The underground world is also known as the Dark Lands.

In the World Tree inheritance that Eve obtained, there are not many descriptions of the underground world, he only knows that the history of the underground world is no shorter than the history of civilization in the underground world, or even longer.

It is said that in the earliest days, it was several ancient gods who were defeated in the Genesis Yuan who went deep underground and opened up this dark world.

However, over time, the ancient gods have fallen, or have fallen into evil gods, and the underground world has gradually been occupied by newborn intelligent beings who have migrated from the earthly world, and brought in the belief of the true gods.

Unlike the surface world, which has formed kingdoms, social order has been formed, and wars have been greatly reduced overall, the underground world is full of blood and chaos.

War, conquest, decline, and collapse form a similar cycle of kingdoms in the dark lands.

There is no formed country here, only settlements formed by race, or underground cities formed around a strong person.

The intelligent creatures here are more ferocious than the surface of the earth, and because of the existence of evil gods, it is difficult to preach even the true gods.

For tens of thousands of years, only the underworld, which is connected by plane passages and dark regions, has the true god successfully taken root here.

But even that is only grudging.

After the thousand-year God War was closed, it was more difficult for the true gods to preach and believe.

Due to the lack of survey and communication, for the intelligent inhabitants of the surface, the underground world often only exists in legends, and even those old elves of the Flame Tribe who have lived for nearly a thousand years do not know much about the underground world.

All they knew was that it seemed to be a dark world of huge caves and underground rivers and lakes, with only fluorescent stones bringing dim light, and abundant underground water systems connecting areas that were almost isolated.

In general, in the cognition of the intelligent races on the surface, the underground world represents mystery, barbarism and chaos…

Just entering a dark region and being able to come back and tell some of the stories that happened is an achievement worth recording for adventurers.

And Eve, it was only after further in-depth communication with Rose the spider queen that she had an overall impression of the nearby underground world.

The underground world under Rivendell,

It’s a remote area in a dark area.

It is made up of a huge cave called the Deep Cave, and the main intelligent creatures are dark dwarves who have migrated in the past thousand years, in addition to a large number of monsters and monsters…

After in-depth understanding, Eve is still full of interest in the underground world.

The Elven Forest is no longer a threat for the time being, and the Warcraft in the north of the Elven Forest is too powerful to be dealt with by current players.

Besides, what’s the point of always dealing with the Warcraft of the Elven Forest?

It’s better to go and hit the outside!

Eve has to train the players further before taking on the next counterattack of Ulaire, the god of winter and hunting.

And the underground world is a good choice.

It’s a chaotic place, and the natives are ferocious, so players can have fun here.

However, in order to prevent players from having accidents while exploring, and to avoid conflicts with the believers of Hela the God of Death, Eve promptly sorted out some information obtained from Rose the Queen of Spiders and uploaded it to the information column of the official website forum.

After all…… It is enough to provoke a weak peak of divine power Ulaire, and Hela, who has medium divine power, Eve is still a little intimidated.

And…… After using other people’s vests for so long, he is still a little weak-hearted.

To further excite players, Eve has added achievements related to exploring the underworld.

The achievement system is actually activated when players successfully build the Chosen City.

The earliest achievement system is the construction of the Novice Village, not only the stone tablet in the central square records the nicknames of 300 first test players, but also the first test players in the system’s achievement column can still find their names in the “Main City Construction” achievement.

In subsequent tasks, contributors who complete major tasks will still be given relevant achievements, and their deeds will be recorded in the system’s achievement column.

For example, several “cute committee” life players who completed the [Crop Planting] task have obtained relevant achievements, nicknames and deeds have been entered into the game system, and even obtained the exclusive title of “planting master”.

Exploring the underworld is also a success.

And the “First Legion” guild, which is the same as the box lunch squad to explore the front line, at this moment, mobilized all the power of the guild to enter the new map…

They want to get the first successful exploration of the underworld!

And with curiosity, when the players explored the underground world, Eve also secretly transferred to their field of vision, enjoying the customs and customs of the underground world.

The entrance to Rivendell’s underground cave is only an entrance passage, and if you want to officially enter the underground world, you have to continue down the cave.

Players walked all the way down, about three kilometers, before finally arriving in the real underground world.

And they, who had long been familiar with the beauty and magnificence of the Elven Forest and the vicissitudes of Rivendell’s miracle, were once again stunned by the scene in front of them…

It is a huge cave with no end in sight.

