The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 323: Ye Shen, the slave family really fell.

Ye Fei ’s words have already been released. The next gourmet dish is to make a very overbearing dish. In fact, before making this decision, Ye Fei was also very embarrassed because the ingredients he was going to pack before were I have n’t touched it, not because I have n’t touched it, but because I dare not touch it at all!

After speaking, Ye Fei turned and returned to the console.

Talented brother and Tintin hurriedly followed.

Two people are also very curious now. What good things does Ye Shen have to do? Very overbearing cuisine, what exactly is it?

"Yes, can you tell us? What do we do for the second gourmet?" Caizi brother asked.

Tintin is anxious.

"Ye god, youtellme?" Although this product is still a mixed language this time, the hawk language accounts for a large part, these simple hawk language Ye Fei can still understand.

Ye Fei smiled, then looked up at the computer, and said only two words: "game!"

These are two extremely common words, but now speaking from Ye Fei's mouth, they have become two words with very magical energy.

Hearing Ye Fei's words, everyone howled.

"I ... can I make a fuss? I'm so excited, I'm so excited."

"Game? Ye Shen's second gourmet is to be game? God, have I heard it wrong?"

"Since the launch of Ye Shen, I haven't dropped it. I have seen Ye Shen making golden potatoes, I have seen Ye Shen making various tofu dishes, I have seen Ye Shen making various chicken, duck, and fish dishes, and I have even seen Ye Shen making Of the best pasta dishes, but I have never seen Ye Shen make game, today is really an eye-opener. "

"Game, Lao Tzu's favorite is game, wild boar, hare, pheasant, wild duck and so on. As long as it is game, Lao Tzu likes it all."

"House flowers don't have wildflower fragrance. In fact, many things raised in captivity are not as delicious as wild."

"In fact, Ye Shen has long used wild ingredients, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, etc., all are wild, but I don't know what kind of wild species Ye Shen will use this time."

Not only these ordinary people, but even the rich, Zhang Junwei, Qin Zekai, one by one, can not sit still.

They have eaten food all over the world and naturally understand that wild game is the real best ingredients. Each game does not need too many seasonings to make mouth-watering food.

Today, Ye Fei has to make game in front of three or four million people. With Ye Fei's cooking skills, he doesn't have to think about it. It is absolutely perfect.

"Game taste ~~ Ye Shen puts a big trick every day, but I didn't expect that today's big trick should be so big." Zhang Junwei took a sip of tasteless Maotai, holding chopsticks just to clip a chicken breast, heard Ye If he flew, his chopsticks stopped directly in the air. He knew that he would not be able to go down with these chopsticks. If he went down, he would probably lose the taste if he ate chicken in the future.

Qin Zekai and Du Guohao all stared at each other.

Du Guohao suddenly waved his hand and was depressed: "Budinger, Budinger, you bastard, I really don't know which great **** you met, not only became a live guest of Ye Shen, but also met Ye Shen's game. Situation, envy, hate. "

Chen Ziheng also rubbed his teeth straight, and glanced at Qin Zekai, saying, "Kaizi, didn't you say you want to shave him?"

Qin Zekai nodded earnestly, saying, "Scrape, you must shave, otherwise I'm unbalanced. After the game is finished, if I don't let the **** bleed, I won't call Qin Zekai."

An old man from Nanjiang, Hong Tianxiong, was also interested in the next dish. The old man's hand clicking on the prop stopped for a moment, and then clicked again, but this time the click frequency was much higher, very fast.

It can be said that Ye Fei is just a simple reminder. The curiosity of the entire live broadcast was like a raging fire. All of them were guessing what Ye Fei was going to do.

Ye Fei didn't make people wait for a long time. When he came to the locker, he saw a word on a storage compartment. Ye Fei was a little sweaty when he saw the word.

Instead of opening this storage compartment, he opened another storage compartment. He took a pair of hard leather gloves from the inside and put it on his hand before opening the storage compartment.

