The Game Warrior

Chapter 235: 6 pairs of intestines (2)

The sixth fireworks, March, Yangzhou, Chapter 235, Chapter 6, the right way to pass through the intestines (2) "How did you come here?" Du Guhong bowed to ask the boss of the booth to ask a question. Such a sentence.

Du Guhong wondered why he was recognized by this sister ...

"Pappa ..." Baby Ice Butterfly flew to his nose and flicked his wings, giving him a few double-sided mouths to express his intimacy.

Du Guhong immediately realized that the seventh-order Gu Gu should be on his body. In front of this world's only master Gu Gu, was it as conspicuous as a dark light?

"It's a coincidence with a chance ..." It seems that this can only be explained.

"I'm going to make a question?" Although the boss of Guatan asked Du Guhong, he looked at the chance of the life and death of the woman with the name of vigilance, and it seemed to be deeply into the bones.

"Are you sure you want to answer? But there is only one chance?" Sister Shui couldn't help but asked that the friendliness of Gundam wasn't in vain.

"Well, let's make a question." Du Guhong nodded.

The woman with the surname Shui stared at these people and whispered that the boss was about to make a question:

"The eight kings of pipa pianos are generally face to face."

"The four ghosts have their own intestines."

This is the pair in "Sculpture" needless to say.

"Yingyingyanyancuihonghong is harmonious everywhere."

"Yuyufengfenghuahuayeyechao year after year."

The origin of this pair seems to need no explanation.

Still the third drama flesh came one by one

"The good woman Yousheng asked who could match the door?"

This is also the age-old woman who has a good reputation for asking people at the door.

In particular, the order of disassembling the words has been determined. With such restraints, two clear sentences must be composed to make a lot of links from ancient times to the present, but there is nothing worth mentioning.

Du Guhong didn't answer immediately but first said: "Shang Lian does not work." The unfinished sentence of the Lian Lian is very confusing, even though there is no question in the sentence.

"I will save you one place according to the usual practice." The boss of Guatan nodded.

Du Guhong nodded as well: "Then listen to the next couplet: Sun Zi's snacks don't feed the fairy spring water." [Original]

The boss of Guaxian quietly nodded for a while, then slowly nodded: "You're right."

The crowd clamored: "Even by this way, even if it is right? We also have a couplet here. Zhang Gongchangzhu shoots the fairy mountain Huyue ancient arrows in front of the bamboo!" [Internet]

"I also have people who believe that Yan Zizi married Zhang Gongchang and have children in October." [Original]

Although the drum noise shouted in unison, these two answers were actually the same, because the relatively neat ones that can be found on the Internet are definitely not so easy to match in these two thousand years.

The woman with the surname Shui sternly said to the boss, "You better give me a satisfactory explanation!"

The boss of Guaxian was not in a hurry: "A good woman, a grandson, and a villain; you have to eat raw food and feed; you can also ask the fairy mountain at the door; who can be served with spring water and white drink? It ’s the rarest thing, the clarity of the meaning of the connection, plus the slight flaws in the passage. "

"As for Zhang Gongchangzhu's front shot, there is no one-to-one correspondence with the first four characters. Secondly, I'm sorry. I may not know what Hu Wei's ancient arrows are. The couplet is the meaning of the sentence. The new words do n’t seem to be the original meaning of the sentence ... "[Note: There is a kind of small official who specializes in managing bows and arrows]

"As for the comparison between the believer and the Haizi marriage, it is worse than one to split the word. There are two words that cannot correspond to the second one. In October, it seems that I have not heard of this kind of word splitting since ancient times."

The boss of Guaxian argued with reason and no one said anything other than Du Guhong's other two associations.

Du Guhong smiled slightly and sighed that these people did not know the meaning.

It ’s obvious that the six answers to the intestinal internet ca n’t be passed. It ’s obvious unless it ’s really neat, like the password is right, and you have to say the reason for neatness; but each one is an absolute link that strictly meets the requirements. It can be figured out so easily.

What people want is that the unique answer is that the players themselves come up with this is what the question should be.

As long as you can't find it on the Internet, you can say that you will win first, and then pick up the response of the upper league. In fact, the response of the designers of the rivers and lakes is very loose. Although the designers of the lakes and lakes are not fun, they dare not design tasks that no one can pass.

No one in the poor group could see it.

Du Guhong shook his head and sighed quite like the heroes of the world who resisted.

No one disagreed, and the boss cleared his throat and said the fourth pair: "yanyanyanyanyanyan."

Another absolute seven-character homophone is even more rare because the meaning of two double characters is completely different. The first cigarette word is a noun. The second cigarette word is smoked to the solution. The first word is a verb. The second word is a noun. Since then, there have been countless neat and neat ones.

The allusion comes from the late Qing dynasty. It is said that a person fired smoke from the fire in front of the door into the swallow's nest along the gorgeous eaves. The big swallow flew out of the nest and the little swallow was screamed in the nest.

So someone took this title as a pair of seven-character homonyms to tell a beautiful story.

He laughed when he heard this Lian Gu Guhong: "I don't understand how this pair becomes absolute?"

A group of people have countless items.

Du Guhong said something in a hurry: "I clearly remember that in an ancient book I once saw a story called" Fish Yu Yu Yu "meaning roughly like this ..."

Yuyu fishery desire and fishing.

Yu Yuyu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yuyu Yu Yuyu.

Yu Yu, Yu Yu: "Yu Yu wants to fish?"

Yu Yu: "Yu Yuyu Yuyu ~ ~ Yuyu Yuyu Yuyu.

Yu Yu: "Is the rain more pleasant?"

Yu Yu: "Yu Yu Yuyu Yuyu."

The fish is over fishing. 【Original】

This thing is a good way to recite the word yuyuyu, but I just want to make everyone understand that Du Guhong still spends a lot of words to say that Du Guhong said: "I just saw this ancient article in the next time, so the next couplet is ready to come out: Yu Yu Yuyu Yuyu Yu! "[Original]

"The first rain is a noun, the second rain is the meaning of being showered, the first one is over the second one, and it can be solved as the part of the island's surface. I wonder if this is satisfactory to me?"

"Shaoxia Dacai!" Mr. Guatan sighed and bowed to the ground. "Just don't know the name of the ancient book? Which sage did it?"

Du Guhong sighed: "Alas, it has been too long to remember."

He looked at Mr. Guatan with a sigh of sighs and said: "If I say that this ancient book is a man called Du Gu, I don't know if you will let me pass ..."

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