The top wall of the cave is dotted with many fluorescent stones, which are embedded in the rock, shining with a light blue brilliance, bringing the only light to the dark underground world, like the stars in the sky, beautiful.

And in the caves, there are hills, valley floors, underground rivers… There are also more rugged and variable rock formations composed of complex geological formations.

The closest to the players is an underground forest of unnamed dark purple giant ferns.

These giant ferns are also fluorescent, their bodies can emit a little lilac light, and their bodies gently shake with the underground cave wind, so that the light also flickers slightly, looking like a dream world.

Of course…… If you can ignore the occasional roar of monsters from a distance.

“Obediently, I thought the underground world was just a bare underground hole, but I didn’t expect it to be really a world! There are even forests here! Has its own complete ecosystem! These underground plants look so cool! ”

Looking at the landscape of the underground world, some players said excitedly.

“yes! These ferns look so beautiful, let’s see if you can dig some up and plant them on the ground. ”

Another player agreed.

“Be careful, the official website information said, don’t underestimate any creatures in the underground world, this map is full of chaos and unknowns, and the species that can survive are not good stubble.” ”

The guild leader of the “First Legion” said with tomatoes fried tomatoes.

“In addition, pay attention to the intelligent creatures suspected of being dark dwarves, from the official website information, they seem to be believers in the Grim Reaper, and they are also the head snakes of this area, and they have the potential to become neutral or even friendly NPCs, and they can try not to provoke if they don’t provoke, otherwise they will definitely be destroyed in minutes.” ”

After being a red name once, this guy has become honest.

Because more similar events in the future proved that the red name mechanism of “Elven Country”, although graded, is also harsh.

He was good that time, and only deducted a small amount of contribution.

The forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, except for him, the follow-up is not a player who has not challenged the rules, but they have all received different degrees of punishment.

And as the player’s level increases, the penalty increases exponentially.

There is a high-level player who clashes with another player after a field battle, and the system still kills the other party after the warning is fruitless, and then is immediately banned by the game official for three days, and the accumulated belongings are about to be fined and bankrupt.

Three days…… It’s twelve days in the game, and I can do a lot of things.

For this attitude of banning the account without saying a word, players have not less complained on the official website.

Many people think, isn’t it just killing someone? As for what? It’s just a game…

Of course, the official website did not reply, anyway, just love to play, do not play roll.

There are so many players waiting for the open beta on the Internet, Eve really has no shortage of one or two people, really want to drive people away, or someone retreats, then continue to make up a batch.

He needs obedient thugs, not, and the purpose of the existence of “Elven Country” is only to motivate players to work, not really to make money, or to make players have fun…

And in the end, the players only have to be really fragrant again…

Who made “Elven Country” too unique?

Officially, capricious, there are such conditions …

After a long time, players will also recognize that “Elven Country” is not impossible to mess around, but if you mess around, you must be prepared to be severely punished or even scrapped!

Just like the chicken at the gate of the classic game Girl Scroll Ximu Town, few of the old players dare to touch it again… In addition to wanting to experience the thrill of being an enemy of the world.

Of course, if there is really a player who messes around, Eve will tell him in advance why the flower is so red.

Listening to the instructions of stir-fried tomatoes with tomatoes, the other players also nodded.

And soon, they saw a terrifying scene.

I saw a small monster suspected of being like a mouse suddenly burst out of the rocky path on the side, and then accidentally fell into the forest on the side.

And those beautiful ferns immediately stretched out their “tentacles” shining with a lilac brilliance and wrapped them around.

The small beast just struggled for a while, then remained motionless again, and quickly turned into a pool of viscous liquid, which was absorbed by ferns.


“Groove! ”

“Groove!! ”

“Sure enough… Beautiful things are prickly…”

Fried tomatoes with tomatoes are also dignified, UU reading He pondered for a moment and said:

“If we go around this forest and look deeper, we should be able to find traces of underground monsters. ”

After that, he led the team into the rocky path on the other side.

That is where the mouse-like monster rushed out just now, and there are living creatures, which means that the road over there is open.

After just walking a few steps, he couldn’t help but look around again.

For some reason, after entering this underground cave, he always had a feeling of being spied on, but after looking left and right, he found nothing.

“Is it an illusion? ”

He shook his head and continued to lead the team forward…

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