The black dragon Myrell was like a husky rushing into the chickens, causing a chaos among the cave tribes.

Even if it is raised crookedly, Myrell still inherits some of the characteristics of the traditional black dragon.

For example, when facing the enemy, it likes to attack the weak first, and likes to appreciate the enemy’s fear…

And the half-orc warriors who had just been gathered by the sound of the horn were immediately confused by the dragon’s breath, and the formation immediately dispersed and began to scatter in all directions…

As the colored dragon with the strongest hand-to-hand combat ability, the little black dragon has thick skin and flesh, and the attack of the half-orc is simply tickling for it.

“Is that okay?”

Looking at the little black dragon that stirred up the half-orc tribe in the blink of an eye, Xiao Xian Meow was stunned.

It’s messy, the cave tribe is already messed up.

Black Mailel is like a wild wolf entering the flock, setting off a bloody storm.

The great strength of the silver upper position, the cave tribe does not have any half-orcs able to resist.

Looking at the raging black dragon and the continuous casualties of the clansmen, the eyes of the chief priest Jushan turned red:

“Lord Count! Lord Count! Hurry up and stop the black dragon!

The night wanderer’s expression was stunned, and he saw that he silently recited a spell and summoned a huge three-headed vicious dog.

It was a Silver Superior Peak Strength Demon Beast, and it was also the strongest beast under the Night Wanderer!

It has a pair of bat wings, black hair all over its body, hideous appearance, and its body size has reached half that of the black dragon.

The frontal combat power of the blood tribe is weak, and they generally keep some Warcraft in captivity to make up for their combat effectiveness.

And the strongest beast of the Night Wanderer is a Thebes Demon Dog with the bloodline of the three-headed dog of hell!

“Entangle that black dragon!”

The Night Wanderer commanded the Demon Dog.

And after receiving the master’s order, the demon dog immediately roared and rushed towards the black dragon.

“Demon dog?”

Myrell’s eyes lit up, and he immediately went up to fight it.

However, it can be clearly seen that the demon dog is not the opponent of the black dragon, and several wounds have been added to the body in a blink of an eye.

Sending his own beast, the night wanderer glanced at the giant mountain coldly and said: “The black dragon and the

elf are coming, I am afraid that the god of death and the god of the mysterious new god will also come soon, my demon dog is definitely not the opponent of the black dragon, it will not last long, and I can’t make a move, I must quickly complete the summoning of the divine messenger!”

“See those elves on top of the mountain? They must have built a teleportation array, and if you don’t want the cave tribe to be destroyed, bring someone to rush up and destroy it as soon as possible!”

“Even if they can’t be destroyed, drag them until I successfully summon the divine messenger!”

“These elves are very poor, even if they are a little weird, they will not be your opponents!”

With that, the night wanderer left.

God…… God’s Favorite!

Hearing this word, Jushan’s eyes suddenly shrunk.

His expression changed, and he finally gritted his teeth and shouted at the back of the night wanderer:

“Okay, we’ll do it right away, you… You hurry!

At this time, the player’s large army was gradually teleported.

Demacia came to the top of the mountain, looked at the densely packed half-orc houses below, and couldn’t help but exclaim:

“My God… How many orcs do you have to be?

Li Mu, who came to the front, also looked surprised, but soon he frowned:

“Didn’t you say that you want to teleport to the nearby forest?”

“The black dragon must go back to its castle first to see how many of its treasures are left.”

Xiao Xian Meow spread his hands.

Li Mu: … “Gee

… It seems that it is completely gone, otherwise Silly Erhei would not be so angry. Let’s hurry up and get on too! The black dragon has already messed up the half-orcs! Groove! The boss is also about to be killed by it, it’s all heads and experience! I’m still short of a shoe and I’m all over epic!

Demacia looked at the three-headed dog being chased and bitten by Mailell, and

A look of heartache. “Listen to the command, don’t mess around.”

Cuckoo said coldly.

“Cut, isn’t it just sacrificial flow and consumption, I still don’t believe that grinding can’t kill them!”

Demacia sneered as he expertly took off his gear and handed it to his teammates, leaving him with the big pants that the indigenous elves had given him to cover the holy light.

As the most powerful taunt, this time his mission is still … Leading the team to commit suicide.

