The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 301: Uncle, I believe he is not that kind of person

Changsun Wuji stroked his three long beards, pondering for a long time before he spoke. "Nephew Jiaqing, many things are indeed wrong."

"The old man is his uncle and your uncle. As an elder, I really don't want your many years of friendship to disappear."

Li Chengqian frowned slightly, but remained steady and waited for Changsun Wuji to continue.

"A few days ago, my uncle went to Luoyang on business, and he has still returned. I heard that my nephew has voluntarily resigned to attend the Donggong..."

Li Chengqian shook his head when he saw Changsun Wuji's inquisitive gaze.

"I really don't know about this matter. Gu also asked him before, but he didn't want to say more."

"Well, if you don't know it, then forget it. But the prince, you shouldn't have a conflict with Kong Changshi the day before yesterday."

Li Chengqian heard the words Kong Changshi, and looked at his uncle who was talking about him, a fire rose in his heart for no apparent reason.

"What's the meaning of the uncle's words?" Even though he suppressed his anger, his tone still seemed a bit blunt.

Changsun Wuji didn't take it seriously. "You are the crown prince of the country, but you are still young and you don't have much trouble.

The ministers and workers that Your Majesty found for you are all my ministers of Tang Pillar. "

"If you can be humbly accepting advice, be kind to others, and accept their loyalty, you will be able to help you in the future."

This made Li Chenghan a little unhappy. "Uncle, what do you mean is that even if it's a sesame-sized thing, they are impeached from loneliness."

"The lonely should be humbly accepting advice, or even do it on his own?"

Hearing this rhetorical question similar to a cross-examination, Changsun Wuji stopped talking to himself with a stunned look, and his eyes fell on Li Chengqian's face.

Seeing this little boy in front of me, he has always appeared very well-behaved and filial nephew.

It seems that I haven't seen it in just a few months. All of a sudden, I feel a lot stranger.

Changsun Wuji looked at Li Chengqian steadily. He saw that Li Chengqian still had awe and timidity in his eyes.

However, he looked directly at himself stubbornly, without looking away.

Changsun Wuji frowned slightly, and said after a long while, stroking his beard. "Uncle knows you have many grievances in your heart."

"But you have to know that all these courtiers sent by your majesty are not my most prestigious courtiers in the Tang Dynasty."

"Just like Kong Yingda, after the sage of Kong, he was very knowledgeable, and everyone in the world knows his literary name. This kind of scholar is indeed not very good."

"But after all, they are also elders, and even more important officials of your father..."

Looking at this bitter uncle, Li Chengqian's heart became colder and colder unconsciously.

Before, I had always felt that although the uncle and the queen were a family, they were different after all.

However, the father and the emperor have always treated himself thousands of miles away, while the uncle is willing to teach himself by precept and deeds.

Although he was a little nagging and had many words that made Li Chengqian feel uncomfortable, he always believed that his uncle was wholeheartedly thinking about himself.

But now, he has gradually grown up, and he is about to have a wife.

But in the eyes of his uncle, he seemed to be a child who would never grow up.

What is needed is not to be respected, but to be the same as in the past, you should listen to me, I am thinking of you.

"Presumably my uncle just came back to Chang'an, he came to see the lonely, right?" Li Chengqian's hands in his sleeves were already clenched into fists.

"This is natural, the old man just returned to Chang'an this morning." Changsun Wuji said naturally.

Li Chengqian sat up straight, smiling, still showing respect for his elders. "Could it be that Servant Kong Chang visited his uncle the first time?"

Changsun Wuji was stunned, his face gradually disappeared, but he still looked calm and authentic.

"That's not the case, but after all, my uncle is a ministerial official and an important minister in the court. It shouldn't be difficult to know something."

That's right, Kong Yingda did visit him, but is it necessary for him to tell the prince this younger generation about such a trivial matter?

Li Chengqian nodded slightly.

"That's the case, the uncle should also know the attitude of my father, the father doesn't feel that there is nothing wrong."

"... The old man didn't say that you were wrong, but I just hope that you will be more considerate when dealing with such a thing next time."

When Changsun Wuji said this, he sighed. "Fine, Prince, you are getting older and you have your own ideas and ideas."

"The old man will only be pleased, but feel that the prince sometimes needs to be more cautious."

Seeing that his uncle was no longer entangled in the matter, Li Chengqian was relieved and nodded honestly. "Thank you for your uncle's advice."

"By the way, what happened to your leg?" Changsun Wuji's gaze fell on Li Chengqian's slanting foot.

"I haven't healed yet. Although my feet can fall on the ground, they cannot be fully straightened. I feel pain when I walk."

Changsun Wuji shook his head ugly.

"Unexpectedly, those imperial doctors are so wasteful that they can't even cure their legs. It's really annoying old man."

"You take good care of it. I hope that after your marriage is completed, your leg injury will be gone. In this way, the old man will feel at ease."

After receiving the care from his uncle, Li Chengqian was quite heart-warming, and he nodded again and again.

Changsun Wuji took a deep breath at this time and said sternly towards Li Chengqian.

"By the way, there is one more thing, the old man doesn't know whether to talk about it or not."

"What's the meaning of uncle's remark, lonely is your nephew, if you have something to say directly." Li Chengqian replied with a smile.


"Do you know that Cheng Chubi has had a poor reputation in Chang'an over the past few months."

"Since the Jiucheng Palace was returned to Chang'an, the impeachment of the Imperial History has continued, and his people have been arrogant and domineering.

Relying on the power of his and relying on your prince’s favor, to act recklessly..."

"Only last month, there were as many as seven impeachment historians of Cheng Chubi, and dozens of memorials."

"Uncle...Although Cheng Saburo is a bit reckless, he is definitely not a rash person, not to mention that even the father and mother like him very much."

"It is precisely because of the grace of the heavenly family that he pretends to be faithful in front of you, but he is actually a scheming villain."

"Uncle!" Li Chengqian abruptly stood up from the couch, suppressing the rising anger, and then said to the stunned grandson Wuji after a long while.

"I believe he is not that kind of person, you don't have to say any more, uncle."

"Prince, why are you doing this?" Changsun Wuji stood up with annoyed and helpless expression on his face. "You know, for a general's boy."

"To offend those capable officials and officials who should be your help, this is simply..."

"What is it?" Li Chengqian's face gradually became cold, and he looked at Changsun Wuji's gaze, completely disappointed.

He really didn't expect that the biggest purpose of his uncle was to tell himself that Cheng Saburo, who really helped him, was a bad person.

And those civil servants who are proud of their impeachment and admonishment are good people.

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