Elven Forest, on the World Tree.

On the huge branches, Alice Blastwind, the natural saint who had already received the oracle, the oak tree guarding Basaka, the god Al Moonlight, and the patriarch of the Flame Clan, Philosir Flame, gathered here, looking excitedly at a cocoon of light that was constantly shimmering on the branch.

They must personally welcome the birth of the first primordial elf!

In addition to them, Li Mu and Cuckoo Bird were also brought by Alice.

They are the only two players who have been completely recognized by the Holy Lady and will serve as representatives of the Chosen One to witness the birth of the Primordial Elves!

Although other players did not have this opportunity, Li Mu and Cuckoo Bird had already started live streaming in the game system for other players to watch the “plot animation”…

And in the Chosen City under the World Tree, nearly two hundred elves of the Flame Clan also arrived, excitedly waiting for the arrival of the new clansmen.

Even most of the players online gathered and looked in the direction of the world tree curiously and expectantly, while waiting for the live broadcast in the game system.

The World Tree is the mother of elves.

Elves, on the other hand, are long-lived wisdom species born on the world tree.

The meaning of the birth of an elf is varied…

And there is only one that is most widely known and easy to accept – the self-derived birth ability of the world tree in the twilight era in order to create the managers and maintainers of the world.

Since the birth of the Segers universe, this ancient plane universe has experienced six –

They are the Genesis Era, the Dragon Age, the Titan Age (Giant Age), the Dusk Age, the Silver Age, and the Eternal Age.

In the primeval times, the era of the Dragon Age and the Titan Age…

At that time, the creatures of the Segers world had not yet been civilized, the ancient gods active in various planes of the Genesis Yuan had disappeared, and the two golden races, the Primeval Dragon and the Titan Giant, ruled the world.

They fought for many years, leaving the entire Segers continent in ruins, and their own race was also severely damaged…

After the war, the entire Segers world ushered in a long dark twilight era.

In order to re-sprinkle green on the earth, and for the civilization of all things and the formation of civilization, the World Tree took the image of self-incarnation as a template to create an elven family who loves life and peace…

Since then… The Segers universe ushered in the Silver Age dominated by elves!

And throughout the Silver Age, the elves have indeed made great contributions to the development of the entire Segers world…

It was also in this era that the gods of faith gradually appeared and rose, while the ancient gods that had existed since the genesis gradually decreased in several eras, or fell, or fell into a deep sleep…

Of course, all this is history.

With the advent of the Eternal Era, the intelligent race that rose to the center of the world stage has become the later Terrans, believing in the true God has ascended to the peak of the entire plane universe, while the defeated elves can only hide in the entire continent.

But now, the World Tree is back.

And after recuperation, he can finally give birth to a true primordial elf again!

Unlike the summoned Chosen, this time it was the Primordial Elf in the true sense.

And this… It also means a further revival of the World Tree!

Under everyone’s expectant gaze, the light cocoon on the world tree flickered more and more intensely…

Finally, it seemed to have reached a critical value, cracks began to appear on the light cocoon, and the breath of life began to surge around. “It’s going to be born! ”

“Primordial Elves… Is it a baby? ”

“I don’t think so, look at this body type should be close to adulthood.” ”

“I’m more curious if it’s male or female…”

“Hey, hey, I hope it’s a girl! ”

“Hmph, why can’t it be a little brother? ”

In the live broadcast room, players also discussed.

Especially…… Male and female players bet on the gender of the soon-to-be-born primordial elf…

There are more and more cracks on the light cocoon.

With a burst of light, finally… It broke away from the branches of the World Tree, slowly descended from mid-air onto the main trunk of the World Tree, and shattered with it!

“Here it comes! ”

The elves standing on the World Tree looked excited.

And the players in the live broadcast room also widened their eyes.

The light cocoon is broken… A tall figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was a teen or seventeen-year-old teen-year-old boy elf, male.

He closed his eyes tightly, his hands were wrapped around his chest, his long silver hair hung behind him, and his fair skin was girl-like, enough to make all Blue Star women jealous.

He has the handsome and beautiful appearance inherent in male elves, and as the original elf closest to the mother god, he inherits certain characteristics of the true god, and his appearance is even more outstanding than that of ordinary elves.

Even the few elves standing on the World Tree couldn’t help but show a little surprise when they saw him.

On his body, he was wearing a white elven traditional robe that Eve had prepared long ago, with exquisite embroidery on it.

It was the moment he broke the cocoon, Eve put it on for him, just like when the players were born.

The source of the robe is the “waste” that the players once sacrificed…

After breaking the cocoon, he slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes are ice blue, similar to the god Al, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a hint of purple in your eyes, which is the pupil color that only a true elven royal family can have.

At this moment, the barrage in the player’s live broadcast room has already exploded:

“Hahaha! Little brother! It’s really a little brother!”

“Man? It turned out to be not a woman, a little disappointed. ”

“Groove! So handsome! ”

“Aaaaaa My girlish heart is going to explode! ”

“Good-looking little brother! I’ll powder one first! ”

“Nope! I’ll have to brush up on the favorability in a moment! How handsome! Aaaah!

