The madness of the elves also aroused the ferocity of the half-orcs.

After the initial shock, they did not worry at all, but fought the players with red eyes.

However, as with Greystone’s thoughts, the other orcs also thought that these elves were crazy.

Otherwise, how could elves have the idea of a life-for-life idiot?

They are not amazingly fertile humans!

Half-orcs are all soldiers, and the total population of their cave tribe has already exceeded five thousand!

If you really change one by one, even if you return to the previous era, the elf race will have to fight for a not small clan!

And these elves in front of them … It doesn’t last a few hundred deaths.

However, what made Graystone feel more and more surprised was that these elves seemed to be inexhaustible…

He didn’t know exactly how many elves he had hacked to death.

Anyway…… When he counted to ten, he stopped counting.

This number is more than the total number of elves he has caught for decades.

However, it is incomprehensible that even if these elves are killed, the number of people does not seem to change at all.

Looking around, it seems that there are still so many people.

Not only that, but every once in a while, a group of unequipped elves would rush out, screaming and dying with the half-orcs…

It can be said that after fighting for so long, ninety percent of the half-orcs died in this way.

“Can’t these elves kill enough?!”

Looking at the ground stained red with blood, Graystone’s heart that was originally in his hands suddenly gushed with a strange hesitation.

And what made him feel even more incomprehensible was that whenever these elves died, no matter what their bodies were cut into, they would turn into nothingness after a moment…

For a while, Graystone even thought he was hallucinating.

Could it be that these elves are all magical?!

However, the scimitar that slashed at the elf’s body tore through flesh and shattered bones so clearly touched, and the blood sprayed on his face was so hot…

All this tells Blackstone that his enemies are definitely not hallucinations.

But what’s going on with these elves?

Graystone became more and more irritable the more he fought.

The half-orc warriors who followed him had all changed for a round.

Those teammates who rushed forward first had already died under the suicide attack of the elves.

And this also made Graystone even more angry.

But at the same time as he was angry, his heart became more and more alarmed.

Because not only the elves disappeared from the corpses, but even the half-orcs would age rapidly the moment they were killed, and then turned into ashes…

Although the way of disappearing was different from that of the elves, in the end, except for some dust and blood, there was not a corpse left on the battlefield, leaving only the equipment of the half-orcs.

Graystone suddenly understood why the priest was so cautious…

These elves, there are quirks!


Absolutely not normal!

And at this time, the voice of the chief priest of the giant mountain also came from afar:

“Rush in! Destroy their teleportation formation! Otherwise, they can’t be killed! ”

Teleportation Array…

Graystone suddenly realized why these elves couldn’t finish killing.

It turns out that they have been teleported over!

But then, his heart became even more confused…

Where the hell is this teleportation array, how can there be so many elves?!

Is this bringing together all the elves of the entire continent?! Why did their

bodies disappear, and why did the corpses of their clansmen disappear?

And at this time, he suddenly saw a dozen elves without equipment rushing out again…

When you see the first person,

Graystone’s pupils shrank slightly. “This… That’s impossible!

He lost his voice.

He clearly recognized it as an elf he had killed!

Not only that, this guy is slippery, and it took a lot of effort when Graystone slashed and killed the other party.

He clearly remembered that the other party was cut in half by the block under his slash, and the hot internal organs flowed to the ground.

And the reason why Graystone can recognize the other party is not only because the other party is slippery … Also because this guy with a red explosive head sneered and grimaced at him at the moment he was hacked to death!

Not only that, but this guy also dragged his upper body with disdain and compared his middle finger to him before he broke his breath!

Graystone didn’t know what the middle finger meant, but the mockery on the elf’s face was imprinted in his heart.

It’s abominable to die and mock him!

But what shocked Greystone was that now… He actually saw this dead elf again!

Jumping alive, without any injuries on his body!

God the Father is on top! This…… What the hell is going on here?!

Wasn’t he already dead just now?

Are they undead monsters?!

Wait a minute……

If this group of elves doesn’t die… What’s the point of that half-orc fight?!

Looking at the gray stone with dull eyes and a trace of horror gradually appearing, Demacia smiled:

“Haha, didn’t expect it? Or me!

Then, instead of rushing towards Greystone, he looked up and shouted:

“Al! There is a hard bone of black iron over here, asking for support! ”

Even distracted during the battle?

Seeing the other party like this, Graystone was furious!

“Whether you’re an elf or a monster, a devil or a demon… All have to die!

He roared and slashed at Demacia again.

Can’t die once…

Then chop you to death again!

However, at the moment when his scimitar was about to fall, a thin figure suddenly flashed over.

Graystone only felt a pain in his wrist, and then his chest tightened.

When he came back to his senses, he was shocked to find that his hands were broken.

Not only that, but he was also stabbed in the chest, and blood splattered.

Graystone can clearly feel the continuous flow of life force…

And only then did he see clearly the target of his attack.

It was a thin elf boy with silver hair and blue eyes, and a trace of determination and coldness on his immature face.

He just glanced at Graystone coldly and sneaked into the other battlefields again.

White…… Silver!

In an instant, Graystone understood.

These elves also hide swordsmen with silver strength!

The elves even hide their strength!

They…… When did they become so cunning too?

Graystone opened his mouth to shout out his discovery…

But it was too late.

Seeing the gray stone that had lost its combat power, Demacia’s eyes lit up.

He quickly picked up the scimitar that fell from the gray stone and cut off his head with one sword…

For a moment, Graystone only felt that the whole world was spinning.

Faintly, he heard an excited shout:

“Haha! Head! Black iron on the top! Earned!

Subsequently, he didn’t know anything …

Greystone is not the first.

Gradually, one after another, half-orcs discovered the fact that players were not dead.

This incident finally caused panic among the half-orcs.

“They’re not elves! It’s a monster! It must be a monster!

“We can’t kill them! We can’t kill them!

“The devil! It must be the devil!

Emotions are contagious.

With the panic of the half-orcs in front, the subsequent formation also began to be chaotic. UU Reading And

Al, who from time to time looks for hard characters and kills them, becomes the last weight to turn the scales.

Half-orcs… Finally began the rout!

“Don’t mess around! Don’t retreat! Don’t mess around! Don’t retreat!

Seeing the half-orc rout, Giant Mountain quickly shouted.

However…… But it didn’t work.

There is nothing more defeated than this.

Under the influence of fear of the unknown, the orcs abandoned their armor and did not listen to the command at all.

And seeing the half-orcs fall into a rout, the players are excited.

They shouted “Ula! “Rush!” “Grab people’s heads!” , began to hunt down the half-orcs!

In the process of chasing and killing, the half-orcs once again dropped a dozen corpses before retreating from the hillside…

And seeing the orcs retreat to the tribe, the players also stopped pursuing.

The other party has many people, and if the player chases again, it is not chasing and killing, but sending death.

The black hillside had been stained dark red with blood.

In this charge, more than two hundred half-orcs were killed!

Players were also killed and injured.

Overall, they also lost their contribution.

Because even if they have the advantage, and with Al’s assistance, they have to die an average of three people to kill a half-orc!

However, this did not dampen their enthusiasm.

Because in addition to the killed orcs, there is still a bunch of equipment left on the ground…

It was a half-orc.

If you add the contribution of the value of the equipment, the players will earn again.

I saw that they stopped and happily began to pick up the special picks, like a swarm of locusts…

Below the hillside, the giant mountain of half-orcs who witnessed everything fell silent.

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