Under everyone’s gaze, the body of the Spider Mother Empress shrank further and turned into a human form.

However, her incarnation is not complete, and the main body of her body still retains the appearance of a spider, but only the upper body turns into a humanoid female appearance, a proper monster girl.

Her upper body looks like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, perhaps influenced by Eve’s divine power, her appearance has a bit of elven characteristics, her appearance is very delicate, and even a little cute, in addition… She also has elf-like pointy ears.

She has scarlet eyes, inheriting some of the characteristics of spider eyes, looking crimson and translucent, like a pair of gemstones, and three curved lines can be seen on the sides of her cheeks under her eyes.

Those were three other pairs of unopened eyes that couldn’t be seen at all when closed.

Her hair was black, the same color as the worm beetle on her body, and her long hair was shoulder-length and hung behind her.

Her complexion was white, white to almost transparent, contrasting with the black insect beetles and hair.

Her upper body was not dressed, revealing pure white skin and a small belly button, but two columns of shining insect beetles wrapped around her side, extending to her chest, covering more critical places, and forming a spider-like pattern on her chest…

This…… It’s what the spider mother looks like now.

She turned into a human form, and her face was a little dazed.

But…… She soon noticed the changes in her body, and with some excitement stretched out a pair of white arms, curiously touching her body.

And the eight spider legs under her also kept tossing and turning with her movements, and even her upper body kept turning, constantly turning her head to check her new form.

That look of joy looks a little cute.

“Groove! ”

“Groove!! ”

The onlookers in the distance saw the changed appearance of the Spider Mother Queen, and they all opened their mouths in surprise.

And then, there was a weird excitement:

“Monster girl! It turned out to be a monster girl! ”

“Hiss—kind of cute. ”

“Wake up! The human body is a big spider! ”

“Or Spider Lori! ”

“It should be considered a girl, right? ”

“No, the figure is not up to standard, it looks too flat. ”

“I suspect that the pair of steel plates on her chest is pressed, affecting development!” Ay…… The insect beetle on the upper body is so eye-catching! ”

“Regret, why doesn’t the lower body take shape with it? ”

“Wouldn’t that be better? Monster Girl! ”

“Your taste is unusual…”

“Speaking of spider monsters… I seem to have read a similar book…”

“Ahem… Take a step to speak…”


Can you be more obscene?” Eve:……

Listening to the increasingly excited and gentlemanly discussions of the players, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

At this time, the spider mother queen also confirmed her new form and looked at the goddess floating in mid-air again.

With her body shrinking, now she can only look up to Eve.

Of course, the equipment that was strung together by her legs had long been scattered with her transformation.

I saw the spider mother queen facing Eve in midair, kneeling down deeply.

And even with it, thousands of crypt spiders around them also bowed down again.

Their heads, hanging lower…

At this moment, Eve suddenly sensed that a star had suddenly lit up again in the sky curtain of her divine kingdom, extremely bright!

Is that…… Belongs to the faith of the Spider Mother Queen!

In just an instant, Eve received 3 divine power points from the other party’s belief, and the strength of the spider mother queen’s belief also crossed the domain of shallow believers, and directly became the level of devout believers!

The legendary rank is the existence of the transcendent worldly rank.

When you become a legend, your life level will be sublimated, not only will your lifespan increase significantly, but you will also gradually come into contact with the origin of the world – the power of law!

For every high-level Warcraft that has opened their wisdom, legend is the realm they dream of!

And Eve’s endowment also completely closed the heart of the spider mother queen in an instant.

Eve was pleased to find that although she was only at the level of a devout disciple, the power of faith provided to her by the Spider Mother Empress was comparable to that of Alice as a saint.

It is worthy of being a life form of bee swarm thinking, and the soul power is indeed powerful!

Eve was satisfied.

“Hiss… Ahhh…”

At this time, Eve heard a crisp cry from the spider insect mother again.

Different from the shape of the worm, her voice is now much better, and it sounds no different from that of a teenage girl.

Can’t speak…

Eve thought thoughtfully.

Not all Warcraft can speak like the black dragon Myrell.

Although dragons are Warcraft, they are actually intelligent creatures, they are born with the ability to language, and the inheritance of dragons has a systematic inheritance of lingua franca.

And ordinary Warcraft, not anymore.

Generally speaking, ordinary Warcraft will control the ability of telepathy after being promoted to a high level, and different creatures can rely on psychic dialogue and communication.

In a spiritual dialogue, even if the language is not clear, you can understand each other’s meaning.

