The box lunch sits quietly in the cargo box.

He closed his eyes like a statue, but his waist was straight.

If you look closely, you will also find that his pair of pointed ears will sway slightly with the noise outside.

This is an instinctive vigilance in an unknown environment.

And as time goes by, the feeling of shaking of the cargo box becomes stronger and stronger.

Although his eyes are closed and the strength on his body is imprisoned by strange ropes, the box lunch can still imagine the situation outside through the bumps of the car…

A lot quieter and a lot bumpy.

It should have been on the mountain road…

It was getting darker, and it should be almost night, but instead of slowing down, the speed of driving increased.

This shows that the surroundings are not safe, especially at night.

Of course, it’s also possible that they’re almost at their destination, so they’re speeding up.

In addition, the humans outside have not talked much since the beginning.

Even…… The sound of them drawing their weapons was also heard, as well as the faint sound of regular breathing.

They are vigilant.

This shows… They are on the lookout for a possible enemy.

The judgment that the neighborhood is unsafe is correct.

They may be on the lookout for robbers, but they could also be Warcraft.

No…… Warcraft is more likely, and it is impossible to leave the Elven Forest too far in such a short time.

There is no intelligent biological activity in this direction except for the half-orcs.

Half-orcs are poor and white, and their combat effectiveness is also strong, so they should not breed bandits and the like nearby.

The surroundings are getting cooler… This is not only the reason for the sky, but the terrain is also likely a factor.

There is an echo of birds, like a canyon…

In summary, it is possible that you have entered the Grand Canyon in the dark mountains…

The bento speculated in his mind.

As a Liver Emperor player who has been fighting in the wild for a long time, he has collected all the information near the Elven Forest.

From the Flame Clan, he also specially learned a certain amount of knowledge about the Dark Mountain Range, knowing that the activity of Warcraft at night was the most frequent there.

And just as the box lunch continued to listen, suddenly, his ears moved slightly.

He heard a crackling sound somewhere in the van.

That direction… It was the female elf NPC who was captured like him.

The bento did not act rashly.

Instinct tells him that he can sleep peacefully after being caught by humans, even if this NPC is an elf, I am afraid it is not ordinary.

Or, it’s a fool whose heart is bigger than the sky.

Either…… That’s interesting. Soon, the

box lunch heard a yawning sound, accompanied by a lazy moan, and it seemed that someone stretched beautifully.

Lunch box:……

He instantly became alert.

Because if he remembered correctly, the other elven girl who was arrested should have been tied up and sealed like him.

The box lunch subconsciously opened his eyes and looked vigilantly in the direction where the sound was made, just in time to meet a pair of shining eyes.

It was an elven girl who looked sixteen or seventeen years old.

Of course…… If converted to the lifespan of an elf, it is estimated to be tenfold.

She has gray-black hair similar to that of a bento, and her eyes are dark gray, but her eyes are exceptionally bright. Like many elves,

she also has outstanding appearance, but unlike the elves seen in the Elven Forest in the boxed lunch, this elven girl’s eyes faintly have a hint of essence, and her eyes are slippery, making her seem a little more cunning.

That look… Boxed lunches are not too strange, and the police station on Blue Star detains a group of guys with similar eyes every day.

This is exactly what he saw when he woke up to another captured elf.

It’s just that the girl at this moment has no sign of being trapped, and the rope on her body and the cloth belt wrapped around her mouth are gone.

Really a genie?

Looking at the big rolling eyes, the box lunch subconsciously frowned.

He hesitated for a moment and carefully examined the other party’s appearance.

Outstanding in appearance and tall in stature.

The ears are pointed, long …

If there are no creatures that look exactly like elves, or other living creatures in disguise, it should be elves.

Then he saw the strange elf girl grinning at him:

“Yo! You’re awake! I haven’t seen the clansmen of the Shadow Clan for a long time, hello! ”

Shadow Clan?

The box lunch moved in his heart.

