The First Sword of the Earth

Chapter 459: An Idle Swordsman

Wang Sheng stayed in the Sword Sect for about half a year this time, and most of the time he was naturally practicing, and between practicing, he would go for a walk, play chess, and chat with his master.

When the old heavenly masters and the others confirmed the candidates to go to the Little Immortal Realm, Wang Sheng thought about it, but he gave up the idea of ​​inviting Fei Lianzi and Gao Shixing to go with him.

The two are in Tianfu Realm now, and cannot make full use of Mengxiantai and Tuofanchi. Anyway, there are opportunities in the future, so there is no need to rush.

After setting off for half a month, Wang Sheng took Wang Xiaomiao home to stay with his parents for half a month.

The fairy road is ethereal, in love with the mundane world.

Although there are universal exercises, and the two elders are considered to be "pampered and respected" on weekdays, the parents can still see some scratches left by the years.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are destiny, and one of the main reasons for monks to practice is to break free from this destiny.

Now, Wang Sheng's parents also know that Wang Sheng and Wang Xiaomiao are busy practicing. They feel that this is the same as their children are busy fighting for their respective careers.

For half a month at home, Wang Sheng also relaxed and didn't think much about cultivation, which was a vacation for himself who had been tense all the time.

Then, he really found some physics books on the theory of the universe, from relativity, quantum theory, the origin of the universe, black body radiation, cosmic microwave background... He wanted to find some inspiration to help the senior sister understand the way of yin and yang balance.

Before referring to these, Wang Sheng also had scruples.

There is a phantom array on the periphery of the earth. The phantom array hides the existence of the earth from the outside, but it also creates a fake "starry sky curtain" inside. The starry sky observed with naked eyes and telescopes is actually not the real starry sky around.

But when Wang Sheng started to read these physics books, he found that the existence of the phantom array and the Immortal Forbidden Land itself did not seem to hinder human beings from observing the universe...

Considering the huge gap between the 'speed of time' inside and outside the Immortal Forbidden Land, this is really unpredictable.

Wang Sheng suppressed this doubt in his heart, and planned to wait until his realm was advanced enough, and then try to unlock the secrets about this forbidden place.

It was also this opportunity that Wang Daochang suddenly discovered that he didn't know much about the planet he was on.

Why can the earth produce vitality? But Mars, Venus and other planets in the same galaxy as the earth can't?

and why,

Did the phantom array fail to hinder human beings from exploring the outside world through various instruments?

Even, the observable range of human beings to the universe has reached an exaggerated distance; although the farther the distance is, the older the pictures are, but it is also very shocking.

Wang Sheng tried his best to recall it. In fact, some knowledge that surprised him appeared in the textbooks when he was in school...

Just didn't listen very carefully.

With all the effort, Wang Sheng really sorted out a train of thought, but the train of thought was still a little fuzzy, and he couldn't sort it out clearly by himself.

The Heavenly Court once ruled the Three Realms for millions of years. The scriptures that Yaoyun told Wang Sheng were the explanations of the origin of all things in the immortal way. The following "Tao Te Ching".

"The great way is born out of nothing."

Wang Sheng kept repeating this sentence, and then plunged into the ocean of cosmology.

The origin of the universe considered by the earth science community is more powerful-the initial state is not discussed at all, but it is theoretically estimated that there should be a dense singularity containing super-energy, formed in a super-singularity that transcends time and space. time and space.

The process of the Big Bang is probably the quantum ebb and flow, the period of inflation, the gradual separation of the "four forces", the formation of elementary particles...the aggregation of baryons, the birth of matter...

Wang Sheng didn't want to do in-depth research. If he wanted to study, he didn't have the knowledge reserves. He just summed up the existing scientific theories and compared them with the scriptures about the "origin" circulated in the heavenly court.

Half a month at home flew by, and Wang Sheng didn't research anything, but he sorted out a lot of materials and put them in the pendant, ready to continue his research after returning to the Moon Palace.