However, Li Mu stopped the players who planned to rush up:

“No hurry, the number of half-orcs is too large, our number is too small, I’m afraid even if we rush down, we won’t be able to play the advantage, even if there is Lord Al, I’m afraid I can’t support a long-term battle.” It may also lead to the destruction of the teleportation array in the rear emptiness.

“We’re going to turn around and make them have to come and hit us!”

“The terrain here is high, it is good to defend, and there is a teleportation formation, they come to fight, we have the advantage!”

Listening to Li Mu’s words, Al, who was planning to rush up with Demacia, immediately stopped, he glanced at the chosen one who was in charge of the command in surprise, and said:

“But how do we get the half-orcs to fight us?”

Li Mu was about to say something, but when he saw the half-orcs gathered under the mountain, his eyes suddenly brightened:

“Don’t worry, they’re already here.”

After that, he turned his head and shouted:

“Mages… Prepare for spells! ”


Destroy the strongholds of those elves on the top of the mountain!

Jushan’s order was quickly given.

And after the black dragon Myrell was entangled by the beasts of the night wanderer, the chaotic half-orcs gradually calmed down.

Soon, under the command of the horn, they formed a formation and began to charge up the hillside!

And the priests of the half-orcs also began to give various battle blessings to the warriors in the rear.

For a time, the half-orcs roared like a tide and rushed towards the players.

And the players have also adjusted the formation.

At the front are heavily armed tank fighters, and behind them are a group of unequipped death squads with hunter-class players among them.

And further on… Archers, mages and druids, while native elves armed with bows and arrows are protected in the most central places.

Looking at the half-orcs who were constantly approaching, Li Mu’s eyes froze slightly.

The other players, on the other hand, gasped and their eyes shone with excitement.

War! This is war!

“Mage ready!”

As the half-orc approached, Li Mu gradually raised his hand.

And hearing his instructions, all the mage players began chanting spells.

One by one, fireballs, elemental blades and other magic began to take shape around them.

However, although the magic took shape, it was not launched.

The half-orcs gradually approached.

And the players can already clearly see the hideous looks of the half-orcs, as well as the sharp fangs.

And after they entered the range, Li Mu immediately roared:


After speaking, one after another brilliant magic flew out and smashed indiscriminately towards the charging half-orcs.

At the same time, the rousing system BGM suddenly sounded in the ears of all players…

It was an epic war BGM selected by Eve, which was very emotional.

For a while, listening to the rousing music, all the players were as energetic as chicken blood, and their hearts were surging.

In ancient times, in order to boost the morale of the soldiers, there were war drums and war songs.

In online games, when large-scale group battles are carried out, players usually put some passionate BGM to boost morale.

But this time, Eve took it all out.

The music is so appropriate and just right, and it instantly arouses the player’s enthusiasm for battle.

Accompanied by the rousing music, all players feel as if they have transformed into Superman wearing underwear, as if they will fight nuclear bombs in the next second, kill the boss and save the world…

Everyone’s breathing was heavier.

They feel as if the blood in their bodies is constantly boiling and burning!

If you are not afraid of death, UU reads books fearless.

And the right background music completely mobilizes the fighting spirit of the players!

If morale can also be shown, then the current players must have exploded!

The half-orcs raised their shields and did not slow down under the blessing of the divine magic.

The magic was instantaneous, sending out a violent explosion.

Even with the shield and the priest’s protective divine technique, there were still many unlucky eggs who were directly seriously injured, but the remaining half-orcs quickly changed their formation and continued to advance…

They roared and rushed up, and the background music of the system reached its climax!

Listening to the exciting BGM, Li Mu’s heart was surging.

At this moment, the scenes of the game for months came to his mind. The

town is gradually improving, the players are getting stronger, the bonfire party is full of laughter, and the elf NPCs who are kind and full of gratitude and adoration for them…

And Alice’s exclamation touching the small town stone tablet echoed in his heart again:

“The Chosen… You will eventually become the great legend of the Segers world…”

At this moment, Li Mu suddenly felt that he had captured the essence of this game.

This is the game!

However, this is also their adventure story, an epic chapter written by them!

For a moment, Li Mu felt his blood boiling.

I saw him raise the druid’s staff and roar with the same excitement:

“For the elven race! Kill ——!

“Ullah !!!”

The players also let out a roar and raised their weapons.

The two sides are finally engaged in battle!

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