This…… This……

The nightingale was so surprised that it couldn’t close its mouth.

She clearly remembered that the cave tribe was still prosperous when she left the day before yesterday, how did it become like this now?

This…… Is this really the wood of their companions?

The answer is already obvious.

Because in the distance, the nightingale can also see some tall figures walking through the ruins.

It was an elf, and their equipment was worse than what the nightingale had seen earlier, and some of them were simple linen robes and wooden armor.

These elves wander through the ruins, picking and choosing as if they are looking for something…

Occasionally, people can be seen excitedly burying their heads and pulling up, turning over some broken copper and iron in the ruins, and then taking them to a French formation not far away.


She vaguely recognized that it seemed to be a sacrificial formation.

Are these elves sacrificing items to mysterious beings?

Wait a minute…… Aren’t all those things they sacrifice rubbish?!

Hey, hey, hey… The thing you put in is a rusty half-cut kitchen knife, hey!

Her eyes widened.

This…… Oh, my God!

Aren’t they afraid of attracting the wrath of mysterious beings?!

However, as soon as the light of the magic array flashed, the thing disappeared…


Not…… Well?

This…… Pick up…… Accepted?

Her gaze was a little dull.

Unfamiliar with some of the sacrificial inscriptions on the World Tree, the nightingale did not recognize it as Eve’s sacrificial formation.

And those sprites who pick up rags,

In fact, it is a low-level player who did not catch up with the battle of the half-orc tribe.

Although they missed the share of the loot, they also sneaked over afterwards to see if any other players picked up the leftovers and sacrificed to the goddess to earn some pitiful contribution…

The nightingale couldn’t help but look at it a few more times, and then heard the voice of the little salty meow:

“Sister Nightingale, ready to go, let’s go to Jade Cold Jade.” ”

Emerald Cold Emerald…

The nightingale’s eyes froze.

Jade Cold Jade, that was once the holy place of the elven race.

However, since the nightingale could remember, she had left the Elven Forest, but the holy city of the elves had long been reduced to ruins.

After hesitating, she nodded and led her younger siblings to keep up with Xiao Xian Meow.

She was now more and more curious about these strange elves…

Faintly, she already believed their words.

Able to destroy the cave tribe with the support of the true god… I’m afraid that there really is a true God behind them!

But at the same time, she had more doubts in her heart:

These tribesmen… Where did it come from?

And…… Their character…

How to say, although if you think about it, it is not evil, but it is too strange.

They are a bit like humans, they seem to have human cunning, but they do not have the hypocrisy of humans, but they act very real.

They will subconsciously show all the emotions in their hearts… without disguising the mood.

They also walk very strangely, they like to bounce, climb high and low, anyway, they can walk wherever it is not good, they just don’t like to honestly rush the road …

That’s right! Greedy for money, they are also very greedy for money! Not greedy for money, but love all kinds of materials and equipment!

Their aesthetic is also a bit strange, and they seem to like shiny weapons and clothes, anyway, the nightingale observed that most of them are gorgeously dressed.

In addition, they are very ruthless when facing the enemy!

But when it comes to their own people, especially to the nightingale, they completely change their appearance, and the flattering look even makes the nightingale a little uncomfortable.

What’s even more puzzling is that they look happy!

Very happy!

The nightingale swears she has never met such an optimistic and positive elf!

They…… What are they happy about? I’ve been happy…

Happy when you deceive humans, happy when you kill and cross goods, and happier when you share the loot…

Even when they saw the ruins of Rivendell, they were happy, as if they had found a treasure.

These strange guys seem to be curious about everything around them, and anything can pique their interest.

Even the elves who were picking up rags in the ruins of the cave tribe from afar were also happy to pick up, completely beyond the understanding of the nightingale…

Anyway…… Definitely not what a genie should be!

Where did they get so much energy?

Aren’t they tired?

Are they stimulated by something?

Or do you say… They are meant to be?

By the way, just as if I heard the wood say… Were they summoned by the true God?

What exactly are they that exist?

The nightingale became more and more puzzled in his heart.

With doubts, the nightingale once again crossed the teleportation array and came to the legendary Jade Cold Jade.

The surrounding light dissipated, and this time, the nightingale found itself in an open square.

Looking at the renovated buildings around her, she was slightly stunned:

“This… This is the Holy City Jade Cold Emerald? ”

What appeared in front of me was not an imaginary ruin, but a renovated elven city!

Of course, it cannot be said that it has been completely renovated, because traces of ruins can still be seen in farther away.

But a large area centered on the square is already what a city looks like.

And what caught Nightingale’s eyes bright was that she saw other elves!

That’s right, elves!

Nightingale assures that these elves are what she should be!

It was some red-haired elves, with hopeful smiles on their faces, moving from city to city, busy, still repairing this ancient holy city.

Their clothes were not as ornate as those strange elves, but they were simple and elegant, with exquisite patterns characteristic of elves.

In addition, their temperament is very unique, and the nightingale can distinguish them from the box lunch at a glance.

“This is … Flaming Clan? ”

Looking at their hair color, the nightingale guessed.

In addition, she noticed that almost every older red-haired elf was surrounded by several strangely dressed elves.

They were very respectful to the older red-haired elves, with the nightingale’s déjà vu fawning, and whenever the old elves asked them to do something, they were very happy and full of enthusiasm.

“Strange… Strange guy…”

The nightingale murmured.

At this time, an old red-haired elf came to the nightingale surrounded by a group of people.

The nightingale noticed certain patterns on the other’s clothes and saw some patterns symbolizing the patriarch.

This is…… The patriarch of the Flame Clan?

The nightingale’s heart moved.

The person who greeted her was none other than Filosir Flame, who looked at the nightingale with vigilance and curiosity in her expression, and smiled slightly:

“I haven’t seen the children of the Shadow Clan in a long time. Child, I am Fei Luosir, the patriarch of the Flame Clan, welcome home! ”

If it’s really the Flame Clan…

The nightingale’s heart was a little surprised.

She first saluted solemnly, and then introduced herself:

“You… Hello. My name is Nightingale Shadow, and I’m surrounded by my younger siblings…”

Philosir nodded, her gaze swept over the young elf’s thin body and the somewhat dirty clothes on her body, and sighed:

“You guys… Suffered. ”

After speaking, her expression suddenly became reverent:

“But… Everything is gone, the Mother God has returned, welcome home! Everything will start all over again! ”

She turned around, saluted slightly in the direction of the World Tree, and solemnly drew a tree-shaped symbol on her chest.

This symbol again!

The nightingale was a little surprised.

But at this moment, she had completely believed in the fact that the true god of the elves had returned!

If those strange elves still made her suspicious, then the appearance of the Flame Clan was definitely not an illusion!

“Miss Nightingale. ”

At this time, the nightingale heard another strange voice.

She turned her head and UU read a book and saw a smiling brunette elf.

He wears a well-worn druid outfit and behaves appropriately.

It was Li Mu.

Li Mu saluted the nightingale and said:

“Lord Alice wants to see you. ”

“Alice? ”

The nightingale was a little puzzled.

“Alice Blast. It is the great world tree – the earthly surrogate of the goddess Eve Euktrahir, the saint of nature… She awaits you in the Nature Temple of the Chosen City. ”

Li Mu replied.

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