The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 408 Blizzard Invitation

North America.

Li Zhen, who just finished his vacation, returned to Los Angeles with his girlfriend.

He's living a happy life now. I was originally an overseas returnee student, but I didn’t find a suitable job in the United States, so I returned to China to develop. I have been working in Dimension Entertainment for less than two years, but I was sent to the United States again. I completed what I wanted at the time. wish to stay.

Maybe a little better.

After all, if he had chosen to stay in the United States at that time, even if he could find a satisfactory job, he would not be able to become a middle and high-level manager leading a team of dozens of people like he is now.

This kind of thing doesn't have to be done with ability, especially since he is a yellow man.

Taking advantage of the holiday and having some spare money, Li Zhen took his new girlfriend—a Texas girl—to Brazil and enjoyed the beach.

His girlfriend was newly found a few days ago, and now he found that he really has a soft spot for Dayan horses.

Of course, he was more aware that the reason why he was able to be like a big wild horse who was so devoted to him now, instead of being dumped by a white girl casually like before, was because of his hard work.

He understands that only by working harder can he keep everything he has now and even have a better life.

After returning to Los Angeles, he immediately adjusted his state and devoted himself to work.

After dealing with some squeezed events during the holidays, I confirmed the emails sent by the Chinese headquarters before, and began to assign the next tasks to my team...

Time passed little by little, and at four o'clock in the afternoon, after drinking coffee and preparing to take a rest without too many things to do, he received a business call.

From the famous Blizzard Entertainment.

The person over there, who claimed to be from Blizzard Entertainment, said that they were looking for the "Warcraft" series of games, the possibility of film adaptation, and hoped to reach a cooperation with Dimension Entertainment, and his words were very cautious.

Li Zhen was actually surprised.

This happened a little too suddenly.

He is now a practitioner in this industry, and based on the preference of Dimension Entertainment, he certainly has a certain understanding of the film and television adaptation of various original IPs.

The theme of "Warcraft" is very famous all over the world. From the "Warcraft" series, especially "Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne", to "World of Warcraft", this series can be said to be the most famous online game in the world. There are a large number of Warcraft players in Europe, Asia, and even all over the world.

Even now, the popularity of the "Warcraft" game itself has dropped significantly, but it is still one of the most popular MMRPG games.

A large number of former players have already married and established businesses, and they will no longer be like before, watching the computer and playing group activities every night. But there is no doubt that even if they leave the world of WOW, they will always leave a piece of pure land in their hearts.

Li Zhen was also a WOWer in his early years, and he played pretty crazy. Back then, their guild was in World of Warcraft, and the Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack was always difficult to launch on the national server, and it was even called "forget to open" (WLK) , their guild was still angry, and all members moved to the Taiwan server, and during that time, they competed for the penultimate BOSS of the Icecrown Citadel (ICC), which is the server leader of the Frost Dragon Sindragosa. kill.

Although the battle was unsuccessful in the end, the guild was disbanded because of the guild president AFK (leaving the game and no longer playing).

But no matter what, he still misses those youthful years very much.

Take back those feelings and return to reality.

Of course he couldn't make any promises on the phone. Regardless of whether he has such authority, even if he did, he didn't even figure out who the other person was and whether he was a liar, so how could there be any results? Not even just verbally.

He's not that unprofessional.

This matter is relatively important, and it is no longer something that their "Dimension North America" ​​branch can independently decide.

He was about to call the headquarters right away, but after calculating the time difference, he still waited for a while until it was 9:30 in BJ's time over there, before he made an overseas call.

As the leader of Dimension North America, of course he can directly contact the big boss at the headquarters.

Like Ye Jiayi.

After reporting the general situation, Ye Jiayi did not reply to him immediately.

Mr. Ye thought for a while, and then said: "You continue to keep in touch with the other party, first find out what their situation is, and report to them in time. The headquarters will make a corresponding evaluation before making a decision."


In fact, needless to say, Li Zhen also knew that this would be the case.

After hanging up the phone, Blizzard Entertainment's official business email was also sent over there.

Li Zhen took a rough look, and then gave instructions to his subordinates about the work, and it was almost time to get off work.


On Sheng Hai's side, Ye Jiayi immediately told Fan Zhe after receiving the news.

Fan Zhe was very happy.

He is also a WOW player.

Although, when playing WOW, I didn't play too much. I have been struggling in WOW for two years one after another, so I can be regarded as a casual player. However, "Warcraft 3" is quite experienced. I have fought back and forth many times, and I have bought several official novels.

When he was playing games, Fan Zhe was a researcher, and he was very interested in the settings and stories of Warcraft.

If there is an opportunity to adapt the "Warcraft" series and put it on the big screen, then he is very interested.

It doesn't matter if the cooperation conditions are a little harsh.

Of course, this is his idea, the company has another lady boss.

Ye Jiayi will not allow Fan Zhe to mess around, even if Fan Zhe wants to mess up, she has to make things right - this is her responsibility.

"Okay, okay, stop fantasizing so much. Since you are interested in adapting the content of this series, let's make relevant plans first, let Li Zhen get in touch with Blizzard first, and finally we must win a comparison." Let’s talk about good business results.”

"Okay... Let's try to talk it down. However, the bottom line still needs to be made clear to them. If you want to leave it to us, or cooperate to do it."

This is Fan Zhe's main requirement in terms of content. If you can't make the decision, or you can't have the final say, then it is meaningless for Dimension Entertainment to start this kind of project.

Fan Zhe enjoys the works he likes and turns them into films in his own hands, instead of working for others and listening to others' orders.

"I know." Ye Jiayi understood him.

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