“Hide boss missions! This is the hidden boss mission! ”

“Mount system! Finally going to open the mount system?! ”

“Don’t get excited… That’s the reward after winning. ”

“This Spider Mother Queen… Did they provoke the box lunch? Live sacrifice? Lunch boss, they won’t sacrifice the crypt spider, right? ”

“Groove! It’s a possibility! The shell of this spider is all metal, and the sacrificial system must swallow it! Why didn’t I think of it? ”

“Hahahaha! Is that why they were hunted down? Take a look! There are thousands of spiders chasing them! Laughed at me, the first time I saw the box lunch guy running so embarrassed. ”

“So… Has the official closed the loophole in the living sacrifice now? ”

“I must make up for it! Otherwise, we will sacrifice when we encounter the boss in the future, what else is the meaning of this game? ”

“No living sacrifice … After that, if you encounter an undead boss or something, can you still sacrifice? ”

“Poof… You are such a talent! But the Dharma Formation didn’t swallow everything in the first place, did it?”

“Groove! I don’t know if I can still sell scrap…”

“Scrap should still sell, right? That seems to be the official recycling mechanism, otherwise it should have been patched long ago, I guess eighty percent is a benefit reserved for players, right? ”

Seeing the new mission prompt, the players instantly stopped panicking, discussing excitedly while hiding from the spider’s attack…

Hide boss missions!

And if you successfully complete it, you will also be rewarded with a player mount system!

Mounts! Is the mount coming online?

All the players exploring in Rivendell are boiling.

As for what the mount will be…

Eighty percent of them also thought of it.

It is estimated to be a crypt spider!

Small crypt spiders are also counted, to be honest, human-sized crypt spiders still look quite awe-inspiring.

Of course, this is from the player’s point of view.

If you let the ordinary indigenous creatures of the Segers world see it, it will not be awe-inspiring, but terrifying.

However, when the system gave the strength evaluation of the spider boss, it still surprised the players.

Level 100! Gold on top!

Previously, when Ulrell’s divine power avatar came, and when the demigod Walker struck, the system did not give the boss’s rating rating.

The former’s strength is limited, and the blood trough is lit up, and the blood is lost when fighting, and the players are not afraid.

Although the latter did not give the bleeding groove, it did not fight directly with the players, but was directly bound by the goddess and taken away in one set.

In this case, although players know that they must be powerful, even more powerful than the Spider Queen Queen,

But there is no intuitive feeling of the rank gap…

And this time… Then you really directly experience the horror of high-level existence. This huge crypt spider is simply like a Godzilla behemoth with a group of little brothers, rampaging all the way, stepping on the unlucky eggs it encounters, or stringing them up…

After accepting the system task, the bold player turns his head to attack it, but it has no effect at all, as if tickling the other party.

Instead, this attack once again angered the Spider Mother Queen, and several players who shot instantly attracted its attention, and were chased by it and strung up the sugar gourd…

After the player’s death, the Spider Mother Queen’s slender spider legs are left with a trail of humanoid equipment.

Instead, the box lunch and the elven warrior took advantage of this opportunity to completely slip away…

And finding that he had lost his target, the Spider Mother Queen, once again let out an angry sharp roar.

All the Crypt Spiders suddenly became extremely crazy and began to attack the players scattered all over Rivendell.

“Rage! This hides the boss furiously! ”

“That’s too strong, isn’t it? In a few moments, the whole Rivendell will be overturned. ”

“We can’t beat it, quickly summon the incarnation of the goddess according to the mission prompt!” ”

“Groove! But do you know how to summon? Who will summon it? ”

“Find Al! Koshota is the goddess dependent! He can summon! ”

Soon, players came up with the Elf NPC – Al Moonlight.

Al Moonlight can summon the incarnation of a goddess!

“Quick! Fast! Does anyone know where Al is? ”

“He should be in Jade Cold Jade, let Demacia go and call him, Demacia and his favor are the highest, I heard that there are more than sixty points!” ”

“Poof, I remember that Demacia didn’t blow a hundred points before? ”

“Dropped, right? That guy is old and dead… By the way, what about Demacia? ”

“Also in Jade Cold Jade, I met him when I went to find Forge Carlos before, and I heard that he has been helping NPCs over there recently.” ”

“Poof… I’ve been brushing good feelings, this guy is really miserable…”

“Contact Demacia! ”

The players are still very fast.

After receiving the system task, they burst into unprecedented enthusiasm, and soon someone contacted Demacia through the friend chat list.

The trigger of the hidden mission is that only players within a certain range will directly see the details of the mission, while players elsewhere can only see the brief shortcut prompt “so-and-so triggered the hidden boss mission”.

Of course, if you open the detailed content of the message, you will still see the specific information.

It’s just that Demacia, who is now helping the elf NPCs brush the toilet with the Jade Cold Jade, doesn’t have that skill.

He has found a way for him to quickly boost his liking.

As long as he keeps his mouth shut and helps the elves do some dirty work, he can always save some.