The conversation between Eve and the Spider Queen just now is based on this.

After being promoted to Legend, ordinary Warcraft can master the same language ability as other intelligent creatures.

Of course…… They are going to learn the language from scratch.

However, this is not a problem for Eve, who is the true god.

I saw her float down from mid-air, came to the spider mother queen again, and stretched out her hand to touch her head.

The Spider Mother Queen’s body trembled, and her head was lowered to show her submission.

“Lingua franca inheritance…”

Eve said silently in her heart.

And with her intention, the divine power was suddenly activated, and a gentle spiritual energy poured into the mind of the spider mother emperor…

After a few seconds, Eve let go of her hand.

The insect mother raised her head, her eyes dazed for a while, and then a hint of joy floated.

I saw that she bowed to Eve again, and praised with some unskill:

“Praise… You, great… Target…… World Tree! Thank…… Your… Gifts…”

The voice is childish and crisp, like a singing oriole.

Eve’s heart moved, and the bad taste attacked again.

I saw that the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and the majestic and divine voice sounded:

“Since you have become my dependent, you have been promoted to legend… So, I’ll give you another name. ”

“From now on, your name will be Rose. ”

“Queen Spider – Rose! ”

Well, nothing is wrong.

He looks young, so he is not called Rose, but Rose.

Of course, it all sounds the same.

“Poof… It’s about the Drow Elves. ”

Hearing the name of the goddess, some of the players were veteran Western fantasy enthusiasts who couldn’t help but laugh.

However, he was soon startled by the hissing and threatening sounds of the spiders in the surrounding crypts, and quickly closed his mouth…

And listening to Eve’s words, Queen Rose bowed down again:

“Rose… Thank…… True God… Under the crown… Give a name…”

Eve was satisfied, she nodded, and continued:

“From now on, you will continue to sit in Rivendell, assist my other dependents, and explore the underground world!” ”

After that, she passed the long-prepared mount system into Rose’s mind, and opened her relevant game permissions, marking it as the second purple NPC besides Saint Alice!

Rose’s body trembled, and she respectfully saluted Eve, and replied:

“Rose… Obey… Oracle!

Seeing Rose’s performance, Eve bowed her head slightly.

Then, she turned her head to look at the onlookers, smiled at them, and said with a hint of playfulness:

“Please keep up the good work! Brave Chosen! ”

After speaking, her figure slowly shattered, turned into a brilliant holy light, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

And that atmosphere of divine majesty gradually dissipated with the disappearance of Eve’s incarnation…

Players got excited:

“Oh my God, the goddess actually smiled at me just now! ”

“It’s not you, obviously smiling at me! ”

“The smile of the goddess is so beautiful! ”

And as they talked, the system’s prompt tone followed:


[Hidden boss mission completed! ] 】

[All players participating in the mission will get 3 perfect resurrections, 10,000 experience points, and 1,000 contribution points]

As players improve in strength, Eve also increases the experience and contribution of the mission to meet their needs.

However, the system prompt is not over…


[The status of the crypt spider has been modified to friendly, and Rose’s favorability display after turning on the spider]


【Mount system on…】

Looking at a series of system prompts, players got excited.

“Haha, mission accomplished! ”

“10,000 experience and 1,000 contribution, not bad! ”

“The key is to turn on the mount system! ”

“Take a look! ”

They all looked up excitedly.

Sure enough, in the system bar, there is a new mount function!

At the same time, players also find that the crypt spiders have become the same as the elf natives, and they can no longer attack each other.

Whenever the thought of attacking arises, the player loses the ability to move.

And the mount currently online in the system is the Crypt Spider!

Merely…… If you want to really get a mount, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com must also go to Rose the Queen of Spiders to complete the corresponding tasks.

And the most important one is the favorability problem…

At least raise Rose’s favorability to 20 points.

Wait a minute…… Boost favorability?

The players were stunned and began to take the initiative to check their favor with Rose the queen of spiders.

And when they saw the favorability, they were surprised, but at the same time there was a feeling that this was indeed the case:

“Groove! minus 50 pips! ”

“Groove! Me too! ”

“I’m going… How do I have minus 100? ”

“Poof… Isn’t this a gourd? It was your squad who provoked her first, what did you do? ”

“Ahem… Just threw a few homemade explosive packets into the spider den…”

Other players: …

“Don’t think about having spider mounts in your lives…”


Lunch box:……

And after seeing the favorability…

Players finally realized what the goddess meant by letting them work hard before leaving.

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