The Game Warrior

Chapter 276: Hate not to meet when not married

The sixth fireworks in March under Yangzhou 276th chapter hate to meet when he is not married. It seems that he can't refer to other people except Du Guhong.

What does this mean? Snow surprised inexplicably involuntarily asked out loud.

"Meaning ... I'm leaving, please take good care of him ..." Huang Rong sighed and poured another glass of wine.

"Walk? Where do you go?" Snow still didn't grasp Huang Rong's mentality. If he just went out to play, it didn't seem to be so serious to say hello ... If he was going to travel, the decision seemed too hasty and it seemed to be deliberately avoiding Like Du Guhong ...

But she can see that Du Guhong's eyes are clearly lingering and sad.What problems can't be solved?

Snow was puzzled by looking up and down at the storage space of Huang Rong players, with cuffs, chests, and waists, she could not see the way she was about to travel, but she still felt that Huang Rong was serious, although unwilling, and the so-called departure was probably one. The meaning of never going back.

"Why?" I don't know why, after realizing this, the first thing that flashed in Snow's mind was that Du Guhong on the school bus looked at Lin Ling's picture with the three people leaving.

"Is he not good to you? Are the two of you in conflict? Or ..."

Following Snow's inquiries, Huang Rong smiled bitterly: "It's not his problem ... it's my problem ... you won't understand ..."

Huang Rong sighed deeply and lifted the hip flask to raise his neck and whale. After a long while, he said again: "If it's really like what you said ... it's better ... he's good to me. No one has been so good to me ... he It must be the most considerate and gentle man in the world to protect you for life ... so do n’t miss it ... "

Huang Rongyou said quietly while walking outside

She was obviously drunk, and her feet were shallow, and her feet were shaking, but the tears on Snow's cheeks, which could not be seen, poured down.

Snow sat blankly watching Huang Rong walked out of the store and still didn't understand what was happening. At this time, Huang Rong's voice came from the street and the hearers were sad:

"Knowing that the concubine gave her a concubine's double pearl.

The sense of love is tied to Hongluo.

The concubine's high-rise building, Lianyuan Qiliang, was in the bright light.

Zhijun is attentive as the sun and the moon, and vows to plan the same life and death ... "

This is the remaining two sentences of Zhang Jiyi's "Jie Fu Yin" Everyone knows: "Huanjun Mingzhu's double tears do not meet when they are not married."

"You are already married?" Snow thought in his heart that he grabbed the point, although he was a bit weird about this fact, he chased out of the shop. "What time are they now ..."

Huang Rong's chanting came to an abrupt halt before it sounded again: "No ..."

Why do you want to leave? No one wants to break up with you? "While saying these words, Snow didn't even think that this was the best opportunity for himself to take advantage of it." Don't leave, okay? He will be very sad when you leave. " Of ... Do n’t look at what he usually understands and knows everything as if he ca n’t be beaten ... "

"Actually, he is very fragile ... I certainly know. Even though he had fallen into deep sleep last night, he still held my arm tightly and tears were on his face, and I refused to let me go ..." Deep sleep should not have been If there is a dream that is not uneasy, it is impossible to show such signs in the bone marrow.

"Although it is not clear what he has experienced, the more I do this, the sooner I leave ... I'm afraid I'm afraid that the longer I stay with him, the more I won't be willing to leave ..." Huang Rong squatted slowly to the ground with his arm leaning on the wall. It ’s almost impossible to breathe. "You do n’t understand that there is a word in this world called destiny. Some people are doomed to be together ..."

"Why ... he is the kind of person? Why ..., ... did we meet together? I hope I do n’t know the truth. If I do n’t know, I can still deceive myself with him, maybe one year or two years ... but since already

Knowing the truth, how can I just watch him be struck by me ... "Huang Rong burst into tears.

Snow finally knew that Huang Rong had his own reason for having to go. Although he didn't understand what the reason was, the shackles that Huang Rong could not get rid of might be the same for Du Guhong ...

Drying her tears and taking a few deep breaths, Huang Rong slowly stood up: "Fortunately, there is you by his side. Will I take good care of him after I leave? Whether in games or in reality, I think he needs a long time to come ... "

"The useless ringer still has to be the ringer. What he likes is that you are not me! In the past few days, you also saw that he didn't care about me and I was not the type he likes ... the kind of thing you said ... … "

"The type he likes? Are you sure?" Huang Rong smiled and shook his head bitterly, reaching out his hands under his jaw and rubbing it, and then slowly removed the outer camouflage.

Snow finally saw Huang Rong's true face for the first time. It was actually a face with eight points similar to him. The height, shape and temperament seemed to be cast in the same mold.

Huang Rong shouldn't know that this look is so similar to the real Snow, but it is clear that if Snow continues to grow in the current image temperament, sooner or later, she will be the same type of mellow and innocent beauty.

And it can also be inferred that Snow in reality and Huang Rong should be the same kind ...

This is also impossible because everyone ’s aesthetic vision is different. In their minds, the scale of scoring various beauties is also different. This is how no matter how advanced the character generation system can satisfy everyone, so the system is At the same time, the shape of the person changes at the same time, basically making the avatar match the real image style of the character, but the face is not

In the same way ~ ~ Snow's body froze for a while, but he was still free from the shock that Huang Rong really looked like himself.

At this time, Huang Rong slowly approached her and put her hands on her shoulders. It seemed that there was no drunkenness: "He does n’t dislike you. If you are cold, you are just because he is too sensible and focused. Even the most basic instincts can be suppressed. I did n’t even realize it. After I leave, you will naturally have a chance ... "

While talking about Huang Rong and approaching Snow, he glanced at Snow ’s inexplicable eyes and left a deep kiss on Snow ’s lips: “So everything please! You and he must be happy. My share is also ... "

This kiss is like a love baton representing the baton handed over by the predecessor to the next one and it is also the only solace for Huang Rong to leave.

But at this time Snow couldn't understand Huang Rong's deep meaning, and now he could only stand still and watch Huang Rong leave without crying.

This is her first kiss!

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