When returning to the Chunyang Sword Sect to gather, Wang Sheng also reported his thoughts to Master, wanting to hear Master's opinion.

When Qing Yanzi heard that Wang Sheng wanted to study the balance of yin and yang from the perspective of modern science, the eyes he looked at his lover...was very complicated.

"Have an idea... Well, it's good, but remember, you need to wait for your idea to mature and be verified before sharing it with Xiaoxuan."

"Master, don't worry, the disciple understands, and will not give the wrong information to the senior sister."

"Well, good," Qing Yanzi patted Wang Sheng's shoulder, and then took out a small notebook from his sleeve, "The patriarch also mentioned the origin of the Three Realms back then, and here is the copy of the patriarch's letter , and you take it with you as a reference."

Wang Sheng took the notebook over, opened it and looked at it, and there were various notes in it, all of which were researches on the 'suicide note' of the patriarch.

It's just that these are the comments made by the master on the letter in terms of Taoism, and they are not full of holes like Wang Sheng...

In short, the senior sister's business is his business.

Wang Sheng wanted to live forever with his senior sister and travel the long journey of immortality together. Senior sister's way of balancing yin and yang is too difficult. If he can give senior sister some inspiration, it would be better than just focusing on his own practice.

The old Tianshi and the others recommended this time are all well-known elders from various schools, and their cultivation bases are all at the peak of the Nascent Soul or Tianfu Realm.

Wang Sheng greeted the fifteen Taoist priests, and then asked Master to lead the Taoist priests to take a step ahead, followed by himself, and continued to sort out the vague train of thought.

Perhaps it was this hundreds of thousands of kilometers of starry sky walk that inspired Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng really had a series of associations, and the original vague train of thought gradually became clear.

At this moment, Wang Sheng thought of a lot.

From the theory of black hole radiation to the virtual particle pair, from the virtual particle association to the transformation of the virtual and the real as the Taoist said, from scratch;

Then, a picture of the "cosmic microwave background map" that he had seen frequently in the past half a month appeared in front of Wang Sheng's eyes; it was the microwave background of the "earliest detectable universe" drawn by physicists after years of exploration.

This picture describes that after a period of time after the explosion of the singularity, the universe like a pot of super-high temperature hot porridge gradually cools down, and the density of the universe itself decreases, reaching the "permeability" that photons can travel through. The oldest light is Appeared in this way, and has been traveling through the universe, being observed by human beings...


The opening of Hongmeng began as chaos? Clear and turbid are divided into heaven and earth?

Wang Sheng is a monk, and naturally he can memorize the Tao Te Ching backwards. At this time, he couldn't help but remember the opening chapter and the following lines of the Tao Te Ching:

'There is a mixture of things, born innately, lonely and lonely, independent and unchanging, traveling around without dying, and can be the mother of the world.

I don't know its name, the word is called Dao, and the strong name is called Da. '

'Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things. Everything bears yin and embraces yang, and the spirit is full of harmony. '

"Everything bears the yin and embraces the yang, and is full of energy for harmony?"

Wang Sheng muttered to himself, always feeling that there was a door in front of him, but he couldn't raise his hand to touch it.

Gather your thoughts from the divergent state to the problem you really want to think about - the balance of yin and yang.

The reason why I want to explore the balance of yin and yang on the issue of the origin of the universe is because yin and yang are the two forces closest to chaos.

Expanding his imagination, Wang Daochang first conceived a boundless void, floating in the void is an existence between existence and non-existence, which cannot be understood by the current concept.


Starting from the "singularity" to imagine, I can't imagine all the pictures coherently, and modern physics can only speculate and set conditions for the initial period, which are just some theories.

Wang Sheng pondered for a few moments, pulled his thoughts back, and put them directly on 'Chaos'.

