The elves didn’t look old, at least… This is true if judged by human aesthetics.

The largest looks like a human being twelve or thirteen years old, while the youngest looks like a five- or six-year-old child.

Of course, with Al Moonlight as a lesson from the past, Bento knows that even the youngest elf is probably old enough to be his big brother.

However, he noticed that the hair color and pupils of these elves were not the same as those of elven girls.

There were blonde hair, redheads, brown and green hair, but not the gray-black hair he had and a girl. According to players, the

elves in “Elf Country” are also divided into many tribes, and the best way to distinguish clans is to look at their hair color and pupil color.

The difference in hair color indicates that these young elves and maidens are not a tribe.

These elves huddled in the corner, and some of the young ones had fallen asleep in the arms of their companions, but there were faint traces of unwiped tears on their faces. The

older elves, who were awake, watched vigilantly outside the cell, their faces pale, and even if they were forced to calm down, they could not hide the fear and confusion about the future in their eyes.

When they were escorted in, they instantly attracted the attention of the elves.

After seeing the elven girl who was bound, an older male elf’s eyes widened instantly, he rushed to the cell door, grabbed the railing and shouted:

“Night… Nightingale sister! You…… Why are you arrested too?!

His voice was crisp and childish, tinged with surprise and concern.

“Sister? Was my sister arrested too?

His voice caught the attention of the other young elves.

Soon, everyone rushed to the door and looked at the girl with eyes that were either attached, worried, or sad:

“Sister Nightingale! Really a nightingale sister!

“Sister, did they treat you well?”

“Sister, are you hurt?”

“Sister Nightingale… You…… How can you…”

Looking at those immature faces, the elven girl known as the nightingale suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and her expression floated with a touch of tenderness.

She nodded at the elves and gave them a look of reassurance in disappointment.

“Get in! Don’t shout!

Seeing the elves who rushed to the cell door, the two humans cursed, and another whip was drawn on the railing of the cell door, causing a scream.

It wasn’t until the elves cowered and retreated to the deepest part of the cell that they stopped satisfied.


Seeing the rude movements of humans, the nightingale’s eyes widened,

she glared angrily at the whip-wielding human, and subconsciously wanted to break free of the rope, but was soon kicked by the bento.

The girl turned her head angrily, but after seeing the calm eyes of the box lunch, the anger in her heart gradually subsided.

She understood the meaning of the look in the eyes of the bento –


Instead of locking the bento and nightingale into the cells of the young elves, the humans took them deeper into another cell dedicated to professionals.

The cell seemed stronger and deeper.

And after throwing the two into the cell, they left.

After making sure that the human was far away, the elven maiden known as the nightingale stood up at once.

She instantly broke free from the rope on her body, ripped the strip of cloth off her mouth again, and then immediately came to the cell door and began to pick the lock.

I saw that the girl was skillful, and in less than a minute, the thick lock was easily opened by her.

And just as the nightingale was in high spirits and about to rush out of the cell, she heard the voice of the box lunch behind her:

“Send to death?”

As if pouring cool water from head to toe,

The nightingale calmed down at once. Her movements were slightly sluggish, and her crisp voice had a hint of trembling:

“They… It’s my younger siblings, I’m going to save them!”

The box lunch was silent for a moment, and said,

“Wait for reinforcements.”

After speaking, he pointed up, stretched out two more fingers, and shook his head:

“Two silver.”

Listening to his words, the nightingale returned, grabbed the shoulder of the boxed lunch, and his voice trembled:

“I know that there are two humans with silver strength above, and one is still a mage! But…… But…”

Her voice had a hint of crying.

“Trust me.”

The voice of the bento is low and powerful.

Listening to the words of the boxed lunch, the nightingale’s grip on his hands gradually loosened, and the whole person knelt on the ground:

“I… Can I really trust you? Seeing how scared they looked, I really… I’m really worried… They are all still children, they are all still children!

Speaking, speaking, the nightingale sobbed softly …

The bento did not speak.

He hesitated and put his hand on the girl’s shoulder as a sign of comfort.

The nightingale sobbed for a while, then gradually stopped.

She wiped her reddened eyes and began to tell her story…

“I hate humans… They destroyed my home.

