The First Plug-in of Basketball

Chapter 14: Big Brush Lin Yi

Davidson Wildcats' next opponent, Brigham Young University, is a famous underdog in the Southern League, not to mention the Wildcats are still fighting at home. This is bound to be a massacre ...

Before the game, Lin Yi asked McClopp to let him play some more time, because he is only playing the second game with the team now, McClopp agreed with Lin Yi's request, the experienced veteran He didn't notice Lin Yi's successful smirk after confirming his consent.

"Stephen, you see, now your scoring ability has been recognized by NBA scouts. If your assists can double again, scouts will definitely look at you." Huo Yu finished McClopp, Lin Yi continued Fudge Stephen Curry went.

Look at that baby face with a sudden expression.

Yes, NBA scouts often only look at statistics! It would be nice if you could double up on assists.

But Stephen Curry wants to assist, the Wildcats must have someone come out to score, then who else?

As a result, Lin Yi made 31 crazy shots in the second game of his career, 24 of 11 2-pointers, 7 of 3 3-pointers, plus three free throws, and he scored 34 points.

Reasoning to get 34 points in 31 shots is not efficient, but it is not too low, and the opponent is not strong, McClopp thinks that Lin Yi needs more shots to help him adapt to the NCAA rhythm, so Lin Yi has various reasons for hitting the iron.

"My idol Kobe Bryant once said that even if he didn't make the first ten shots, he must make a firm shot the eleventh time!" With the help of Lin Yi, Stephen Curry scored 20 points and 15 Comprehensive data on assists.

The reason for Lin Yi's crazy shots is very simple. At present, his five position upgrades require games, but the badge is not needed! You should know that the reason why Lin Yi's excellent performance against the Speed ​​Team has a lot to do with his use of bronze ankle finishers in bullying Capdeville.

According to the system's regulations, technical and conscious abilities need to be upgraded by continuous upgrades, but Lin Yi's physical talent needs his own efforts to develop. What surprised Lin Yi was that his speed and flexibility were not because of The increase in height weakens, but because the pace becomes larger after getting taller, it is more advantageous at this stage, so what he needs most at this stage is to unlock all the five elite badges of the five templates.

Crazy rebounders need to accumulate rebounds, can't wait, the range is unlimited, you need to lose a long distance three points, and occasionally lose one or two, after all, Lin Yi is not Stephen, too messy to be scolded.

已经 In the case of an ankle terminator, Lin Yi needs to unlock the most important steps and difficult shots.

Lin Yi's first goal was to shoot hard, because with the cooperation of the ankle terminator, if the opponent is more familiar with himself, he needs to rely on direct shots after the dribble or various difficult backs to end the attack. .

完 After this game, Lin Yi's difficult shooting progress has reached the training value of 32000/50000, experience value of 11/50, and then hit 39 difficult goals, he can unlock this badge.

"Lin, some of your shooting options can be better." McClopp thinks that many of Yi Yi's forced shots would be better if they were optimized.

"Okay, Mr. Head Coach, I will improve, but I don't think I will have too many easy phone meetings in the future." Lin Yi also has his own reasons, McClopp is still too good, he agreed with Lin Easy saying.

Yeah, even if Lin Yi ’s height of seven feet is disturbed, it ’s difficult to affect his opponent, so Lin Yi ’s training has another one, which sounds a bit shameful, but the name of this training is-facial shot As for the short name, Keke ...

With the addition of Lin Yi, the Davidson Wildcats have achieved a six-game winning streak. Although Stephen Curry has talked completely because he has been playing against the weak teams recently, but because of the performance of these recent crazy brush statistics, Lin Yi has already Entered the ranking of the ESPN draft site. You must know that the average of these six games of Lin Yi averaged 24.7 points, 7.4 rebounds and 4.5 assists, plus 2.1 shots with height and wingspan. 1.4 steals.

Although the standard of the Southern District is generally weak, such data Lin Yi is definitely ranked in the top ten of the Southern League.

The ESPN Draft Network believes that Lin Yi has a chance to be selected at the end of the second round. Of course, many scouts have also asked a question mark. Is Lin Yi's ranking a chance to get closer? After all, from the second round to the first round, even Lotto has never been unusual in NCAA.

Now scouts' research on Lin Yi has just begun.

By the way, the Chinese media were surprised by the sudden appearance of Lin Yi, and they all felt that the Chinese basketball event was coming.

心 The mentality of Chinese fans watching the NBA in this period is different from the future. Why do many Chinese players in this period think they have the ability to play in the NBA?

Because Yao Ming played All-Star data in the NBA, coupled with Yi Jianlian's unrealistic outburst, and Sun Yue who joined the Lakers after the Olympics, Chinese fans do n’t worry about watching the ball, not only can they eat meat every day, Have porridge to drink ...

Who would have thought that this is exactly the illusion that Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian brought to Chinese fans ...

别 Don't talk about congee in the future, the big demon king Zhou Qi can be in the news for a minute or two.

媒体 "Basketball Herald", "Sports Weekly" and other media have begun to send reporters to interview Lin Yi, after all, Lin Yi is the first Chinese player to play decent data in the NCAA first league.

I heard that he is also a center because he doesn't know about NCAA. UU reads www.uukanshu. com plus the social network during this period has not reached a certain level, almost all Chinese journalists who are going to interview Lin Yi firmly believe that Lin Yi's template must be Yao Ming ...

The camera returns to the basketball hall of Davidson College.

The Wildcats are fighting for their seven-game winning streak today. Their opponent is St. George Institute of Technology. The opponent's strength is not strong. They have scored two double-doubles in six consecutive games and scored in the first half. 7 assists.

Now that Curry's ranking on the ESPN Draft Online has stabilized in the top ten, he has successfully transformed the point guard and made scouts start to have confidence in him.

His body is indeed a loss for shooting guards, but his height at the point guard is okay, and even if the Southern League is weak, but how can he average 10 points and 29 assists per game, how can it not let those NBA lunatics A bet?

"唰!" Lin Yi once again received a pass from Stephen Curry. In the second half of the game, he widened the difference between the two teams to 20 points by making a back-to-back shot for the Wildcats.

St. George Institute of Technology's inside line is almost crying. In this game, Lin Yi floated out to play outside. The key is to stick to Lin Yi as soon as possible. Lin Yi's dribble is good and fast. Wipe it.

This is the 26th point of Lin Yi's game, he and Stephen Curry have now become the two major brushes of the Southern League.

Brush, how can there be a future without brushing data?

怎么 How did Michael Beasley become second? Is n’t it just brush?

Brush out a sky, brush out the sea and the sky.

"The difficulty shooting badge has been unlocked! The current difficulty shooting badge level is: Bronze."

Zhe Lin sighed with emotion: Sure enough, brushing has a future, and brushing has hope!

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