If the chaos mentioned by Taoism corresponds to the situation of modern physics after the formation of matter, how can yin and yang be transformed?

not right...

Wang Sheng pondered for a few more times, unknowingly fell into the realm of forgetting things and me, thinking for a while during the flight.

So, all the priests who are about to land on the surface of the moon look at Wang Sheng who is passing by the top of his head with puzzled faces, his foreheads are covered with black lines...

"Little Sheng!"

Qing Yanzi used his mana to pull Wang Sheng back.

Wang Sheng was stunned for a moment, smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly opened the door of the Little Immortal Realm with the Wuling Sword, the messy thoughts in his heart were immediately disrupted.

After entering the Little Immortal Realm, Wang Sheng briefly introduced the layout of the Little Immortal Realm absent-mindedly, and then directly called Xi Lian to take her place as a tour guide.

On the other hand, Wang Sheng went around the Tuofanchi, found a corner, reported the pile of books and studied them carefully, and deduced where his thoughts went wrong...

Sometimes, Wang Daochang has a "stubborn temper" in his bones, but he can constantly introspect and test himself when thinking, and find out in time that he has gone in the wrong direction, and he has the decisiveness to overthrow all ideas and start over.

It took half a year to think about it without sleep and food.

Until Wang Sheng found the crux of the problem that he had been unable to figure out—his understanding of 'yin and yang' was too narrow.

Yin and yang are not just yin and yang, but yin and yang represent the idea of ​​"positive and negative" in the Taoist system!

After thinking this through, Wang Sheng looked back at his original idea, and the crooked path in front of him suddenly became clear!

Half a year later, Wang Sheng kicked those spoiled physics books away, jumped up and laughed three times in disheveled clothes, and yelled at Tuofanchi in a hurry.

"Senior sister! Don't practice! It's wrong! It's all wrong!"

Mu Wanxuan, who had been retreating in the pool, opened her eyes and looked at Wang Sheng standing by the pool, and couldn't help but laugh.

Amidst the sound of rushing water, Mu Wanxuan floated up, the skirt on her body was quickly evaporated, and she stood in front of her junior, with doubts written in her eyes, "Wrong?"

"Uh, it's not wrong," Wang Sheng scratched his head, only to realize that he hadn't taken care of his hair for a long time, and his image was a bit sloppy at this time.

Wang Sheng didn't care too much, and said with a smile, "I'm stupid enough to understand such a simple truth, and it took me half a year to figure it out.

Senior Sister, the way of yin-yang balance that you practice is actually the most difficult in practice, because you have to maintain the balance of yin and yang all the time.

But have you ever thought, if Yin and Yang are perfectly balanced, how will chaos transform into heaven and earth? How can there be voicing?

Just like one head and one head, if the amount of the head and the amount of the head are the same, the final result will be annihilation!

For another example, as shown in the cosmic microwave background map, when there was light at the beginning, the temperature of the universe was very uniform everywhere, but there were extremely small errors and disturbances, and these errors and disturbances formed a huge mass Galaxies, this is the result of imbalance... well, you may not understand this.

For example, if men and women, yang and yin are the same number, how can there be men and women?

And will the imbalance of yin and yang really lead to the collapse of the system? Not necessarily, even, the imbalance of yin and yang reveals another avenue! "

Mu Wanxuan's eyes were confused for a while, she opened her mouth, and subconsciously asked, "What?"

"good fortune!"

Wang Sheng threw two words loudly, and just as the words fell, there was a sudden thunder in Little Immortal Realm, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the heads of the pair of senior sisters and brothers.

Wang Sheng stared subconsciously, Tianwei is coming again?

No way?

Fortunately, this time it was just a flash of thunder, without those big eyes.

Mu Wanxuan groaned and covered her head.

Wang Sheng smiled and took the little hand of the senior sister, "Come, find a secluded place, and I will explain this truth to you slowly. The half a year's hard work is not in vain, and you will definitely understand it!"

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