The Game Warrior

Chapter 231: 6 pairs of intestines (1)

The sixth fireworks, March, Yangzhou, Chapter 231, Chapter 6: Cross-cutting (1) "Of course, what can I do if I finish it? Alas, there are so many things you need to learn when you are doing tasks. "" The ridicule of the light power game was finally counterattacked by Du Guhong at this moment.

But Huang Rong didn't feel the slightest refusal, and she awakened for a while before she realized: "Where are we going now?"

Du Guhong drank two cups of tea from a cup of tea and stood up: "From the forum, there is an interesting task that I can go to see if the writer is our old acquaintance."

Interesting? Old acquaintances? Huang Rong suddenly wondered that Du Guhong could be said to be such a fun task ..... who can be an old acquaintance?

The task that Du Guhong saw was called Liu Dao Chuan Chang.

The mission planner recently appeared in Yangzhou. As long as someone stepped forward to Shantou, he would ask the player to help him with a pair of fortune tellers not far away.

This task was not very noticeable. There are too many tasks in the rivers and lakes. There are not many people who can't take care of such tasks that can't see the level and guess the expected benefits.

However, the posture of the missionary turned this mission into a hot topic in the forum! Because the missionary was the old acquaintance whom Du Guhong said, smiling at the city, smiling at the city again, sorrowful for the face, for the sisters of the country.

I just don't know why she got such a boring task here.

Sister Shui ’s charm ca n’t be blocked on the street. Players who are rushing to the fortune-teller ’s booth will continue to stream, but unfortunately no one can win today.

The fortune-teller ’s couplet question bank is randomly selected by the system and is often named in a martial arts novel. It is not difficult for players. If you have read the original book, it is a matter of seconds.

The problem is that there are always three or four of his six questions, which are the absolute ones that have been passed down through the ages. How can you expect these players to rush into pairs in a hurry ...

And this task is the same as the original Thunder Cleave task. It has been a one-time opportunity and there are no more people who have sighed for more and more days.

When Du Guhong arrived, the fortune-teller's booth was surrounded by water.

Du Guhong finally dragged Huang Rong into the crowd center and heard the boss of the Guaxuan out of the League: "Lonely cold window, widowed!"

This is an absolute and many origins. It is said that Yi Anju ’s widowhood is used to refuse others to be used as a matchmaker. It is said that everyone ’s boudoir is out of marriage, and it is said that the rich widow ’s family is self-satisfied. The Hakkas are lonely and widowed. "

No matter what kind of argument is from ancient times to the present, many people have tried to deal with this kind of absolute originality. That is the case. If it is not difficult to show its difficulties in the years of coping, it will not have an absolute reputation.

The guy in question was obviously prepared and immediately returned without thinking: "The sycamore is dying." This is really a sentence in the pile of paper. It is said that it was the work of the Song Dynasty genius Cui Fu, who answered Yi Anju. Unfortunately, at that time, Yi Anju died a long time. Too.

The traditional Qi character is "one tree and one wife."

The guy who answered was self-satisfied, and the boss gave him a white eye: "I only ask you a word about loneliness? What is Wutong? Do you think it's neat and tidy?"

Yeah, sycamore is a noun lonely but an adjective ...

The guy who answered "..." was speechless.

There were two dissenting opinions on the side at the same time: "The boss is so bad!"

After speaking, Du Guhong couldn't help but looked at another sharp guy and saw that the other party was also a young man who was about the same size as himself and belonged to the invisible master who was thrown into the crowd. Of course, that means Du Guhong was not easy to look at.

Looking at each other and smiling, they both gestured politely: you please first.

At the end, Du Guhong was more polite, but the young man resigned, but he explained to the boss of the booth:

"South Tang Li Yu's" Let's Meet "once had a sentence: Lonely Wutong deep courtyard locks Qing Qiu. The late master's sentence has the Song generation circulated very widely and everyone sings. It is hailed as the master of the Huajian Ci Collection. The blending of scenes at the time was a perfect complement of each other and was hailed as the most unjust cause and causeless ... "

Du Guhong's concession is not without reason. His explanation is exactly the same as that of the man, but during this time he is turning back and asking Huang Rong: "What's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, he didn't know when Huang Rong began to search the crowd in a trance.

When Du Guhong asked her, she woke up and said, "It's okay."

Even though the anxiety on her face could not be concealed anyway.

Feeling the tremor of her body, Du Guhong pulled her into her arms: "Is there anything you can tell me there is something in the world that I can't solve?"

This bragging is useless. Huang Rong didn't even have the mood to refute it. He just whispered his body to Du Guhong and buried his head like an ostrich.

Du Guhong looked up to find out what made Huang Rong so disoriented but found nothing.

At this time, the boss of Guaxian was smiling and arched his hand to the man: "Your excellency is taught and taught this pair with this explanation is considered to be neat but ..." He turned to the man who did the task but this is not your credit, please return Let's go to ~ The people who answered questions in a burst of boos squeezed out of the crowd.

The boss of Guaxian turned to the man: "Your Excellency is extraordinary and you want to try it? Just now that the match is yours, so if you only make five more pairs, will you pass the pass?"

The boss extended five hands to guide a circle of people yelling unfairly. The boss's face did not change color: "The six ancestors left behind the intestinal test. The original intent was that Wen Huiyou originally had six guilds. It is absolutely fortunate that the gentleman has unraveled oneself. If you feel unfair, how about changing the topic back to those six courses? "

The people who are absolutely from the Six Dao, in fact, most of them already know that when they hear this, they no longer speak ...

These people came here with some fluke in their hearts, hoping that some of the answers found on the Internet that could definitely be passed by fluency were not even dared to pass the guarantee.

All six courses? Just kidding. Only God knows what the answer is?

With this in mind, where dare they speak?

And even if the people who can pass the Five Dao, I am afraid they are still not born in the mother womb ...

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