In the live broadcast room, the barrage has long been overwhelming.

Of course…… Almost all of the explosions were the barrage of female players, and the barrage of the few male players had been drowned out by the cheers of the girls…

Don’t underestimate the power of handsome guys!

Even Eve, who was also spying on the player’s live broadcast, was surprised by the enthusiasm of the female players.

He already foresees that a new fan group will soon appear on the forum, and it will probably be the craziest ever…

After all, girls are much more crazy than men.

“Royal family! It turned out to be the royal family that was born! ”

Looking at the newborn elves, the patriarch of the Flame Clan, Philushir, said excitedly.

The birth of primordial elves is also divided into many types.

And the most powerful, fastest-growing, and highest-potential, is the royal family!

As the first primordial elf born, Eve naturally raised all standards to the highest, and personally consumed divine power, and naturally born into the elven royal family!

For this reason, he even consumed an extra 1 divine power point.

The primordial elves of the royal family are the closest to Eve, with long silver hair like his avatar, and ice-blue pupils with a hint of Eve’s purple pupils.

And it is said that the original elves of the royal family are also the first batch of elves born in the previous World Tree.

However, although the primordial elves of the royal family have greater potential, they are also more difficult to reproduce than other primordial elves.

In the world of Segers, the length of life of a creature is inversely proportional to its ability to reproduce.

As the most famous long-lived species, the ability of elves to give birth to offspring is already more difficult, and the royal family with greater potential is even more difficult…

Historically, the royal families of elven civilizations were inherently thin.

It is precisely because the elven royal family is difficult to reproduce that the previous world tree gave birth to other primordial elves with relatively low potential but more easily reproduced.

In fact, Eve also intends to do so, whether it is for reproduction or to save divine power, he does not intend to give birth to a large number of royal families, and then give birth to elves, it will be randomly generated.

Of course, the low potential of other primordial elves is only relative.

Every primordial elf is also a genius-like existence for the current elves!

The players’ bodies are the same type as them.

And Eve, who is also paying attention here, also clearly perceives the state of the primordial elf that has just been born:

“Sure enough, it’s level 40, the peak of the black iron upper rank! It’s only one step away from silver…”

He was satisfied.

“However, I can only transfer a certain amount of knowledge, and now he is just a blank piece of paper, and all he has is natural loyalty to me… As for the personal world view and personality, it depends on his subsequent cultivation. ”

Eve did not choose to instill inheritance and belief.

The primordial elves were naturally loyal to Him, and there was no need for indoctrination.

Moreover, as a newborn life, he is not a god, and his soul is not bound to Eve, so he cannot enjoy the inheritance of the system.

If forcibly instilled with inheritance and faith, it is likely to distort his fragile soul…

In fact, Eve doubts that the indigenous elves of the Segers world are so stubborn about life and benevolence, whether they were influenced by the previous world tree’s forcible inheritance belief when the earliest primordial elves were born…

After all, the previous World Tree seemed to be a life-loving being.

“Everything in the world is evolving. Thoughts are, beliefs are also beliefs, and this is a constantly changing process! They should be allowed to learn on their own and adapt to the changes in the world…”

“Perhaps, in the twilight era, the love of peace and the cherishing of life are necessary for intelligent life, but… Times have long changed, and the collapse of the silver civilization is not without reason. ”

“Anyway… As long as they are loyal to me, that’s enough. ”

Thinking of this, Eve’s bad taste flared up again…

I saw that he once again encouraged the divine power, and in an instant, everyone heard the majestic and mighty voice of the goddess again:

“Newborn child, in the name of Eve Eukterahill, I give you the name – Thranduil Moonlight! ”

Players in the live broadcast room: …



“Thranduil? Is this to cultivate an elf king? ”

“Hahaha! OK! ”

And hearing the voice of the true god, the newborn primordial elf raised its head and looked at the World Tree with admiration and worship.

He knelt down, and his mellow and magnetic voice was full of irrepressible fanaticism:

“Praise you! Thank you for your name, UU Read www.uukanshu.com Great Mother, Eve Euktra Hill crowned…”

And hearing the gentle and beautiful voice, the girls in the live broadcast room exploded again:

“Aaaaah! It’s so crispy!! My ears are going pregnant! ”

“That’s a great sound, isn’t it? ”


He glanced at the live broadcast room and continued to issue an oracle to Alice, the saint of nature:

“Alice, you will be in charge of the teachings of Thranduil Moonlight. ”

Alice listened, looking excited.

To be able to teach the Primordial Elves, and still be a royal family, would be a great honor and represent the trust of the Mother Goddess!

She took a deep breath, knelt down as well, and reverently drew a tree-shaped symbol on her chest:

“Alice… Obey the oracle. Your words are the direction of Alice’s life! I will live up to your expectations! ”

Eve nodded in her heart and said again:

“Besides, you choose the Chosen One, who you trust, also as a teaching from Thranduil Moonlight! ”

Sky…… The Chosen?

Alice was stunned.

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