< "contnew" > latest URL: To Eve’s surprise, today’s Temple of Death is exceptionally quiet.

Although the temple has always been solemn and solemn, there should be no shortage of believers who worship and pray, and there should be busy priests.

However, today’s Temple of Death is almost empty…

Even the rows of seats in the temple for believers to sit in were all removed, making the entire hall look empty.

All that came into view was a statue of the Grim Reaper and a short figure standing in front of the Grim Reaper.

Dressed in a black Grim Reaper robe, she turned her back to Eve who entered the temple from outside the temple, while her gaze rested on the orb in the right hand of the Grim Reaper statue.

It is none other than the female temple chief among the dark dwarves.

Eve’s heart moved, and she took the initiative to remove the high-level concealment spell on her body.

In the hall, only Eve could be heard entering the temple and stepping on the black stone slab…

“Here you are, Eukterahir. ”

Hearing the footsteps, the head of the Temple of Death, who was carrying his back hand, slowly turned around and looked at Eve.

Her voice was calm and soft, and there seemed to be no trace of surprise, but as if she had known it for a long time, and the tone of her speech was like facing an old man who had not been seen for a long time.

And the moment she heard the last name, Eve felt that her avatar was almost fried.

The divine power on her body surged slightly, and the whole person almost didn’t hold back and directly released the power to tear the guy who opened his mouth into pieces with a divine spell…

However, after figuring out where this place was, she barely resisted the urge and looked at the head of the Shinigami Temple who spoke.

However, when she saw the appearance of the dwarf temple clearly, she was also slightly startled.

The dark dwarf has dark skin, gray-black hair and pupils, and Eve’s impression of the dwarf temple chief seen through the player’s perspective is also the same…

However, the appearance of the temple chief now is very different from what Eve spied on before.

The gray-black hair is completely turned black,

The originally dark skin became as white as a human being, and the pair of gray-black eyes turned into a pair of scarlet eyes, like a bottomless sea.

The facial features are still the appearance of the dwarf temple chief, but it gives people the feeling that they have completely changed as a person.

And she stood there, there was an indescribable sense of majesty and mystery, which made people involuntarily produce a sense of awe…

God is possessed!

Eve’s pupils shrank slightly.

However, she quickly reacted, and instantly guessed the identity of the other party.

I saw that she first gently performed an elven courtesy, and then said:

“Seeing that the faith power stored in the temple was empty, I thought that it would be some heroic guardian of the underworld who was summoned here by the believers, but I didn’t want it to be the true god…”

Listening to Eve’s words, the “Dwarf Temple Master” did not seem surprised, she stretched out her hands, shook her head and sighed:

“Borrowing the body and strength of a believer barely lowered a thought, which is not comparable to the flesh of your excellency directly shaping the incarnation. ”

After that, she waved her hand gently, and bones suddenly appeared out of thin air on the ground in the temple, forming a solemn white bone divine seat, and she sat up gently.

It’s just that the huge and majestic divine seat seems to be very mismatched with the physique of the dark dwarf, and when the other party sits up, his legs are vacated on the ground, which looks a little interesting…

Seeing this scene, Eve’s heart moved.

At the same time, several vines broke out of the ground behind her, turning into a vibrant vine throne, and she also sat down.

And looking at the unconcealed natural divine power around Eve, the eyebrows of the “Dwarf Temple Master” raised slightly.

She looked at Eve with a smile, and her cold voice had a hint of playfulness:

“The divine power of nature… Should I call Euktra Hill under the crown, or Eve? ”

Even if she was prepared in her heart, Eve’s nerves couldn’t help but jump slightly.

However, she quickly returned to normal, but smiled lightly:

“Eve, my current name is Eve Euktrashier… Under the crown of Hela. ”

After speaking, the breath on her body flickered slightly, and the appearance of the whole person changed again, and she actually gave up covering up the broken jar and broken, and directly transformed from the appearance of the god Zero to the original incarnation!

Seeing Eve’s characteristic silver-haired and purple eyes, as well as the holy god dress painted with the symbols of nature, life and elves on her body and the flower and wood god crown on her head, and then looking at Eve’s calm and relaxed expression, the gaze of the “dwarf temple master” was slightly complicated:

“Euktrashir, you’ve changed after all… Yes, you are her, but not her either. Perhaps, it would be more accurate to call you the successor of the World Tree…”

After speaking, she sighed, and a trace of divine power also gushed out from her body, and the appearance of the whole person changed again…

I saw that her height suddenly increased, from the original dark dwarf to a black hair and red eyes human girl, and she was wearing a black god robe painted with the pattern of death…

Her current appearance is exactly the same as the goddess placed in the hall!

Death and Lord of the Underworld – Hela!

At this moment, there was no trace of doubt in Eve’s heart.

Although she was calm on the surface, Eve’s heart had already made waves at this moment, full of all kinds of doubts and worries…

Hela, the god of death who has always been in the underworld, actually borrowed the body of a believer and cast a divine descent!

It is clear that the other person is waiting for him and knows that he will visit.

It’s just that…… How did Hela know?

When did she know who she really was, and how did she know she would be visiting her?

No…… To be more precise, Eve originally planned to use the vest of the gods to contact Hela’s followers and release goodwill in advance, but did not want to directly bump into Hela’s body!

And…… The other party obviously stayed here for a long time, knowing his arrival, and also coming for himself!

The first sentence “you are coming” actually expresses everything almost the same…

Fortunately, though, Hela doesn’t seem hostile.

Perhaps seeing Eve suddenly fall silent, Hela, the god of death, sighed softly and said:

“Don’t worry, Euktra… Under Eve’s crown, I am the only true God who knows your return, and… I don’t have the idea of revealing everything, and you know that I and all of you in the celestial realm are not on the same path. ”

Hearing these words, Eve’s heart was slightly relieved, but the doubts did not dissipate.

“When did Hela know of my recovery? ”

She asked.

Hela raised her eyebrows slightly and said:

“Probably… It was when the magic level of the Segers world began to return, at that time, there were only some doubts, and with the power of the believers, after seeing your suspected elven dependents, there was eight or nine points of affirmation in my heart. ”

Doubts since the return of magic?

Eve’s heart jumped, and she suddenly thought of more…

Hela would suspect… Will the other true gods be?

“However, the other true gods should not know yet, after all… It was I who secretly assisted the world tree before the fall to cast a curse magic on itself, and of course I know better than other true gods about the changes in the curse divine art! So…… After a little observation, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com and you will know your return. ”

Hela continued.

The curse technique that once protected the body on the World Tree was secretly assisted by Hela?

Knowing the news, Eve’s heart swelled.

Wait a minute…… Doesn’t this mean that Hela is already half an ally of her predecessor?!

And seeing Eve’s somewhat surprised expression, Hela continued:

“Actually, even if you don’t come looking for me and solve this group of Holdel’s jumping minions, I will go to the Elven Forest to find you. But…… Since you came, it was even better. ”

After speaking, she propped up her chin and looked at Eve playfully:

“How? My Soul Orb, is it easy to use? ”


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