The Fierce Taoist of Online Games

Chapter 445: Broken Soul Cliff

"You have a golden core puppet, why not use it?"

Zhou Xing was taken aback and defended: "I'm afraid I will scare him away!"

"After you use the lock of heaven and earth, he can't run. Why do you use forbidden technique instead of puppet?"

"I...I...I didn't expect..." Zhou Xing's words clearly lacked confidence.

Hong Hai just sneered.

"How good is the forbidden technique?" the old man asked again.

Zhou Xing reluctantly squeezed out a smile, and said with some embarrassment: "It's cool."

"Well, you're cool, do you know how much aura is consumed by Hu'ershan? Do you know how much aura your iron-hearted cauldron has sucked away from Hu'ershan?" Hong Hai suddenly became severe.

Zhou Xing was so frightened that he suddenly regretted coming here.

"You actually asked me to judge, the old man hasn't asked you to settle the account!"

Zhou Xing lowered his head and dared not say a word.

"The most hateful thing is that you are bold enough to question the suzerain order, and it took half a month to execute it. If you are in another school, you are already rebellious now!" Hong Hai became more and more angry, and raised his hand to beat him. He, Zhou Xing quickly closed his eyes.

"If I ask you to investigate, you have the right to investigate. If I ask you to punish the inner ghost, you must kill people! This is the law of the spiritual world! If you have other ideas, just get out of here!"

After being scolded by Hong Hai, Zhou Xing felt very wronged. He knew that there was something wrong with him, but he didn't think it was all wrong.

"In the evaluation of this simple task, your middle and lower evaluations will be cancelled and changed to the next evaluation. The extra rewards for this task will be cancelled. Give me the ring, and ask your master to collect the penalty later!"

Zhou Xing obediently handed over the ring, and his desire to die was gone.

"In addition, the Wu Lingyue you care about very much, Wu Xuan is not his father, or that her father Wu Xuan has been assassinated by people from the Great Sword Sect. The Wu Xuan you killed is a fake. After investigating for a long time, this Didn't find out. Okay, get out."

After half the incense stick, Zhou Xing walked into the cave with the mood of going to the grave, and sat down with a sad face.

Fa Xian wanted to scold him a few words, but it was obvious that the apprentice was pitiful enough, so he just sighed.

The master and disciples did not speak.

"I know it was wrong." Zhou Xing said.

"The Sect Master asked you to receive the punishment. I don't know how to punish you. You have already practiced very hard, and you are recognized as a teacher."

Zhou Xing's eyes were red.

"I won't talk about the great principles. In short, my Tianyuan is in a predicament now. I need to work together and order to protect myself in this troubled world, do you understand?"

Although the old man could not see, Zhou Xing nodded vigorously. At this moment, he really regretted his willfulness and arrogance.

"Tomorrow, go to Broken Soul Cliff and think about it. This is what the Sect Master meant. Go." Fa Xian waved his hand.

Zhou Xing got up, bowed deeply, and walked out.

At Mao the next day, Zhou Xing came to Broken Soul Cliff.

Under the Cliff of Broken Soul, the souls of countless monks who challenged the Tianyuan Sect are imprisoned. These souls who have lost their intellect are wrapped in a cloud of black mist, and most of the black mist hides in the cave under the cliff. Their existence is from the side. It proves that Tian Yuanzong has been strong for hundreds of years.

He is now a cultivator in the Niwan Realm, and the black mist below can no longer harm him, not to mention that he has begun to practice the third level of "Right Qi Jue".

The Sect Master asked him to think about it at Broken Soul Cliff. He felt that it was not for him to admire the surrounding scenery, so he jumped and fell under the cliff.

As soon as he fell, two clusters of black mist emerged from the cave nearby, but when they saw Zhou Xing, they immediately turned around and went back to the cave, as if a mouse had seen a cat.

Zhou Xing was not surprised. The two qi in his body had been running wildly, and the invisibly exuding aura formed a strong pressure on the black mist.

He didn't know how to think about it here, but he felt that there should always be a place to stay, or simply find a cave, and then meditately face the wall. After walking for a while, he basically followed the same route as when he came for the first time. During this period, black mist came out from time to time. When he saw him, they all turned around immediately, running quite panic.

After searching for a long time there was no suitable place, but unexpectedly found many fork roads, each leading to an unknown place. Zhou Xing became curious, and temporarily decided to take an untraveled road. This new road was much wider than the previous road, but the number of caves on both sides was greatly reduced.

As he walked, another black mist came out. After seeing Zhou Xing, he seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then he started to retreat, but the speed was much slower than the black mist in front of him.

This change immediately made Zhou Xing a little confused. Is there any difference in the black mist in front of him? Zhou Xing deliberately tried to probe, so he looked directly at the black mist and approached it step by step. Only then did the black mist speed up and retreat into the cave and never come out.

"It's really weird." Zhou Xing murmured. He vaguely felt that there was a weirdness in the Cliff of Broken Soul, so he wanted to understand it thoroughly.

He continued to walk forward, this time he walked a little bit slower than before, and he was also on guard.

After that, several black mists appeared. They looked up and down hesitantly, and some even circled behind him. Zhou Xing deliberately tentatively released some of his true energy from his body. Hei Mist immediately became alert and took the initiative to pull him. After a long distance, they returned to their caves.

Obviously, the black fog here is stronger than the black fog I encountered at the beginning.

Zhou Xing frowned slightly and continued walking, and soon found another fork in the road. He hesitated for a while, and immediately entered the fork road, because he found a cloud of black fog, which actually exuded an aura that made him feel dangerous.

When he walked firmly in front of Hei Mist step by step, Hei Mist not only didn't shrink back, but silently exuded a stronger aura and began to confront him.

"who are you?"

What Zhou Xing never expected was that Hei Wu actually spoke, his voice was old and hoarse.

Zhou Xing was taken aback, and immediately raised his cultivation to the extreme, fully guarded, and said word by word: "I am Zhou Xing, the disciple of Tian Yuanzong who enters the room, who are you? You can speak!"

"Who am I...forgot..."

The black mist suddenly began to change. From the general outline, it seems to have become a human figure. The body and limbs are still a black mist. Only the head has changed significantly. A face and a faintly appeared in the mist. A wrinkled face.

"Who are you?" Zhou Xing felt his scalp numb, as if he was talking to a ghost from hell. He looked back, ready to leave here at any time.

"Ah, I seem to remember... I am... Situ Kong..." said the humanoid Heiwu, it seemed that it hadn't spoken for too long, and its language ability was gradually recovering.

"Why are you here? Why are you still conscious?" Zhou Xing asked strangely.

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