In the winding deep mine, Bento led his battle team to advance vigilantly.

This is an abandoned mine road they found leading to the depths of the dark mountains, and the entrance is an abandoned forge in Rivendell.

The mine road is paved with tracks, somewhat similar to the railroad on the Blue Star, but if you look closely, you can vaguely see some magic patterns that have lost their effect.

The mine road is flanked by smooth rock walls, and there is an old magic lamp at every other distance, but it has long been destroyed with the passage of thousands of years.

Occasionally, you can see some skeletons on the road, still wearing tattered clothes, the same elves that Rivendell did not have time to escape when he was destroyed overnight a thousand years ago.

These poor elven remains are not uncommon in Rivendell.

And whenever players find the remains of elves, they will excitedly step forward and scavenge their belongings.

But today… The bento squad converged a lot.

Even if they saw the remains of the elves, they only came to the corpse in front of the corpse first and observed a silence for three minutes.

After that, they prayed decently, as if saying a few words to themselves-

“Rest in peace, mate, and I will bring your relics back to the Elven Forest. ”

…… or something like that.

And then…… With sad faces, the players put away the elven’s remains and put them in the backpacks that the elves of the Flame Clan helped them knit.

In short, the players had a lot of rules, as if they were really elves.

The entire mine road is dark and deep, and the silence is eerily silent, and the players can only hear their own footsteps.

The background music of the system has been turned off under the command of the bento, because it is close to the deepest part of Rivendell, and it is not safe, and you can often see small crypt spiders left behind.

“The box lunch is big, are you sure we will be able to find the vein if we walk along here?” ”

As he marched, the elven mage in the group, a player named Hulu, asked curiously.


It’s all a mine, and there must be a vein at the end. ”

Before the bento could answer, another player replied.

“However, others thought the same before, walking along the mine road, the end is either blocked, or a depleted vein, there is nothing. ”

The gourd continued to mutter.

The box lunch listened, was silent for a while, and said:

“This vein, there are a lot of spiders. ”

“Will there be mines if there are many monsters? ”

Hulu asked again.

This time, without waiting for the box lunch to answer, a crisp and somewhat disgusted voice sounded:

“Stupid! Ore is also a kind of crypt spider food, since there are many spiders here, it must mean that there are ore veins! ”


The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

It was none other than the elf NPC they rescued, Nightingale Shadow.

After knowing that the bento squad was going to explore Rivendell, the elven girl chirped and made sure to follow…

And it is precisely the existence of this NPC that players are afraid of losing their good feelings, so they have to converge a lot when searching for elf relics.

“Okay, I see. ”

Hulu sighed.

He looked at the boxed lunch, and then at the nightingale, with a somewhat strange expression:

“I get it, but… Why did you want her to follow us? ”

The gourd pointed to someone.

“Che, where I’m going is my freedom! Besides, you guys exploring Rivendell may need my help! ”

The nightingale pouted and straightened his chest proudly.

After accepting Eve’s belief, the racial curse on her body was also broken, and her strength was instantly improved, directly crossing over to the middle of the black iron.

Therefore, even in the face of these powerful Chosen Ones, she has some confidence.

Listening to her words, Hulu shook his head a little helplessly:

“Hey… You don’t understand. If you really encounter something terrible, we’re fine, you’re done. ”

The nightingale listened and raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

She was about to ask something, when the low voice of the box lunch suddenly came:

“There was a situation, quiet. ”

For a while, all the players’ faces became serious.

And the nightingale is also in good spirits.

She gripped her machete discreetly—it had been touched from a human mercenary that day.

Everyone fell silent.

At this time, they faintly heard a sound of crackling.

The box lunch hesitated, turned his head to look at the nightingale, and said in a low voice:

“You go to the end of the line. If it’s dangerous, run. ”

Looking at his serious expression, the corner of the nightingale’s mouth twitched:

“I don’t want it! None of you are leaving, why should I go? ”

Lunch box:……

He was silent for a moment and said:

“We can be resurrected when we die, but you can’t. ”

After that, he turned his head and continued to lead the team forward.

“Yes… Resurrection? ”

The nightingale was stunned and subconsciously stopped…

The players didn’t stop advancing.

They didn’t explain anything, but walked more carefully and quietly.

The nightingale stayed for a while, and after a moment she reacted and quickly caught up with the team.

This time, she obediently walked at the end, talking to herself as she walked:

“Resurrection … What is the meaning? ”

The box lunch leads the team and keeps moving forward.

And as everyone advanced, the sound of crackling became louder and louder.

They turned a corner and finally came to the end of the mine road …

And when they saw the scene in front of them clearly, everyone’s pupils couldn’t help shrinking slightly.

At the end of the mine road, there is a huge cave.

In the cave, countless crypt spiders gather.

They are gathered together, densely, thousands, scarlet eyes like lanterns in the dark… It makes people feel numb in the scalp.

Among them, most of them are small crypt spiders, but there are also many large ones.

Even deeper, players faintly see a guy who seems to be about the same size as the giant spider guarding the entrance to the underground world…

Over here…… It turned out to be a nest of crypt spiders!

For a while, everyone gasped.


Hulu subconsciously wanted to burst into foul language, but quickly put up with it.

The bento had a grim face.

He waved his hand, UU read a book made a retreat motion.

Everyone held their breath and began to slowly retreat.

At this time, a player accidentally tripped over a stone while retreating, and a spider leg in his backpack fell out.

The metal-like spider legs hit the ground with a crisp sound.

The sound of “clanging” is incomparably clear in the mine road…


The players’ faces instantly turned green.

At the same time, the sound behind him has also weakened a lot…

In the cave, a pair of scarlet eyes looked over.

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