“After the divine war a thousand years ago, the Shadow Clan was divided into several branches, and our one chose to infiltrate human society and live in seclusion about a hundred years ago…”

“The most dangerous place is the safest place.”

“In fact, our tribe is already good at concealment, hiding its identity while living in another place every once in a while, although it is adrift, but it also survives…” ”

The name Nightingale was given by my mother, in the Elven language, the Nightingale symbolizes beauty and freedom, and she wants me to live freely…”

“Nightingale Shadow… The meaning is good, but… How is that possible?

“Life adrift is inherently full of risks.” “Later, out of

compassion and kindness, the elders of the family saved an injured human knight, but accidentally let the other party discover our identity…” ”

The knight promised that he was grateful for our rescue and would not tell our secrets…”

“He did behave very well and his words were sincere. Industrious, humble, kind, faithful… He fits almost everything we elves know about knights…”

“So… The elders believed him.

“But… I am very against it, I don’t trust humans, I think we should silence anyone who discovers our secrets, no matter who the other party is…” ”

However, I was reprimanded by the elders, who firmly and naively believed that the knights would abide by the rules of the knights and would not expose the secrets of their benefactors…”

Speaking of this, the nightingale smiled mockingly:

“How is that possible? That’s human!

“After that human left, he soon returned with a group of mercenaries…”

“What faithful? What kindness? In the face of interests… Everything is fake!

“The price of a young female elf is enough to turn an ordinary person into a rich man, how can a greedy human not be moved…”

“That branch of ours perished.”

“I witnessed my father being killed by humans while resisting, my mother… Mother defiled by them … In the end, even I was arrested by slave traders.

“At that time, I was already desperate, and it was another senior who lived in seclusion in human society who saved me…”

“She’s not an elf, but she has sympathy for elves. She opened an orphanage, but actually took in the elves she had saved from humans…”

“Including me… and my younger siblings.

“My younger siblings are not from the Shadow Clan, but they are all poor children persecuted by humans…” “We hide our identities, hide

in orphanages, are the shelter of our predecessors, give us a second home…” “Although we need to hide,

although we need to hide our identity, at least … We survived again.

“I’m the oldest, and my seniors taught me a lot. I also once infiltrated the human caravan with my predecessors and saved many companions. My younger brothers and sisters all call me sister, they are very close to me, and I love them too…”

“Later… The senior died in an accident.

“As the eldest sister, I wanted to take over the wishes of my seniors, continue to maintain the entire orphanage, and save the elves from humans, but I didn’t want my senior’s death to arouse the suspicion of humans, and they discovered our secret…”

“While I was out, my younger siblings were arrested.”

“I chased all the way here, hoping to get my younger siblings out… But I didn’t expect myself to be so powerless…”

“I… What a failed sister…” ”

Naw…” With

tears in her eyes, the nightingale looked sadly at the boxed lunch:

“Is it… Is there really no shelter for our elves in this world?

“Could it be… Can we only be goods?

“Why! Why the hell is that! What exactly are we doing wrong?

“Kindness … Is it really a sin? Benevolent…… Does it really only bring misfortune?

“If that’s really the case, UU reads books I’d rather fall into darkness!”

“But… Where is our future…”

Listening to the nightingale’s words, the box lunch fell silent.

After a moment, he took a deep breath and said,



The nightingale cried: ”

Even if we are really saved this time, it is just another cycle of hiding and hunting…” ”

We have lost our great strength, and all that remains is this damn, good-looking appearance and the desirable longevity and special physique…”

“Do we really have a future like this?”

The nightingale grabbed the placket of the boxed lunch and asked with a miserable smile.

The bento looked down at her.

His expression was still calm, but his gaze was much softer.


This time, his voice was much softer:

“Asylum and future, there is both.”

After he finished speaking, the entire cell suddenly shook slightly, and a cloud of dust was raised.

Faintly, there seemed to be a high dragon roar coming from above.

The box lunch took a deep breath and lifted up the somewhat stunned nightingale:

“That’s it.”

The breath on his body continued to rise, and his eyes gradually became sharper:

“Reinforcements have arrived.”

He pulled out a dagger from the sole of his shoe that had always been hidden by him!

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