At this time, when Ye Fei opened the storage compartment, the invisible camera cooperated to give a close-up of the contents of the storage compartment.

Only when this feature appeared in the video, everyone took a breath of air, and then exploded again.

"Nima, this ..."

"Sink, spit, spit ......... Crazy, Ye Shen is going crazy today. I didn't expect to do this thing."

"Ah, ah, scared, I'm afraid when I see this, ah, help."

"So thick and so long?"

"What breed is this?"

"There are large scales on the back of the head, round eyes, a cylindrical tail, and skin folds under the head and neck. Is this ... Cobra?"

"Oh, cobra? Ye Shen this ... this ... I want to kill my life."

"Oh my god, the cold sweats that Lao Tzu sees are all out. Would Ye Shen fight so hard for live broadcast? Cobras are all out?

"Brothers, what do we do? What else can we do with TMD? Ye Shen is not interesting for us? Enough guys are not? This is your sister who is doing live broadcasting for us. What are you doing? what!"

"A wave has to be taken, and a wave has to be taken."

"I ... Knelt, I really knelt. I admit that I came from DD to see the freshness. I just want to see how Ye Fei won the treasure diamond brother, but now ... now I really have a turn. Fan, it ’s a very decisive turn, for no reason. If such an anchor does not support it, it is really a sin. ”

"Me and me too, oh God, never thought that someone had made the cobra out of order for the anchor, this is too hard, right? Give a reward, decisive reward, two luxury aircrafts, Ye Fei God come on! "

"Yeshen, come on, no matter what this food is made of, I will try my best to fight you for the sake of us. In the future, who dares to hack you, Lao Tzu and them will die, three luxury cruise ships will be offered! "

This time, whether it is the old fans who have always supported Ye Fei or the new audience who just came in to watch the live broadcast, all are crazy rewards. Lollipops, roses, applause and other small props instantly occupy the entire live broadcast room. Immediately after various luxury cars, various aircraft and ships rushed out. Finally, the spacecraft and aircraft carrier also began to emerge, and the entire live broadcast room was completely captured by props.

Everyone, at this moment, gave Ye Fei a thumbs up as soon as Ye Fei opened the storage compartment to expose the cobra.

No way, each of them, whether it is the old churros or the new tender in the live broadcast industry, can say that they have never seen any anchor who will fight so hard for the audience ~ ~ Silver star anchor group, new hope chat group, All the anchors also collapsed at this moment.

"Your sister, Ye Fei, it's just a live broadcast, it's just a live broadcast. Are you so furious?"

"Ye Fei, I've taken it, I really take it!"

"Oh my god, Ye Fei ... what else can I say about this anchor? What else can I say?

"Fight! I can touch the left chest and say that Ye Fei is definitely the best anchor in history!"

"Every time I wonder why I did the show so seriously, and the audience always thought I was perfunctory them, now I know why."


"Attitude! Although my program is serious, it is because I take it as a task, and Ye Fei does not just take it as a task for live broadcast, he also takes it as a great hobby, in order to For this hobby, he can put in one hundred and twenty percent of his effort. Cobra, God, I never thought that a broadcaster would even get this stuff out for a live broadcast. This is a fate. "

"Ye Fei, take the virgin knee that I have kept for thirty years!"

At this moment, everyone who was following Ye Fei's live broadcast room was completely conquered by Ye Fei's courage.

In the food section, Tang Xiaomin, Liu Ping, and even Feng Tianlai, a group of people stunned and watched Ye Fei's live video, all covering their mouths with their hands.

A group of boys in Liu Ping were holding their hair hard with their hands, and they all felt that their hairs had exploded and they felt a scalp tingling.

And Tang Xiaomin's girls covered her mouth with her hands, and all looked crying, especially Tang Xiaomin's crying whispered.

"Ye Shen ... the slave family really fell!"

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