After speaking, I saw the elf girl skillfully feel two good-looking fruits from the human box, take one and take a bite first, and then hand the other to the box lunch:

“Oh, do you want to eat it?” This is a fruit from the human south, very rare, super sweet! ”

Bento: …

Looking at the strange gaze of the boxed lunch, the elf girl suddenly said:

“Oh yes, you are still tied up.”

I saw her sneaking to the side of the box lunch, bringing a refreshing fragrance, and a pair of delicate little hands brushed and rolled on the box lunch.

Before the box lunch could be seen, the rope on his body was untied.

So fast!

He looked a little surprised.

But…… The strength is not strong.

The box lunch could feel that the other party’s aura was even weaker than him.

A powerful presence can sense the approximate strength of a weaker person to a certain extent, but it is not accurate.

Moreover, the box lunch cannot be ruled out that this is the disguise of the other party.

And at this time, I saw the girl uncover the piece of cloth tied to his mouth, and stuffed the fruit into his mouth:

“What are you looking at with such wide eyes? Eat the fruit. Also be quiet, don’t let those humans out there hear. ”

Bento: …

He subconsciously took a bite.

Sweet indeed.

And at this time, he heard the voice of the elf girl in disgust:

“You are so poor, why don’t you have anything on your body, have you been searched by humans?” But…… The figure is quite strong. ”

Bento: …

His gaze towards the girl became even more strange.

And the next girl’s action can be regarded as completely opening the eyes of the box lunch, subverting his cognition of the indigenous elves of the Segers world…

I saw that the elf girl finished eating the fruit in three or two clicks, and began to rummage through the entire cargo box, searching for human goods.

The bento noticed that the girl picked up almost all magical items that looked to be valuable, in addition to some gold and silver treasures.

Every time she turned some out, there would be a faint glow on her hand, and then the goods suddenly disappeared.

The box lunch raised his eyebrows, very curious.

Soon, the entire cargo box was turned over by the elf girl.

She breathed a long sigh of relief and sat down while continuing to nibble on the fruit, seemingly satisfied.

“Are you… Thief?

After watching the whole process, the box lunch finally couldn’t help but speak.

Hearing his words, the elven girl’s shoulders shook slightly, and she seemed to be sensitive to the word.

I saw that she was silent for a few seconds, and then looked at the box lunch, puffing out her cheeks and saying:

“Yes and what? Doesn’t it work? ”

Bento: …

And noticing the strange gaze of the box lunch, the elf girl reading the book sighed UU:

“Stop looking at me like that, or do you also want to preach to me like those stubborn old guys?”

Saying that, she smiled mockingly:

“Stupid kindness, inflexible stubbornness, this is the root cause of the demise of the elves! I can’t even protect myself, so why abide by so many rules?

“Hmph! Rules are meant to be broken! What happened to the thieves? These humans are our enemies, they are the robbers! I take their stuff for granted! Besides, I’m not taking these things for myself…”

The girl huffed.

The box lunch did not answer, but quietly listened to her chatter.

The girl said, her expression a little gloomy.

She muttered for a moment, and eventually seemed tired and fell silent.

After a moment, she sighed and pried the ground with her hand.

Under the surprised gaze of the boxed lunch, the bottom plate of the cargo box was skillfully pried open by her. Later, the

girl stuffed some fruits into the box lunch, pointed to the hole under the car, and said:

“Hey… Looking at your well-behaved appearance, you are an honest person who has never experienced a battle, and it is estimated that you are also an unlucky rookie … Oh, this is some dry food, you can escape through this hole.

“This is the last van, it’s getting dark, I’ll add a little camouflage spell to you, you are careful that humans can’t detect you.”

Lunch box:……

“What about you?”

He asked rhetorically.


The girl was stunned.

She was silent for a while, and said with a firm expression: “I’m

not leaving, I’m going to their stronghold in the underground world!” Rescue my younger siblings! ”

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