wouldn't be possible without teleporting.

In a large formation of up to fifteen levels, this situation is not impossible but a necessity.

So even if you only move along each line in front of each grid, you have to at least come and go. Both roads have proved that they will not be teleported in order to truly step on.

In fact, each of the two moves has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to go back and forth. It is necessary to constantly turn back and return to the former to waste physical energy and waste time. But if you are lucky enough to reach your destination, it should also be extremely fast.

The advancement may be slow at the beginning, but its biggest advantage is to understand that the one pixel in the fifteenth large array of unmistakably marked pixels is equivalent to marking 225 safety zones. These points gradually accumulate. It's a terrible trip to the end. Perhaps you can clearly distinguish the way to the end without using the Qimen Dunjia operation ~ ~ This method is faster and faster.

This is another difficult choice. Are you willing to believe in your luck or are you willing to believe in your ability to operate Qimen Dunjia?

............ Different from the last time, this time the selection of the two methods by the ten teams was almost half.

However, those who chose did not include Du Guhong.

Because he is a monster or a non-human being. It is a genius who thinks that advanced mine sweeping can sweep up to ten seconds ... The operation in the Qimen Dunjia chess board. Others only have to explore the front line and have to be nervous and timid. When walking on the top, he can maintain almost the same as them. However, the progress in the past has been proved and marked one by one in the nineteen vertical and horizontal grids.

If the era of the mouse and keyboard is still limited by the degree of operation, this may not be possible at all, but now it is the age of the brain-dimensional era that determines the operation of the brain.

This is why Du Guhong can train Qimen Dunjia to level 19 by virtue of an eighth-level array.

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