And after hearing the content of the mission, Demacia instantly became energetic:

“Groove! Mount system?!

He put down the tools in his hand, washed his hands, and then rushed out excitedly:

“Al! Al! Rivendell is a big deal! In order to successfully recover the city of the elves, we need your help! ”


When Demacia and Little Zhengtai Al arrived at Rivendell through the teleportation array, it was already half an hour later.

During this half hour, players have been entangled with the Spider Queen and her army.

I don’t know what the box lunch did, but this big spider was completely angry, and there was a smell of not giving up without killing the players.

In fact, almost all players have also died for one round, but they are afraid that all the people will die, the monsters will go out of battle, and the mission will fail, so they will rush back through the teleportation formation as soon as they die…

Of course, their entanglement is not to attack each other, but to flee all over the map and attract firepower.

When Al and Demacia arrived, they saw this chaotic and comical scene.

One of the slender spider legs of the Spider Mother Queen’s has been strung with equipment, and it has been replaced with a string elf sugar gourd on the other leg.

And seeing the god Al rushing over, all the players were excited:

“It’s Shota! He’s coming! ”

“Great! It’s time to summon the avatar of the goddess! ”

“The man has finally arrived! I’ve been a sugar gourd twice. ”

“Lord Al! This spider mother queen is too strong! In this way, the entire ruins of Rivendell will be completely destroyed by it, please summon the incarnation of the goddess! ”

“Yes! This is a level 100 boss! Please summon the incarnation of the goddess! ”

The players shouted.

Spider Queen? Level 100?

It was a golden pinnacle just one step away from the legendary rank!

The young elf gasped, his face solemn.

Al looked at the Chosen, who was fleeing under the attack of the spider, and at Rivendell, who was becoming more and more ruined under the ravages of the spider sea, and he nodded seriously:

“I see… However, waiting for the response of the Mother Goddess Crown may take some time. Please hold on. ”

After speaking, I saw him kneeling down, drawing a tree-shaped symbol on his chest, and then closing his eyes and praying sincerely:

“Praise Mother Nature, praise the goddess of life, praise the great elven lord – Eve Eukterahir! Under the crown of the Supreme Mother Goddess, your devout child, Al Moonlight, requests your coming! ”

With Al’s prayer, a brilliant holy light suddenly began to bloom on his body, and a soft and divine force began to condense around him…

As if sensing something, the spider mother queen who was chasing the player in the ruins of Rivendell suddenly stopped, and it roared in a low voice, faintly as if it was a little uneasy.

And the endless army of crypt spiders also stopped, gradually approaching the spider mother queen, arching their mother…

And at this moment, a brilliant light suddenly spread to the entire Rivendell centered on Al, illuminating the deep canyon at once, and faintly ethereal chants came, and all players suddenly had an urge to worship…

At this moment, they became excited.

Because it means that the goddess has received the prayer of Al, and paid attention here!

“The goddess is coming! ”

“Hahaha! Spider cubs, you’re! ”

And as the holy light shone, all the crypt spiders began to tremble, and they seemed to lose their ability to judge the direction under the light of the light, fleeing in terror…

The Spider Mother Emperor also let out a roar with a bit of fear.

It turned its body, moved eight slender spider legs, twisted and twisted, and fled to the cave from which it broke the ground…

“Lying groove, is it so heartfelt? It wants to escape! ”

“Can’t let it run! ”

Seeing that the spider mother wanted to escape, the players exploded instantly.

It’s just that with their strength, there is no way to stop it.

It’s just that……

And there is no need for their blocking …

“Hmph! ”

All the players heard a cold snort ringing in their heads.

The voice was crisp, majestic, sacred, and tinged with a supremacy and indesecration.

They recognized it, it was the voice of Goddess Eve!

I saw two golden divine locks suddenly appear out of thin air, entangled it at the moment when the Spider Mother Emperor was about to escape into the cave.

Then, UU reading www.uukanshu.com brilliant brilliance continued to gather in front of it, and finally formed a figure wearing a holy god’s dress, wearing a crown of flowers and plants, holding a magnificent scepter, and the whole body was filled with holy light…

It’s a goddess!

Her appearance was as stunning as ever, and under the blur of the holy light, there was a taste of divine majesty and undesecration.

All players widened their eyes and excitedly admired the heroic posture of the goddess:

“The incarnation of the goddess has come! ”

“This special effect is as gorgeous as ever! ”

“Haha! To win! ”

“Worthy of being a goddess-sama, just one avatar instantly controls the boss! ”

“Eve Goddess Segao! ”

They let out a cheer.

Under the light of the light, the Spider Mother Queen’s body shrunk into a ball, trembling while letting out a low roar of fear…

And at this time, the goddess gently raised her slender arm and placed her white palm on the huge head of the spider mother queen:

“Surrender … Or die! ”

Her majestic and sacred voice was very calm.

It’s like saying a small thing that you take for granted and don’t care about the outcome in the slightest.

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